One Piece

Now that the dust has settled can we all agree that Doflamingo was the best villain Luffy ever faced.

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>Now that the dust has settled
Fuck off.

The amount of proof is almost suffocating.

Doflamingo is objectively speaking the most interesting villain so far in the story.

>implying Moriah is not better

His crew was lame, he was weak and only showed a glimpse of soul when he whined about getting his ass kicked in the new world for one single panel.

He was a mistake desu. Should have been used later in the story or actually showed in an unrelated chapter vs Kaido to hype the yonkou.

Moriah is great. Bitter and angry because his crew got wiped, and now exacts his revenge on passing pirates.

Storywise, Moriah is a neat and efficient way to set up the timeskip by showing how underpowered the Strawhats are before they get wiped at Sabaody.

It's too bad he went from interesting villain to generic cackling lunatic with a god complex while fighting Luffy.

>Implying his character arc is finished yet


>Moriah is a neat and efficient way to set up the timeskip
How so? He wasn't particularly strong and got dangerous only thanks to his complicated plan which involved stealing luffy's soul and digging out an old giant. And even there he almost lost against the strawhats without Luffy.

Spoiler discussion thread.

Sage this one. OP is a newfag
He made it before bump limit

>a special snowflake is put in a world where he is not special, then spends his entire life trying to create a situation where can be treated like a special snowflake again
>calls himself king and thinks he's above everyone despite taking orders from the WG and Kaido

>doesn't check the catalog before making a newfag thread
feel free to leave

Are Moriafags the new forced meme? They seem to be spreading their bullshit quite frequently now.

He suffered from the usual one piece flanderization long before that.

Oda spent Years playing him up to be so much more than he ultimately was. Not smart, not cautious or clever. Didn't have the completely loyalty of those around him as Bellamy suggested he did as even some of his family left him by the end. The only thing we had seen of him in the yers leading up to the arc featuring him is that his hairline was receding. I can't think of a bigger disappointment so far as villains go.

His actually family themselves were more forgettable than most of Oda's secondary antagonists. One of them even had a shitty-copy paste of previous DF powers, one opf them betrayed him and joined the resistance, This is to say nothing of the fact that Doflamingo had no qualms about using the birdcage when he didn't know where all of them were. The rest of them were borderline pants-shittingly stupid. Hey let's put Ace's fruit in the arena where anyone can rach it! Hey I can trust brook, he likes art! Ussopp didn't even beat sugar, she beat herself. It made them both look incompetent as fuck and was basically a shittier version of Perona VS Ussopp.

Such a fucking garbage arc that wasted one of the few villians Oda actuually tried to hype up. I can only hope he does better with Blackbeard, because if the best he could do with Doffy was throw out all previous ideas of his personality and slap on a Freudian excuse for his mustache twirling levels of evil then I do not have high hopes for the future.

Skypeia isn't filler because of the adventure and world building.

Thriller bark is filler because it brought nothing particularly interesting to the world and made the schichibukai look weak.

He's just been a topic discussed in the last few threads, so he's fresh on peoples minds

Nope no villain in One Piece beats Croc.

>Be Doflabitch
>use connections with World Assholes to screw over a country
>Be Croc
>Use your brains and planning to screw over a country.

He literally calls out Luffy and Co for being too weak to survive in NW. I don't know how much clearer we can get.

Aside from that, it takes entire crew co-operation (which fails anyway) leaving Luffy himself to finish the job.

If you're willing to include Oars in Moriah's powers (which I do, as it takes Moriah implanting Luffy's shadow to reanimate him in the first place) you get a monster so tough Luffy needs a powerup (nightmare luffy) to take him down.

All of this is clearly demonstrating that SH crew is out-power tiered by the NW.

> I can only hope he does better with Blackbeard, because if the best he could do with Doffy was throw out all previous ideas of his personality and slap on a Freudian excuse for his mustache twirling levels of evil then I do not have high hopes for the future.

Better give up on Blackbeard not having some Freudian excuse, remember what Oda drew for his childhood?

>takes 20 years to take control of a country
>fails miserably to a single rookie

Croc has such a rockin design and theme. Wasted by having him so early in the story just so he can job.

>people shit on moria for seeming "weak"
>will defend croc who lost to a far less experienced luffy who had no gears because they like his design

>made the warlords look weak

Crocodile already did that

Well that is the fate of all shonen first arc main villains.

Still though no villain beats Croc, I dont care about Crocs power im talking about him as a villain in general.

neither are filler

stop being a faggot

>He literally calls out Luffy and Co for being too weak to survive in NW. I don't know how much clearer we can get.
Only seemed like bitter tears at the time.

If Oda needed an entire arc to do just that we would still be in east blue.

Moria's rivalry with Kaido is something that was brought to the table.

