Do you miss them Sup Forums?

Do you miss them Sup Forums?

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Every day.

Their scandals seem quaint in comparison

dude remember when we pilloried bush every single day of his presidency? nah me neither hes totally rad now!

But bill clinton is in the white house right now.

Trump doesn't have scandals.

But he has proven that people really do get weary when you saturate everything with constant propaganda.

>missing bush
u fuggin wot

No, I miss Assange.

Every. Single. Day.

You have no idea how much I regret voting for Drumpf.

We should impeach him now before it gets any worse.

Trump has scandals but his base doesn't seem to give a shit about them.

If any other presidential candidate insulted multiple veterans individually and POWs as a whole, they would be destroyed.

If any other president had half the outbursts he has on Twitter, they would be quickly abandoned. Remember how Nixon was portrayed once the tapes came out?

It's really amazing

Only with bullets so far.

>wtf I love Bush now!

A nigger, a retard and a rapist walk into a bar.
The barman unlocks the basement so they can go down there and enjoy some cheese pizza

Oh look, it's the three faggoteers

>No Scandals?

Trump like to be pissed on by young eastern european women.

No not really

Never thought I see the leftist media not be a dick to W. They were downright vicious towards him when he was in office.

Yeah, he's the first noncuck we've had in generations.

I dont think you know what a scandal is

I love how leftists miss GW now after 8 years of treating him just like they did Trump. What a fuckin joke. Nancy Pelosi is reading from the same script and can't even get Trumps name right with out spitting out "Bush".

Hillary's base and the media blatantly ignored any of her scandals while fluffing her up.

>the left now sucking W's dick


Like I miss a urinary tract infection.

>We should impeach him now before it gets any worse.
The issue is, as your post display, that impeachment require a case. Not that you don't like the man, or that you don't like the policies he is implementing, you require an actual cause.
It appear as if most people don't care about this, but want him impeached for what ever reason - if he then become impeached, one can with some reasonability question if it is a "legit" impeachment, or if the cause for impeachment is just something they have more or less conjured up.

The more people plea for impeachment, the less legit a potential impeachment will appear. The threshold for evidence is rising because of this..

I get that kike (((rubin))) is trying to foment hate for Trump, but when the kike media does shit like this, it just ends up hurting them. The media spent 8 years vilifying Bush and calling him a war criminal (for the same war in Iraq and Afghanistan that most of the democratic party and Hillary Clinton voted in favor of); and now all of a sudden we're supposed to think the media misses Bush and that we should too?

This just exposes them as cheap fickle demagogues with no actual moral or intellectual compass.

Poo in a loo, Pajit.


Like a scorching case of Herpes

I miss Georgy boy.
so many great happenings when he was in the big chair.


That's ironic.

Are they pretending they weren't hysterical deranged babies with Dubya now?

Oh wow, got a youtube link or something so I can see it too?

>we miss Bush ~T.Democrats who bashed him.


Not everyone who disagrees with you is deep into psyops or a shill. Some people just disagree. For instance, me.

Rural white voter here. Voting for Trump was possibly the biggest mistake of my life. Probably the worst president we've had in the last 250 years. We must impeach him now and lock up his most fervent supporters. The travel ban is racist and the white house is literally full of islamophobic texts and art. Hate can only be defeated by destroying it from the top down.

On top of his blatant racism, now he is literally destroying the planet earth and ruining young and promising female entertainers' lives. What about our children? Do the right thing, fellow rural white voters. Call your senator or congressman and set things right.



>Hello fellow rural white people

Why the fuck would they as me a question and then answer it for me?

fucking suggestive cunts.

What his name again?

These retards seem to have forgotten how much hate Bush got. It wasn't quite on Trump's level, but it honestly wasn't that far behind.

Says not shill. goes on to explain how much of a shill he is.
Voted Trump, upset at travel ban. Does anyone believe this person actually exists? This is an ACTUAL shill. Obviously. You don't exist motherfucker. Your persona ain't even that good. Back to the drawing board silly.
Your next persona should not include being upset about GETTING what you voted for.
PS: Fuck off. no one is dumb enough to fall for your silly bs. Take this shit to fascistbook. Might work there.

You're right, that is a slide thread.


>replying seriously to pasta
You have to go back

Know what the difference between a lentil and a chickpea is?

>Deporting Immigrants
>Barring muslims from entry

Not scandals....

> Bush
>Caused one of the biggest wars in recent history killing millions of both americans and muslims.
>Gave birth to a world of NSA terrorism and muslim regime.
>Having feelings of nostalgia

Not my fault I don't expect pasta to be that bad. Didn't taste like pasta. I refuse to believe someone thought about that awhile, and was like, "Yup, there we go. Perfect."
Who the fuck is that dumb?

Millions of Americans died? When did that happen? I missed that shit.

This holy shit this. I see liberals all over Facebook saying how great Bush is because these articles with Clinton and Obama say so. That is the last straw I give up on the left they really can't think on their own. 8 years they shit on him during his time then another 8 years with Obama now he's a cool guy? This is insane.

You think Bush created state-sponsored terrorism? How old are you? Out of curiosity?

>$0.05 has been deposited into your account

So, the left rather support Bush than Trump. Made my day.

I kinda miss Clinton. The early 90s in general even though I wasn't grown up yet. Looking back on it, it seems so quaint. There were niggers and arab terrorists back then too, but PC culture was just beginning. It was America the great, towering over the world just like the Twin Towers. America before the globalists and the cucks took hold of it, before SJW culture and faggotry became mainstream.
I also miss Mitterrand and Chirac. Sure, they could have done a lot to stop the current degeneracy. But back then, did they even know it would reach such heights?

