OK, Sup Forums, where am I wrong?

Former fedorafag here on the brink of becoming Catholic, thanks mostly to my time in this place. Much to my surprise, a coherent Catholic worldview seems to have formed in my mind. Lemme tell you how I got here.

>The Synagogue of Satan
I have been seeing things from a Nietzschean/Darwinian perspective. I get that the Jews are a destructive force, I know my Kevin MacDonald inside and out. The main points that got my attention are

1. Ashkenazi Jews wield immense power--you could even say they "run the world."
2. They're not really Jews by their own (perhaps God's) definition--while I don't buy the Khazar hypothesis, the genetic data does suggest that the Ashkenazim are descended from Jewish males and shiksas (typically from the European elite), and Jewishness is matrilineal, so =/= Jews.

That's from a purely scientific, or as Catholics would say, natural perspective. Enter the Bible.

1. Satan is the Prince of this World
2. There exists a Synagogue of Satan
3. Its devotees aren't really Jews

Jesus himself predicts the rise of the Ashkenazim in Revelation *centuries before they even existed.* This is certainly true according to the Khazar hypothesis, which places the mass conversion in the 8th century or so. But even without that, Revelation was written in the 2nd century before Jews could interbreed with European nobility because all those duchies and fiefdoms didn't exist yet, the Roman Empire still existed.

So here we have an accurate prediction, and a prediction is worth a thousand verbal proofs. That's why science (real science, not ScIeNcE!!1 that you fUcKiNg LoVe) is such a reliable guide to things.

That brings me to ethnonationalism and
>Tower of Babel II: Tikkun Olam Boogaloo.
Globalism and Diversity are pushed foremost by the SoS. This is in direct contradiction to the OT, but what the Torah forbids, the Talmud prescribes. Talmudic Jews unambiguously and overtly believe that they are destined to rule over a vast miscegenated goy-class...

Other urls found in this thread:


...whereas God had created the Nations and their various languages to stop a universalist plan just like that.

This goes hand-in-hand with the Talmudic license, nay, encouragement given to lying to the goyim, ripping off the goyim, and treating the goyim as subject to a different moral law.

I once laughed at Walter Kauffman's essay arguing that Jews invented moral universalism--one law for ingroup and outgroup alike. I thought it was typical Jewish hypocrisy. But he was talking about the Old Testament, which does indeed command us to treat the stranger like ourselves. Again, the Talmudic reversal of the Torah is clear.

>But can I be a White Nationalist?
Of course. God created nations, and God told the apostles to make disciples of all nations. There is neither Jew nor Greek in Christ, but that is NOT a political statement. You render under Caesar what is Caesar's. God's vision is one of various separate Christian nations, not a pan-human political project.

Globalism/Diversity does indeed seek to rival God, like the builders of the Tower of Babel sought to, because it's clearly a religion. The zeal with which people pursue it, the scorn with which they treat "bigots" and "haters"--the blasphemers and heretics of our age--illustrate just what a religious, rather counter-religious, project this is. Just look at Carl the Cuck and AIDS Skrillex. These people are fanatics with all the zeal of converts. They love the god of the Synagogue of Satan with the intensity with which they should love the God of the Church.

Your journey has just begun.

Now that I've touched on the issues nearest to Sup Forums's heart I want to throw in a spattering of related points.

>Sexual degeneracy and the Natural Law
The Catholic Church is the only human institution of any sway that stands against abortion, divorce, contraception, homosexuality, promiscuity, and transgenderism. It tells the truth about our embodied nature and what's good for us. You can reach similar conclusions from evolutionary biology or through secular Aristotelian thinking, but come on, who's gonna do that? Only a tiny minority of autists. The Left loves evolution when it helps them deny Christ, but they take it no further than that. As soon as they are sure that no one is going to oppose God's commands to their desires, they say, "Biology is not destiny!" and "Naturalistic fallacy!" We only understand man scientifically insofar as we understand him as a machine. The entire field of medicine is based on the naturalistic "fallacy"--i.e., that we can tell from observing the body how the body is supposed to work. But it doesn't matter to these self-obsessed (and likely demon-possessed) goofballs. Comfortable in their false belief that God isn't God, they jump right to asserting that THEY are gods, that THEY are free, that THEY determine what's good and right for them. Satan, Satan a thousand times over! If they wanted just to be free of God, they'd want to be men. But they want more. They want to BE God. Sweetie...