I'm willing to bet Oars "the continent puller" has some part to play in the lore as well. Especially since his race of giants share the same type of horns as Kaido. What with Moria's petty reliance on the past, it wouldn't surprise me for him to seek out something similar to the man that ruined his life. Considering that Moria like Kaido is also concerned with building a super strong army (zombies), and the fact that he seeked out Luffy during Marineford for his shadow again. Moria is a spiteful man. I'm definitely betting there's a connection here.

how much would big mom piss off luffy in this arc?

more hints

Pre-haki Crocodile actually looked terrifying even after Luffy found his weakness by accident.

Moriah just looked like a fat ass who relied on the straw hats not taking him that seriously.

>the princess of the country he's trying to take over infiltrates his organization
>makes it to the top ranks before he even notices


>implying Croc didnt already know Wednesday was Vivi and wasnt pulling a Batman Gambit on her

Giants are fodder.

u wot m8? How were the Straw Hats not taking him seriously?

It's also that to a degree, TP was more light-hearted as a whole, which didn't really do wonders to Moria feeling like a threat

>Thriller Bark brought nothing
Even if you ignore Brook/Laboon, Moria and 'Absa',Perona spending the time-skip with Zoro, Lola and her Vivre card, Ryuma and his sword, Luffys new armlet, the introduction of Kuma's powers as well as Vegapunk building his body and the implication he knew Dragon well, Zoro almost dying and the strong Implications that the Strawhats were not strong enough for the New World, It just proves Luffy is as strong as a Sichibukai which we already knew since Alabasta


Tvtropes plz

Skypiea is the first sign of Haki how the hell is it filler?

This moon looks like it's drawn on a canvas rather than a night sky. Teach drew this moon, but nobody liked it, so he cried and became evil.
Teach is literally Hitler. Caesar will join him and gas the Tenryubitos.

there's a difference between Oars and other giants.

bitter about his crew getting murdered? yup

bitter about losing? nope

he genuinely compliments Luffy's crew during the speech, then tells them that death awaits them if they continue in their current condition.

Moriah hates Luffy for his naivety because he is like a younger Moriah. A younger Moriah who was so distraught a losing his crew that he wanted to create an army of immortal zombies who would never die and leave him alone.

Attack on Titan is One Piece post-giantification?

another interesting thing, Jack and Avalo wear fake horns in the style of these giants.

Could just be a coincidence, could tie into some bit of culture later down the line.

Dressrosa was so full of cheap chapter endings...
Who even thought for one second that Law was actually dead?

Oh shit, Level 9+ reader confirmed.


I'm willing to be Elbaf will tie into the Kaido arc in some way, especially since Usopp and Robin have history with giants. In addition to having Hajrudin's crew under their ranks now. ALSO in addition to the fact that Kaido was using the underground and now Buggy's the king of it- of which Hajrudin used to serve under.

It's all gonna come together.

Big Mom seems to value the freedoms of a pirate pretty highly, like Luffy
>Do whatever you want but accept the cost

*who even thought for one second Law was actually dead THREE FUCKING TIMES

Spoilers are out

>Coverpage is Browbeard in Impel Down
>Sanji's dad and mom come to Whole Cake Island and meet up with Reiju and Yonji. His dad has a long swirly mustache and a little clock on his chin, his mother is similar to Sanji with sunglasses.
>Chapter ends with old Jinbe rescued from his crewmembers, he lost 30 years of his lifetime to Big Mom and is now 76 years old, he has only 1 day left to live...!
>Break next week

What is wrong with that kid's mouth? Human bodies do not work like that. How can people still be reading a series with art this shitty when series like Bleach are going down the tube?


>Doflamingo's executives had trash designs except sugar

>They put up terrible fights that all turned into complete jokes

>Doflamingo's fruit went from puppet master to brutish power waving

>His schemes only extended to one small arc

Biggest disappointment in this manga after Whitebeard

he's made of rubber

Is that a roman numeral for 3 there?
So was there another Oars between the original and Little Oars Jr.?
Maybe just Oars Jr.?

How did that happen?

Not this argument again
Little Oars
Little Oars JR

>It just proves Luffy is as strong as a Sichibukai

Warlords are not a power level. Moriah got rid of for failing hard at marineford.

he was stabbed by a god of rubber and became a god of rubber himself

nice memes

Who's waiting on the coast???

Doflaming was by far the most interesting and charismatic villain Luffy has faced so far.
Reading the fight was painful though, the amount of cooperation and plot armor needed for Luffy to win the fight was through the roof.
>Doflamingo holding the birdcage against 1 million people including really strong ones like Zoro and fucking admiral Fujitora.
>Law and Luffy two timing him.
>People distracting Doffy so Luffy could recover and Doflamingo falling for it like a moron.

Best and most fashionable villain though.

I agree his fruit should have been magic strings that allows him to control shit not LOL STRINGS INTO BUILDINGS HURR.

Sugar is also the most dangerous person in One Piece because his devil fruit ignores power levels.


You monster

Birdcage was Plot Induced Stupidity he could have slaughtered everyone in Dressrosa with his super speedy strings.

Why didn't Doflamingo use the birdcage on Luffy?

