What should the minimum wage be in your opinion?

What should the minimum wage be in your opinion?

There shouldn't be a minimum wage, just a maximum wage.


not bad

How to create deflation in a nutshell

that way nobody will be poor and obviously everyone will have money to spend - economy grows.

oh noooo that sucks

so you want a loaf of bread to cost 2000 dollars and society to collapse ?. you're a special kind of stupid moron.

There shouldn't be wages at all.

Obviously amerifats don't know how to economics.
your fed can just print more money anyway and pay people $10000/hour


No minimum wage

Whatever an employer wants. He'll pay more if he wants an actual employee.

2.25 hour.

Moar like americunts don't know when they're getting trolled amirite?

Really there should be no (((money)))


>Unspecified currency
2.25 1994 Ford Escort brake pads then yeah?

Money arose long before Judaism.

or just make it tied with to the max age. Like you can only make X times the amount of the lowest paid employee, so if you want to up your executive pay you have to up your lowest paid employees pay.

Fuck you

wow, you really just hate the poor, don't you?
Fucking racist entitled bigot.

Minimum wage is for braindeads.

MAXIMUM RENT is the way to go!!

No matter how much people will get paid, landlords will ask more and more.

There shouldn't be one.
>just a maximum wage.
Leave it to a huemonkey to be retarded.

You started off good, but then finished with retardation.


Should working hours be normalised as well?

5% the net worth of the top 1% should be redistributed yearly to the government and cancellation of all other taxes.

It should be tied to your level of experience, there is no point in starting a painter with 10 year experience off at the standard wage for newbs. Basically we need unions.

Zero, it is not the feds and or states business.

Just to throw a kink into it, what if all work was commission based where you only got paid for what you produced. Low performance employees would cull themselves or step up to the plate and actually get shit done. I've worked hourly, salary, and commission based jobs and definitely came out further ahead on commission.

bumbu baboon knows communism well


found the jew landord


>landlord wanting a limit on rent
Are you illiterate?

Go look at the shit ton of other threads shilling this today.

i dont mind 15 or 20 right now.

we have bigger problems however like the fed, (((free trade))) and open borders.

That's a tiny fraction of the redistribution that goes on today.

A good idea (though a world entirely without theft would be better) but not for the reason I suspect you thought.

Wouldn't want all those congressmen to have to fire their interns now would we.

more jew slumlords.

It should be eliminated.

It's just an asset tax. People on pol doesn't seem to understand what it is though.

Zero dollars. Criminalizing employment is the height of evil.
>tfw min wage used to be zero
>tfw every single employee in the US made above the minimum wage.
Gee, how did that work?

Such kikery.

>employees say higher min wage
>employers say lower min wage
Based on those 2 premise, the answer is the median.

Should we have a law that states what's the min wage? No.

Spoken like a true Communist.

There should be a Maximum Rent. For example:
-Class 1 - worker's house - 30% of average worker's wage in the area
-Class 2 - professional's house - 30% of average professional's wage in the area
-Class 3 - upper middle class house - No limitation, rent based on agreement

Right now people have to pay 1 full salary for a average house and send their wives to work. Make rent cheaper and women will gladly stay home.


>What should the minimum wage be in your opinion?

Considering I am a hardcore liberal I say the minimum wage should be a the very least $50 per hour.


I also want unlimited illegal immigration because we need cheap labor.

Now I know what you might be saying... "Hey user!!! That doesn't make any sense!!! Brining in cheap illegal labor undermines the minimum wage and labor markets". I know!!!

As a liberal my only goal in life is trying to square the circles. Do the impossible and if it destroys the country I live in the process.... SO WHAT!!!!

Seriously, we need both unlimited illegal cheap labor and force companies to pay 5 to 10 times the labors value in minimum wage. The perfect recipe for companies to move overseas and GLOBALIZE!!! Fuck America!!!

That depends, whats the minimum value an employee can provide?

What if he's still a shitty painter? Should he get a higher wage by virtue of being on the job for 10 years? Because that's what unions think.

Have you considered that you are possibly an economically illiterate retard?

If Pleb A produces at maximum $4/hr with his labor, he is unhirable with a minimum wage over $4/hr. Minimum wage locks low-skilled uneducated workers out of employment, attacking the least of us. Every significant minwage increase involved employers hiring up with the influx of skilled workers who could now get paid the same/more for less work and responsibility.