>Heaven and hell make moral rationality possible
Two questions:
1. What is right?
2. Why should I do what is right?
Secular moral philosophy can answer 1. but not 2. Imagine a scale. In one pan is doing the right thing. In the other pan is everything you stand to gain by doing the wrong thing. From a natural perspective, doing wrong can often benefit you as an individual. What's stopping you? N O T H I N G. Left to their own devices people will always find reasons to be immoral.

Take for example, a drug addict (like my brothers, and at times myself). Or a wife who wants to divorce her husband (like my mother). For them the harm they do to themselves, their own dignity, and others has some weight. But the pleasure of (illusory) muh-freedom weighs more. So they sin. Now imagine the other pan always had infinite suffering or infinite happiness in it. The right choice is always easy. Of course you do the right thing--the consequences utterly swamp whatever thing you could gain by doing the wrong thing. Without these infinitely heavy weights, without human life being "fully serious," as the Catechism states, doing wrong would be rational.

Let that sink in. Without God, doing the wrong thing would sometimes be the right thing. Without God, there is a cleft between what's good and what's good for you. What does that make you? Nothing good!

Good thread

Because I didn't really plan or pre-write this thread, my original posts are going to end more with a whimper than a bang, but I want to get discussion going so I'll mention a couple more things.

The first is that I haven't disbelieved in hell for a day in my life. When I felt suicidal I had to face this believe 100% honestly--only in the face of death do we become authentic, as the maybe-Christian Heidegger wrote. Forget what my friends think, forget what the "smart set" says, now the chips are down and I, I alone, have to choose. I considered quite seriously throwing myself into the eternal abyss. And in that state no one's opinion on whether hell was real mattered except my own. And I found that I believed in hell. Deeply, unshakably. Only a half-assed desire for more sin keeps me from conversion now--if I were bedridden in the hospital I would call a RCC priest before I called my family, Anons. I've known that for years.

I strongly suspect that atheists self-deceive. I think they hear that still, small voice and say NO. Of all my friends and acquaintances the loudest atheist I ever knew was baptized. I think he feels the pull to the foot of the Cross. He was normal in college but now he, hmm, cross-dresses and sucks dick. I wouldn't be surprised if he declared himself a woman soon.

I'm not much of a metaphysician but I've also long thought that there was something silly about disbelieving in God while living in a finite, linear universe with a distinct beginning, moving towards a distinct end (heat death). On top of that the only thing we reliably know about our reason is that it's unreliable. Empirical argument is grounded in logic, and logic is math, and all mathematical systems are incomplete. They can't prove their axioms.

Everything seems to point to our status as created beings in the hands of something greater than us. Our thoughts are uncertain, our universe disappearing as we speak. Nature is a Heraclitean fire.

I conclude with a request, and two goodies for my Anons who have persevered to the end and read all that shit.

First is: can someone please post the meme version of Thomas Aquinas's Cosmological Argument? The one that deal with potentiality and actuality. What turns a potential thing into an actual thing? Something already actual. It's a long meme and it captures the argument better than I've ever seen in print. As a atheist it struck fear in my heart when I tried to refute it. Protip: I couldn't.

Now for goodies.

Here's some RAWK that's Christian and doesn't suck at all:


And here's a quote that always gives me a chill and makes my eyes well up. It's from Elizabeth Anscombe's essay on Contraception and Chastity but of/c it's not specific to that.

