Why do Conservashits vote for policies that are harmful to the vast majority of Americans?


Why do you continuously engage in sophistry?

why do libtards advocate for open borders?

Because they're uneducated, gullible idiots that are easily manipulated, aka useful idiots the elite have controlled for hundreds of years.

This may come as a shock, but some people actually plan on bettering themselves and realize that punishing the successful will only make it more difficult for them in the future, not to mention their current potential employers.

They don't.

ooga booga fuck whitey
gib me dat shit

>Why do Conservashits vote for policies that are harmful to the vast majority of Americans?

because they don't. you're being lied too, fucktard.

Because i hate the vast majority of people

How does decreasing taxes for middle-class and up hurt everyone else?

The uneducated see things for what they are. The semi intelligent see things for what they can be. The intelligent see things for what they can be and what they are.

So the fact that trump added a third higher income tax of 30% specifically for higher income families while at the same time lowering the other two means nothing to you?

This is why Hillary lost. You try to "win over" white working class voters with insults about their supposed stupidity.

If you were remotely as intelligent as you think you are, you'd rethink muttering insults as you extend an olive branch.

Well its better than faggots with tens of thousands in debt and useless degrees insisting that unskilled workers should be paid more and that the US should be importing millions of unskilled, uneducated foreigners.

Yes they do.

How will high taxes be good?

This person just watched some late night tv personality explain to them why they need to hate conservatives this week, thus making them an expert.

How exactly raising wages help out anyone but the big corps who are the ones actually capable of covering such costs?
How is raising wages improving small communities, when the increase can not be justified by the limited demand, ergo eroding the Small Town, USA while bloating up Metropolis, UN?
How do you expect people to start a business when the entry bar gets constantly rises, forcing most people to take ever growing loans from the Bank?

The State should control the business, but do it through other means than appeasing simpletons with increasingly bigger numbers. Improving the community and quality of the services provided by the State to the businessmen, discourage shadow economy through incentives, take into account that rules which are needed for 1 million urban area do not work for a thousand strong rural town.

An interesting paradox, Democracy is said to be the rule of the people, yet in practice it is nothing but the tool of the rich

except they do.

Why do Liberals have to engage in class warfare? Oh that's right, they have to resort to divisiveness and appeal to emotion in order to back up any argument they make. Instead of feeling entitled to other people's wealth and labor, try making something of yourself and stride for self-sufficiency, you fucking leeches.

>how is the lower classes earning more money going to improve the quality of life of the lower classes?

this is why you shoulf think before you speak aloud

Bootlicker corporate scum detected

Stop voting against your countries interests dude

>be unskilled hilly billy
>your labor isnt worth the minimum wage
>but you know you could live a better life with some kind of income
>the minimum wage laws are literally preventing you from getting some kind of part time employment
>liberals sipping their avacado toasted mocachinos can't understand because theyve never had the trust fund to bail them out when their unpaid internship doesnt result in the 8 figure job their women's study professor told them it would give them

>meme flag
Is the lower class earning a dollar more worth the price of the whole of middle class?
And your retort was too generic, mind giving me a quick rundown on why the 3 points I made are wrong? Sentence or two per one should do.

Yeah I mean who wants a job or anything? Fuck that, isn't there some kind of government program for that? Chase every business out of the country, that way nobody has to work ever. It's fucking brilliant.

Quit drinking the Ron Paul koolaid fag . corporate welfare in only good for the .01%

... not realizing there isn't a way not to get fucked


opting additionally for the nigger/spic friendly route

... your kind gets the boot first

I had retarded hillbillies working for me, they did a great job last year and i would have liked to give them a nice bonus check but unfortunately i had to send $70k to the IRS. No money left for bonuses. People who post these memes have never ran a business and obviously cannot comprehend how it works.

Nice fake story

He has a point though. I'm more concerned about 1/3 of my income going to pay welfare for Tyrone and Shaneequa. I lose 30 fucking grand every year in taxes. Shit is unbelievable. That's like 5-6 nice vacations, or a decent car, or a nice chunk to stash in savings. Fuck taxes and fuck the government

Lower wages mean more jobs.

Lower taxes for corporations means you don't kill off competitors and allow the last corporation standing to form a monopoly.