When will Sanji stop jobbing against every character he faces and return to the moster trio again?

yohoho he took a bite of gumgum

Does it still count as jobbing if you are actually weak, though?

What would have been fun is if his awakening involved buildings starting to move and fight for him.


Same reason Mihawk only used a dagger to fight Zoro

Post-TS Haki was a mistake.

but mihawk actually won

Awakening makes me cringe, devil fruits are all about utility not unlocking powers its up to you to determine how good your fruit is not this awakening horseshit.
Speaking of Haki there are times in Dressrosa where Oda forgets that LUFFY has Color of Observation meaning he can predict your attacks before they happen yet somehow Luffy is getting wrecked by Doflamingo and Chinjao when really he should have been easily dodging their blows he knows when they happen.

>Hurr durr haki bad muh power levels
Did you skip the entire preceding fight that built up to this moment? Did you forget the Alabasta fight where the battle revolved solely around whether Zoro's blades were stronger than Mr. 1's steel?

Haki was a mistake

Even CoC haki. Giving it to non charismatic fodder like chinjao trivialized it.

That's the thing. The existence of Observation Haki means that either we're forced to assume that top class fighters like Doflamingo either have no skill in it, or are just mentally retarded, otherwise the plot makes no sense.

>luffy and friends watching DD in the throne room from like 20 feet away
>doesn't notice luffy's powerful aura at all

Same with shit like Luffy being surprised by fodder like Jean Ango grabbing his helmet.

Color of Observation is naturally built into fights. You can assume that any skilled Haki user is constantly using it. Luffy and Doffy were both fighting with Observation on, it's not that he wasn't predicting the attacks, it's that he simply didn't have the power to dodge them.

Did you?

Or did you just forget the part where Zoro vs Mr 1 was about technique, rather than raw power, with Zoro discovering what his master had been trying to teach him about the cutting of different substances?

CoC is just mindfucking people.
Sanji and Zoro also havd CoO yet cant predict attacks nor sense their enemies while they are out of sight even though the earlier usage of CoO Eneru's mantra had him sensing people out of sight.
Yes but user you have impossible shit like Rayleigh actually reacting to Kizaru's lightspeed attacks via his CoO.

Luffy dodged Mihawk's attack thanks to COO so your argument is invalid.

Yeah and that technique translated into greater power. And this fight was Zoro mastering Mihawk's lesson of cutting things with Haki.


he real question is why name isn't still wering rmor, such a scrub.

How so? That was an instance where Luffy could dodge and so he did, not one where he was so overwhelmed that he couldn't.

Mantra seems like a much more mastered level of CoO. Just because Sanji and Zoro have the capacity to do it, doesn't mean they're perfect yet.

Again, Rayleigh reacting to lightspeed is just because Rayleigh is strong enough to with the aid of prediction. Luffy getting his shit kicked in happens because he physically cannot dodge. It's like when he fights Eneru and we get the whole sequence of Eneru seeing the attack coming but being helpless anyway.

>That was an instance where Luffy could dodge and so he did
Plenty of instances where Luffy and Dofflamingo were taken by surprise by a new attack even tho CoO tells you about what your opponents intends to do and the likely result.

But that's not the way it was portrayed(at least to me), it felt more like some sort of DBZ style MY POWER LEVEL IS GREATER THAN YOURS, rather than "Now I know how to get past your defense" like the Mr 1 fight.

Since the goal of the Mihawk training was to make it so his swords wouldn't break again, I think it would have been more fitting if he had instead displayed his Haki in a different way.

But user in Fishman Island Zoro and Sanji were sensing people.

Wasn't there some mention that Enel's prediction was better than a normal user's because he combined it with electromagnetic waves with his DF, or am I retarded?

CoC is supposed to be some metaphysical force that makes you drop unconsious yet the DBZ shit that happened between Luffy and Chinjao seemed retarded.

Haki isnt implied to be energy its even weirder than Nen in HxH yet somehow you have this bullshit.

I actually ended up liking the Moriah the most of all the villains Luffy fought against. I liked that he had been broken in the New World and was caught between wanting revenge for his friend's deaths and just not giving a shit about anything anymore.

While Moriah was not the strongest enemy Luffy faced, or necessarily the coolest, he was probably the most "human" of the villains that Luffy fought, not being driven by base greed or ideals, but instead seeking revenge while suffering from depression.

No need for that. If he wasn't mantaining the birdcage against so many strong characters he could have slaughtered Luffy. But Oda had to make Doffy stupid so Luffy could somehow win.

Avalo is a former Calamity and will betray Blackbeard.

There was no way Luffy could have won since Doffy could just Parasite him and make his head pop off since he has haki that negates Luffy condom powers.

nah the guy was a cunt

my nigga.

Moria becoming the Law of the Kaidou arc minus the obnoxious fangirl pandering when.

What funny is that Fujitora didnt just go LOL NO and instantly destroy the Birdcage instead its like Oda forgot there is a fucking Admiral in that birdcage.