>What people are for is, we believe, like guided missiles, to home in on God, God who is the one truth it is infinitely worth knowing, the possession of which you could never get tired of, like the water which if you have you can never thirst again, because your thirst is slaked forever and always.

Thanks for reading, Anons. Guidance plz

I guess there are many paths that lead to Rome.

But aren't the several branches of catholicism and doesn't the eastern orthodox church hold many of the same views?

Catholicism involves closeted gay men monopolizing your connection to god

You're on the right track, user. You must cast off sin once and for all and run into the embrace of God. He is waiting for you. You shall redeem yourself.

When I first started reading I was going to write a blurb response "All you need is faith in Christ" but I'm impressed by your paragraphs on Catholicism. For all the bullshit that gets posted here there's something of value. I've also thought the way that people create gods out of their reasoning and self-justification is disconcerting.

You're doing it bro, just came back from the Vatican myself. You're story about atheists not being able to deny the cross is my own story really.

I was a loud atheist when I was 18, but I could never shake the feeling that there was something there, now a few years down the line I find myself wearing my rosary and praying at the tomb of St John Paul II.

I haven't read up on the Great Schism but I must say the authoritarian/Traditionalist in me admires the structure of the Church and thinks the claim of infallibility makes sense. Everything about human reason is fallible. If God wants us to follow him correctly, He would need to make such a guarantee.

What exactly do you have to believe? What must one do to be saved? I don't think God would reveal himself and then not give us clarity as to his revelation. It's can't be Sola Scriptura--He came to a mostly illiterate world. Tradition, what the Eastern Orthodox refer to, strikes me as too unclear. But as an uber-neophyte I'm not too big on intra-Christian disputes yet. I'm worried about Christianity vs. atheism.

Also the steadiness of Catholic doctrine over the centuries despite plenty of sinful popes and bishops suggests to me that in matters of faith and morals, the Church is indeed infallible. Francis is obviously bad news politically, but I think we're all pretty darned confident he ain't gonna expound heresy ex cathedra.

"I am the Way, the Truth and the Life"

I see you are very prepared user, very good job. Still, i am most afraid that i don't have that meme you are serching for. However i do have something for you, two goodies just like yours:

This is a quote/poem from saint Agustine, which gives me a chill every time i read it:

“Late have I loved you, beauty so old and so new: late have I loved you. And see, you were within and I was in the external world and sought you there, and in my unlovely state I plunged into those lovely created things which you made. You were with me, and I was not with you. The lovely things kept me far from you, though if they did not have their existence in you, they had no existence at all. You called and cried out loud and shattered my deafness. You were radiant and resplendent, you put to flight my blindness. You were fragrant, and I drew in my breath and now pant after you. I tasted you, and I feel but hunger and thirst for you. You touched me, and I am set on fire to attain the peace which is yours.”

The second one is a youtube channel which makes animated version of some talks by C S Lewis, a damn fine apologets, here's one of rare beauty:


This is another channel, very inspiring and very interesting, i've seen more that one athiest shaken by his video:


But most important, do not ever stop praying. This is the only error we can not allow to ourselves, whenever you feel lost and far from god, just grab a rosary and start praying, even crying, even if you feel that you are just talking with an empty wall. Finally, never stop having hope, because we can not do anything else. The big truth about life is that there is no real alternative to God, just a short, cold and meaningless life.

"My heart is not at peace untill it rest in You, my Lord"

God bless you, brother.

try the Culdeans or Celtic Church (Metaphysical/Natural Law Christianity)

maybe read the Kolbrin, it explains how the Red Sea Story was a battle where 300,000 Jews were killed as they invaded a collapsing Egyptian Empire.

It was kept as fireside stories and were laws that were easily understood (natural) so it just says straight up what the "bible" has lost in translation, like adam and eve basically caused a civil war, then a woman (Eloma?) convinces the winning men to subjugate them rather than kill or exile them, creating "Nations", rather than survivalof the fittest

Pax Christi, OP!