>mfw nostalgic

drumpf will be in that line up come the next republican president


Nope. Not scandal

Oh hell no.

obama was a black bush

They were the kings of mischief and incompetence. Humans will still pay for their mistakes for generations to come.

Nuff said.

nope just puppets... least Trump has balls and doesnt do the PC bs

These are the people who fucked up and caused most of the problems the world has today.

Listen, hugbox redditors. Not everyone who disagrees with you is deep into psyops or a shill. Some people just disagree. For instance, me.

Urban black voter here. Voting for Obama was possibly the biggest mistake of my life. Probably the worst president we've had in the last 250 years. We must impeach him now and lock up his most fervent supporters. The gun ban is Marxist and the white house is literally full of anti-American texts and art. Hate can only be defeated by destroying it from the top down.

On top of his blatant Marxism, now he is literally destroying the planet earth and ruining young and promising male videogamers' lives. What about our children? Do the right thing, fellow urban black voters. Call your senator or congressman and set things right.

A muslim a coke head rich boy daddys boy and a rapist walk into american presidency.
They lose it to a capitalist married god fearing man.

>Miss these guys yet?
>one forced a broken healthcare system that drains money and can't be paid for while drone striking thousands of people, including us citizens
>other started wars in the middle east
>and the last one was impeached for lying

>bush is somehow a good guy
>bush the guy who let 9/11 happened
>bush the guy that tanked the economy with two wars
>bush the guy that invaded one country and ruined it
>bush the guy that invaded another country for no reason other than to destabilize the region
>side by side with a sexual deviant and the guy that allowed ISIS to become a thing leading to the largest migration of shitskins in human history

No thanks, I'll pass.

>((((((((((((Jennifer Rubin))))))))))))))))))

I bet she misses them.

>polo shirts
fash AF

Well this pasta is gonna go stale pretty quickly...

wtf he looks so healthy, he must've got a fresh infusion of aborted fetus blood

Oh yea i remember all the evidence for that... oh wait nvm

>Now Dubya is a good president for the liberal media because he ditched Trump

w e w

Clinton is the only remotely good president in this picture. And I really doubt even the most ardent Trump haters actually think he's a worse president than Bush.

He shouldn't have trusted them.

No. Finally we are getting murican politics in all its retarded glory. Trump is a perfect representative of the brainded american population. It's about time they gave the world their true face.

Oh look, 3 sadistic child-murdering pedophiles in one picture. what are the odds... oh its the wapo... so pretty high.

i almost fell off my chair, these people are insane

>executive branch of the government executing the law
> a scandal


How do burgers (((elect))) such people it is mind boggling.


only Bush cuz hes a fun guy

all 3 were shit Presidents tho

The fact that they're best buddies should really make the leftards think... but they lack a brain.

>only Bush cuz hes a fun guy
SO MUCH FUN! you fucking faggot.


It's just scary how childish normie people are. They literally accept everything the mainstream media tells them. They can't see the evil that's right infront of them. They live in pretend fantasy land.

Articles likes these make me cringe. Anyone who has ever had any inkling of critical thinking would figure that all these three were shady or got into power through shady ways. But no the liberal normie is so oblivious he/she believes in cartoon character logic.

I know it's not their fault for growing up impaired but christ it's painfull to watch. These people will live and die completly in the dark. Accomplices to some satanic agenda they were never aware off.

These people are the jokes of the human race.

Russia collusion, which is basically proven w/ some of the figures he has met and been around.
Conflict of Interest with his businesses affecting his foreign policy on a regular basis, in explicit violation of the emoluments clause.
Email scandal with Jared as bad as Hillary's.
Likely tampering of voting machines in various states.
And in general, while not technically a scandal, undermining morals and American leadership around the world. He's too much an ass and too incompetent, not a good combination.

Probably has a mental illness too, which alone qualifies him for Article 25

Pence or Ryan at least don't have a mental illness.

>missing a president who started 2 illegal wars for Israel and cost America untold trillions of dollars and men.


Why is that a scandal? Are you kink shaming?

>Russia collusion
stopped reading there, retardation proven

Given that between the three of them, they literally ruined the entire Western world, faciliated the New World Order, decimated the economy, opened the border and declared a bi-partisan war on traditional Western culture, I think I'll say no. No, I don't miss them.

>It's not a scandal if a republican does it.

Every time lol. You believe in fake birth certificate but don't even think of the possibility that Russia collusion happened?

You people are such fucking hacks.

bill clinton's nipples are hard



They all played for the same team

>invaded like 20 countries combined

>missing a nigger, a neocon and a rapist

Literally none of that is true. But more importantly, you would not give two shits if it was Clinton or anyone else doing it. You don't care about those thing, you only care about possible points of leverage against a political opponent. The discussion is a sham. Nearly all Trump opposition is just unprincipled power politics, butthurt that they lost.

Stop blindly trusting MSM. They do not lie. They omit and obfuscate. American politicians lobby legally and illegally, launder money, black mail, and worse. Trump is just being exposed because he does not have the hedge of neolib/Neocon protection.

Trump is indeed corrupt, but he is a corrupt bastard hated by folks who terrify even the reptilians from Draco. Wake up. We are in the midst of a propaganda war between the great powers of the world.