This hurts the poorest and most destitute amongst us who actually have a desire to work and improve their lot in life by taking them from underemployed to wholly unemployable.


this, I mean whores make that much


Some Scandinavian nations don't even have a minimum wage and they're doing just fine. If Carlos crossed over illegally and is willing to work for 5 dollars an hour, we should let him. Don't like your shitty fruit picking job? Go and get another one that pays more and/or go and obtain your GED, you dumb faggots.

he specified hour. So you work an hour, you get 2.25 hour. Sounds like a deal to me.

I don't know why you're being downvoted but what you said is 100% true.
We live in a CONSUMER society and when people don't have enough money to purchase what they need to live, the WHOLE economy suffers. Although this might increase inflation, we can just raise the minimum wage again once this is not enough money to support the average person.

>nobody can afford to make product to sell
yes, it actually is. What you want is some inflation then some deflation. Literally the world is 0 sum (or close enough to be functionally so). Your currency can retain a set amount of value objectively, wheras it can still change subjective to other currencies. A bitcoin is still a bitcoin, not 1 - .0043 btc.

Abolish it, cost of living plummets as a result, industry returns to the west and drops unemployment to virtually zero.

Keep unions, keep workplace safety standards, keep statutory holidays, whatever, but get rid of the fucking minimum wage or set it to something like $1/hr it is crippling the economy of the entire western world.


>Keep unions
>get rid of the fucking minimum wage
Enjoy the riots.

£10/hr £20k year approx
I think the problem with minimum wage is massive corporations seem to think this is an option, not a legal requirement.
"Great! We'll pay all 5000 of our staff the bare minimum!'
Below £10/hr you might as well enslave me desu. I'd still have to share accommodation but at least food would be free

It's fine as it is. Contrary to popular belief here I think a minimum is a good thing. However raising it is a bad idea. Everyone whining they don't get paid enough needs to ask themselves why they don't have a better paying job instead of demanding more money

Who do I vote for to make these happen? Ideally the party wouldn't support progressive social issues like transgenders, gay marriage, or women's suffrage.

In the UK? £20,000 per year.

>Right now people have to pay 1 full salary for a average house and send their wives to work.
Anyone that has to do that is either shit with money or lacks motivation. My wife used to work years ago before we had kids because she was board and wanted something to do. She hasn't seen a paycheck in over a decade now and we do just fine on one income and my high school education.

My older brother is a felon with a GED in a similar field and does even better than me. Making proper money and living in a quality home is not that hard.

My younger brother is HS grad only and he has a better home than me in a much larger city and is single. How ever does he do it?

Youngest brother is also a felon like the oldest, a HS drop out with no GED lives by himself in major city and is getting along just fine.

Maybe it's all our white privilege

>Really there should be no (((money)))

Money has to exist though otherwise you're bartering with Mrs Smith to cook you a pie and you'll fix the shingles on her roof. Even Hitler acknowledged you need money and banks for any country to work, even if that country is socialised and everyone who lives in it is working for the betterment of the country (note that this differs from (((Communism))) where "the good of the country" actually means "goys, keep me accustomed to the bourgeois lifestyle I'm now used to living").
The issue isn't money or even banks, the issue has, and always will be, how (((money))) works and how the (((banks))) work. The (((capitalism))) we have now isn't the capitalism that people think it is. If originally every dollar printed had to be backed by gold then you could just print endless amounts of money off, but there's nothing stopping the (((fed))) from doing exactly that because (((dollars))) aren't backed by gold, they get their value from supply and demand. Dollar bills don't even have "money" printed on them anywhere, get some American to check any (((notes))) he has on him and he'll tell you himself.
A bank will gladly give a loan to some goy for his business venture because the money is completely worthless. If his business venture works then he repays the loan and the (((interest))) so the bank wins. If it fails then it looks like the house he put up as collateral is being auctioned off and the bank hasn't lost anything of value because the money never was worth anything in the first place other than printing costs.
If you borrowed £100k to buy a house and had to pay back £120k, but only paid back £118k, then the bank would seize and auction the house for the remaining costs. Even if they sold it off for half the value why would they care? They've just made £68k profit while you are sleeping in a shop doorway having given away £118k you'll never get back. Why do you think they're so keen to give mortgages? They can't lose.