Thanks user.

That Augustine quote is great. He has often been on my mind, specifically:
>Make me chaste, Lord, but not yet!
I still loved my sins despite hearing the call
>God has promised forgiveness for your sins, but not tomorrow for your repentance
This one spurred me to get my act in gear

Also, when people criticize the Church:
>How many wolves within, how many sheep without!

I really want to read the Confessions. It's at my local library (can't read off a screen for shit), so I'll get it soon.

One more goodie:

>WARNING: I think this song is more about hippie Hindu crap, but the lyrics can easily be interpreted in a Christian manner. Only possible exception is "One and one don't make two, one and one make one." Which I think is atman-is-brahman. But if one and one make one, wouldn't one and one and one also make one? Could be read as Trinitarian. Anyway, it seems OK but maybe I'm just not that spiritually redpilled yet

Last thing: prayer. This is hardest for me because it's what God really wants and it's really getting over yourself. I'm on Sup Forums semi-bragging about getting over myself instead of praying. SUPERBIA! God doesn't want smart guys, he knows everything anyway and there's a Magisterium for that. He wants a relationship. That's what I need to seek now that natural reason has steered me here. He's a reasonable guy, so I think it's cool to check up on this thread after a trip through the Rosary.

One more note: regeneration through prayer. I know lots of us on Sup Forums try and fail to NoFap and quit other vices. My own experiences have really made me aware of the limitations of human will and reason without God. I KNOW on some level that sincerely asking Jesus Christ for help will make self-control a cinch but I'm often too prideful to do it. Not testing God and asking him to turn stones to bread but I highly suspect He will BTFO my disordered desires.

Brb prayin

Stop being papists


Orthodoxy > Papal worshipping heretics


stop worshipping your idols of Mary, then we'll talk.

You're better than Protestants though, I'll give you that.

Orthodox sees Mary in pretty much the exact same way

yeah we don't pray to statues of her though.

orthodox are the same in that regard
stop idolatry and mary worship altogether

Excellent thread fellow brother in Christ, your observations on science and reason are thorough. Personally, I find many of Catholicism's doctrines in direct opposition to Scripture (mainly falliable mortals attempting to monopolize your connection with God), but it's absolutely an improvement over atheism, and ultimately finding God is its own victory.

Thanks for the links as well, gonna peruse these when I'm home. God bless you user.

Catholics are war mongering pagans who pervert scripture as much as Zionist neocons

Just read the Bible and believe upon Jesus. Find a Baptist or Pentecostal etc church that doesnt suck farts out of Israels asshole.

>Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:

Evangelize and spread the gospel with the 2 edged sword that is the word of God.

>Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints; And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel, For which I am an ambassador in bonds: that therein I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.

Vengeance is mine saith the Lord.
>And they did not receive him, because his face was as though he would go to Jerusalem. And when his disciples James and John saw this, they said, Lord, wilt thou that we command fire to come down from heaven, and consume them, even as Elias did? But he turned, and rebuked them, and said, Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of. For the Son of man is not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them. And they went to another village.

Because there are icons.

>You must cast off sin once and for all and run into the embrace of God.
Impossible, only Jesus can live a sinless life.
>You shall redeem yourself.
Christ is the redeemed. You can't work your way to heaven. Salvation is by faith alone.
>inb4 people who don't understand James 2

Uh, OP, you do realize Catholics take bread, eggs, and butter to church to be blessed for Easter, right? You...want to throw in with that crowd...the egg blessers? Really?

Excellent post. OP, check out the Christian Restoration Movement (focuses on transcending boundaries between denominations and returning to strictly Biblical teachings).

Your journey is as deep as it is beautiful. My own path home was totally different from yours and yet with similar depth. How could multiple paths wade through deeper and deeper philosophical waters without absolute truth being the common endpoint?

Thank you for this.

Pax et bonum brother.

>Turn from sin and earn redemption meme
All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. You can't earn redemption through acts alone by virtue of our own earthly imperfection. This is stated in Scripture many times.

And besides, you don't NEED to redeem yourself: Jesus's sacrifice in the cross already absolves us of our sin with our belief in Him.

>inb4 the "doesn't that promote sinfulness" fallacy
To truly follow Christ is to emulate him to the best of our mortal ability, not to seek salvation, but to honor His sacrifice for us.

Good thread, it's sort of how I feel too. I'm pagan, but gripped with this strong feeling that there's something more for me that I wasn't mature enough to see before, and I think it's Catholicism or Orthodoxy.

I see protestants invaded the thread again.

Thanks for the kind words, brothers.

Just prayed this, it was /comfy/:


religion diminishes rational thought which slows the progress of medicine and technology

For fuck's sake, do not put a religious face on pol


interesting is how catholic view on salvation of soul is similar to teachings of alchemy

sinful soul/body mind - unpurified ore
purgatory - purification
Jesus - philosopher's stone
salvation - transformation
euharist - fermentation

shitstain, you can't become Catholic since you're American. Chose Islam or Judaism or become to only other religion that comes close to us which is becoming a Mormon.

man is not a rational being to begin with
also your advancements are now fucking us over
the Church advocated for science in its history

you know where you belong, the_donald

Again, I am a neophyte and need help from /papistpol/ but I don't think that's the Catholic understanding of justification.

From what I can glean faith justifies you and sincere faith will lead to works. Hard to say you really believe that Christ is God if you're not gonna do what He says.

And while all have sinned, it's not necessarily the case that all have sinned after conversion/baptism or that all have sinned so gravely that they would lose justification. Jesus refers to some sins being forgiven after death, hence the Catholic doctrine of purgatory for venial sins. There seem to be two classes of sins.

I wanted to keep the pics in this thread classical art but she's just too cute, I'm sorry.

Weird how all modern irrationality stems from rejection of Jesus Christ, the Logos

replace jesus with another imaginary being, like leprechauns

"all modern irrationality stems from rejection of leprechauns, the Logos"

see how stupid you sound?

Sup Forums is not a religious board, I'm sensing a (((presence))) today

Leprechauns aren't the Logos. You're just being obtuse

guess where first universities started burger bro
yes in cathedrals and churches

-some come to pol as truth seekers
-many truth seekers end up being dissatisfied with atheism

You are religious too, as in, worshipping the worldly ideology of technology/science.
You are not rational either.

I like science, don't mistake me, but I view it as a tool to understand God's Creation, not to control and destroy it.

Eugene [Michael] Jones, is that you?

neither is another made up enity

This guy gets it

guess where the fuck they're not anymore. catch up.

an austrian being this dumb? you fucking proxy (((pleb)))

one does not worship actualized data and observable results

"Ah, let us thank lord the dear lord science today for improving my quality of life"

Absolutely this
>this goy gets it

>That brings me to ethnonationalism
This is where you derailed yourself user

>There is no longer Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male and female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus

There's nothing wrong about patriotism, and believing that a polity has a right to decide who comes in or not, but ethno-ideologies go against our faith. Be spiritually careful. Hope the Spirit guides you to the truth. God bless.

-without jesus there is no salvation
-without philosopher's stone you can't transmute metal into gold

>neither is another made up enity
what did this self professed believer of science mean by this?

did they ever find that philosopher's stone?

fucking proxy fag religious shill posters today

yes we all find (him)
Great Architect of the Universe

Are you new to this board?

Worshipping can mean many things.
Just like leftists blindly worship their ideology, many people do the same today with science too.

do it faggot

>zero (0) arguments

jesus, please give me your light! come inside me! fill me up with your sticky salvation!

science is not an ideology, it is reality testing and innovation based on observation

hey quit stealing that sweet syrupy salvation

How do I stop committing the sin of flesh aka masturbating?