If you are an idiot and do not know your own worth, then you deserve whatever you get paid.

Even poor whites for the most part manage their finances fairly well, it's niggers you see spending $400 on a Gucci belt while on the dole, I literally work in a grocery store and am totally self-sufficient with 10k in savings, this shit isn't hard for anybody besides niggers.

The only useful way to regulate minimum wage is to mandate that wage be no less than X within Y radius of the operating business. So, for NYC you're going to need at least 20hr AT LEAST to even afford a bedroom in an overcrowded shit hole apartment within an hour of your job.

It should be what someone is willing to pay a McDonald's worker part time. Do this by region and set the minimum.

$0.00 USD. You get paid, what you worth.

Btw, the cancer-related illnesses from asbestos is about to spike big in the area around NYC.

It'll be big.


Go on...

>Dollar bills don't even have "money" printed on them anywhere
Did they ever? I've been around a while and it has always said "THIS NOTE IS LEGAL TENDER FOR ALL DEBTS PUBLIC AND PRIVATE"

Checked the quads. How some whites spend $1000 a month on frivolous shit is beyond me. I make $500 a month patching boats a couple hours a week and still have money left over for my hobbies. I get along great with my parents and enjoy living in their house while I play all the good games coming out like Total War: Warcraft 2.

Minimum wage should really be dictated by the economy and the actual value of a worker's time but unfortunately this really only works in self contained nations that aren't experiencing mass immigration of the third world, artificially driving down the cost of labor.

That being said with the current situations in the west, there should be a minimum wage of around $12 USD / hour but benefits should be able to be used as partial compensation. Getting around $7-8 and the government begins subsidizing people's wages via benefits anyway. Look at the drain Walmart's employees have on the government.

In the US, purchasing power is radically different from one county to another, so minimum wage should not be determined by federal government let alone states. $15 minimum wage makes sense in Austin TX. In a lot of small to medium size cities you can thrive (if you're not supporting a family) on half of that

Unironically this

2.25 what you fucking idiot?
Have 2.25 burgers/hour as your wage you imbecilic glutton.

£5.00 per hour for for 18-years-old.

This would be a fixed point of reference for people to calculate their worth. For instance, a doctor may feel he/she is worth 4 times that of a McDonald's employee, so that's £20 per hour.


>Minimum wage should really be dictated by the economy
foreign trade also won't work as lower economies will always undercut labor costs

Instead of setting the value of a workers time at a minimum number of slips of paper, how about we set the value of those slips of paper to an amount of a workers time?

It's not a bad thing. A politician can't reasonibly justify their worth as being more than 3 times that of a burger flipper, so they'd be paid accordingly.

>What should the minimum wage be in your opinion?

one bottle of vodka.

This has merrits. Would like to see it debated


The minimum wage doesn't increase your value to the company. It doesn't increase what the company makes off your labour. All the minimum wage does is increase unemployment and induce people to intern for free (just don't call it slavery).

What a fucking joke

>politicians don't do much more than burger flippers


That's why tariffs exist. To stop unfair competition from countries that use slave labor.

Minimum wage increase also decreases the value of people's hard savings that aren't gambled on stocks or shares.

b-b-b-uh muh free trade... :[

Whatever labor unions and businesses can agree to that will provide a good living for employees while not bankrupting the company. If the business is not unionized, 10 or 12 bucks an hour sounds fair.

why not pay to the employer for the privilege of contributing to the nation?

Let the market decide. There's so much competition for employees in this town in Montana (not saying where, fuck off we're full) that even though the minimum wage is 8.15, most of the "entry level" jobs like fast food and dishwashing start at $10-$15. I got a job at mcdonalds when I moved and started at $12, making more than I did in the orange groves or pushing shovel on a road crew in Florida, whch is what I do now for $20.

I disagree strongly. The whole wages drive overall prices theory is bunk. Monetary inflation does that, not wages. End fractional reserve banking if you don't want savings eroded.

>t. shelf stacking lowlife

You don't, those that earn the most will migrate to other countries, crippling your economy as they're the ones having most influence over it.

>Let the market decide.
This can only work if you can control immigration, and probably several other things i cannot recall from the top of my head.
Either way you need to control something to avoid Ancap's wet dream. So, why not minimum wage?