Whaddya think of
>God created nations, and God told the apostles to make disciples of all nations. There is neither Jew nor Greek in Christ, but that is NOT a political statement. You render under Caesar what is Caesar's. God's vision is one of various separate Christian nations, not a pan-human political project.

Seems to my humble neophyte eyes you're making a God thing out of a Caesar thing. They can all go to heaven. Doesn't mean they can all immigrate.

Clearest evidence of misreading here is the slave or free thing. Jesus is saying that slave and free alike can be Christians, not that slavery must be politically abolished. He speaks elsewhere of how to treat your slaves.

Also, shelving for a moment the question of how to treat people, what is your reading of Scripture re: the existence of humanoid animals? Pic related wiggled my walnuts a day or two ago.

Pax Christi

Don't have much to add to OP's impressive elucidation (I also think the fact we literally have people implanting pin codes into their skin to pay for things is eerily similar to the fact people needing a code to buy and sell in Revelation).

Would like to make everyone aware of this next weekend though

It's something hopefully all Catholics will take part in.

Comes from the based Poles,as per usual

>Poland’s bishops have urged the nation’s Catholics to join a massive rosary prayer crusade along the country’s 2,000-mile border to pray for the salvation of their country.
>Organizers say they expect up to a million people to participate in the “Rosary on the Borders” event on October 7, the anniversary of the Battle of Lepanto, where “the Christian fleet overcame the Muslim armada, saving Europe from Islamization.”


Good work (((fellow christian)))

>science is not an ideology, it is reality testing and innovation based on observation
It is not in reality, true., yet you have complete trust in it, it seems to me.
Statistics/observations can be wrong, as science is a dynamic, not static system, which means something that was found to be scientific truth some ca. 2 decades ago is replaced by something more "verified", until some new observations comes along and replace that observation, etc. A constant cycle.

What do Catholics think of the current Pope?

wear this belt
its edgy and good for you

You should read more philosophy. But you're on the right track friend. Keep learning and questioning, it's the path to true knowledge.

>fact based observation

makes more sense than praying to a magic aids baby from space...

or christ shilling on a saturday, trying to associate pol with religion. no no no. bad jew.

thanks for this prayer. It was hard using the latin prayers since I am still practicing.

Skipped this post earlier b/c I thought maybe b8 but nvm

No problem, man. Best Christian advice I've ever received: if you need more grace, ASK. God is RIGHT THERE and has all you need. When your will is on obeying God and your heart desires a relationship with him and your demon-possessed hand autonomously rubs your junk, let me know. No. We stop trying to stay close to God, then we sin.

Asking for His grace, asking Him to show you the way will do better than a billion cold showers. Take those too though. Faith w/o works is dead ^_^

Facts can be distorted.

hey thanks, but I am actually looking for irrefutable proof that god and christ are real... do you have any?

you would know

learn how in to theology m8 or read some catholic theological books it's may not make you believer but will improve you world view

OP check out the sermons of John MacArthur.


He's one of the greatest living Bible teachers.

He is more real than your multiverse quantum stuff.

ok, prove it.

just what i need, a dose of the sweet sticky syrupy salvation that impregnates the feeble-minded

you want easy answers, but you'll find in life no such thing. as long as you have questions to ask, you'll find the answers unsatisfying, leading ultimately to more questions. one day you'll realize that you knew the one, final, answer all along. I hope you get there while you still have time to enjoy the fruits of that knowledge. who feels it, knows it.

the fruits of religious "knowledge" are rotten to me

what is your final answer?

Thanks but oh man, young earth Creationism?!

The way I look at creation is that Genesis deliberately cloaks it in mystery. I mean the first two things in the whole Bible are DIFFERENT creation stories. A literal reading was impossible at ANY level of scientific understanding. It's always blown my mind how atheists miss this.

My doubts adhere more to OT historiography and things like Noah's Ark. Creation's no biggie; that life evolved until God granted immortal souls to the first all-the-way humans, I can believe.

Maybe I'm just not redpilled on the Pillars of the (Flat) Earth yet.

You will see it when you grow out of your phase.

so you do not know your own final answer?

One can always doubt anything. It can be a bit of a disease when taken too far. For example:

I trust you accept the existence of the laws of logic, as do I. Unfortunately, the axioms those laws rest upon are fundamentally un-provable. You just have to accept them, and build up from there.

In other words user, we all end up accepting the foundations of things by faith, whether it be the foundation of logic or that of Christianity.

Holding the axioms of our system of logic to the same standard of "irrefutable proof" that you require for God, leaves you as unable to reason as it does to pray.

real truth is liek

(you):I want to know the truth!
(God):Truth? do you want the truth? I will fill you up until you reject it!

>logic is a disease

explain that to the grandkids

fill me up you slut


I am not religious, I just do not want diversity quotas

>Avoiding the actual argument by pretending skepticism==logic

you still dont get it kid

There is nothing hidden that won't be revealed, and there is nothing secret that won't become known and come to light.

The time is coming when everything that is covered up will be revealed, and all that is secret will be made known to all.

aliens? are you talking about extra-terrestrials? is that the secret?

do not shift the burden of proof onto me, friendo

You can't be Catholic and ethno-nationalist. You can't be Catholic and not suck Jewish cock. You can be Christian (Protestant, Orthodox, etc.) and all of these other things for the reasoning you provided, just not Catholic. Why not Catholic? Because being Catholic is literally defined by being in communion with and under the absolute authority of the Pope, with the core belief that the Pope is not only the head of the Church (as opposed to Jesus being the head as Christians believe), but moreover the Pope is God himself on earth. It's not openly advertised but it's all there: e.g. Pope Leo XIII regarding Papal authority in the encyclical Praeclara gratulationis publicae referring to himself with the royal "we":
>We hold upon this earth the place of God Almighty
Even though in public debates you'll see "traditionalist" Catholics argue about the limits of Papal authority, there actually are none: e.g. in the dogmatic constitution of the Church Lumen gentium:
>The pope's power of primacy over all, both pastors and faithful, remains whole and intact. In virtue of his office, that is as Vicar of Christ and pastor of the whole Church, the Roman Pontiff has full, supreme and universal power over the Church. And he is always free to exercise this power.
He can change doctrine at will (even if it contradicts what has always been taught), and what the Church believes about Jews today is that:
>To the Jews "belong the sonship, the glory, the covenants, the giving of the law, the worship, and the promises; to them belong the patriarchs, and of their race, according to the flesh, is the Christ", "for the gifts and the call of God are irrevocable." (CCC 839)
Become Orthodox, or start with Protestantism, just avoid joining with the antichrist in the Vatican.

What's your irrefutable proof for the axioms of logic user?

If you can provide that, it will help me provide the same for God.


Guess what two subjects of our attention have those properties.

The Pope's seat in the Paul VI Audience Hall in the Vatican is at the mouth of the head of a snake.

Here is the satanic sculpture behind his seat.

Even from the exterior the building is unambiguously shaped like the head of a snake.

The Catholic Church is internally inconsistent since the second Vatican council. It's already dead.

prove that there is not a Tesco at the bottom of the ocean. pro tip: you cannot, for this Tesco is non-observable


>inb4 Jesuit shills start claiming that it's a trick of perspective/camera lens and that it doesn't actually look like that in person
Here is an overhead view of the Paul VI Audience Hall. It's shape is like the head of a snake and you most certainly will get the effect of seeing the Pope speak from his seat as out of the mouth of a snake.

I am curious about this. As a potential papist I know Orthodoxy is right next door. Some say
>The Orthodox Church is the church you think you're joining when you join the Catholic church
Could you please show me where, in purportedly infallible statements--ex cathedra pronouncements or canons of ecumenical councils--the Catholic Church has contradicted herself?