Lower tax rates for rich people means more rich people will move here and we can sell them superfluous bullshit = more jobs.

Upwards wealth redistribution doesn't work , we tried under Reagan, Clinton and Dubya bush

Panama papers would like a word with you

But Cletus and Skeetar still get exploited by the republican slimebags they vote for

Lol, unskilled hillbilly? Have you ever met a hillbill? They create and fix shit.

> they create and fix shit

Yea they are good at creating meth lmao

How? We work tax free under the table and, barter. I mostly trade my labor for goods. My racket as of now is cutting down trees and splitting wood to keep warm in muh shack for winter.

because most phonefags love bait for breakfast, lunch and dinner

>Implying the democrats don't do the same thing.

Hey they're filling a market demand. You're forgetting weed and alcohol as well.

"fake" Right, just because you are a retarded fag who can't run a business doesn't mean people like me don't exist.

Urbanites have a slave mentality pay them no mind

A lot of poor people are happy with their quality of life and would love to see less government. I know it's a hard concept but it's the truth.

>Lowering taxes (choosing NOT to take money from people) is wealth redistribution

>Rich people moving money offshore to commit tax evasion will be fixed if we raise taxes.

>Implying the big bad corporations don't just pay off politicians to put loopholes in for them anyway whenever taxes are raised on their income bracket.

Like what policies? Tax cuts and lower regulations are good things. So is a limited government.

And not all rednecks are gun toting inbred people

I noticed you stopped using the phrase "economic interests".
3/10 at least you're trying

You sound like someone majoring in feminist dance theory.

yeah all these urban and suburben retards are why bush won !

I once supported drumpth i mean trump and now i dont because tax cuts

*posts anime girl with cleft palate*


Yea I figured Rephrase it in a way to remind Conservashits they are doing untold damage to their country instead of just harming their own interests because fuck em if they won't educate themselves :)

im not poor but im not rich either. I would love to see government cut in half. a fricken state governor does not need 60 people on his staff. it' worse than a union job. 1 person doing the work and 5 others mandated to watch


Found the jew taking gender studies


>rich pays most of the taxes already
>reduce taxes on rich
>debt increases even faster because there's less money to work with

Detected the uneducated hillbillies who vote against the countries interests

And what untold damage is that? Trying to make sure America doesn't go down the same shit path as Europe and all the failed liberal countries?
Fucking retard

The issue your having is that we have educated ourselves. We didn't get the same (((education))) you received. Our education is based on self reliance and innovation not handouts from an "authority" figure.

Then cut the spending

> implying repukelishits care about the debt when cutting taxes for billionaires
> .01% own 40 percent of the nations wealth
> this shouldn't be taxed according to economic illiterate bootlicking Conservashits

What interests are those

The 1%er's and the wealthy made a killing under Obama.......he raped the middle class and helped illegal foreign invaders

No, they shouldn't be forced to pay their money when the government can cut useless spending instead. They earned that money. It's not the government's to give to everyone on welfare and shit. That's what we're against


Fake news . Income inequality might have risen under Obama but he has the best illegal deportation record of any president

>Government take that man's stuff and gibs me dat!

We let you in


Turning away people at the border is not deportation

How's that Kool-Aid tasting?

He deported Christian refugees (real), though.

When will this autistic meme end

That's because they changed the definition of deportation during his administration. It's now considered deportation if you are stopped at the border and turned back.

Good. That only means more jobs

>the vast majority of Americans?

Do you meant niggers, spics and faggots ?

>broke hillbillies

but what happened to muh white privilege?

>conservatives vote purely because of economic policies
or maybe they just don't want their taxes handed to dirty niggers nor do they want anything to do with the party that openly despises whites.

>all taxes are calcelled
>you get to go on a cool cruise
>get taken hostage by pirates because those taxes also pay for the US military to patrol the seas

Think beyond your bubble for a moment

At least we have koolaid Bolshevik

Why does ShariaBlue repost the same old refuted notions multiple times a day and why do mods tolerate it?

Until you can prove that's it's false which I see no evidence in this Republican echo chamber thread

>hears people complaining about high taxes
>immediately gets asshurt because all government spending is necessary
>Daddy government cannot be wasteful

Fucking retard

It won't cause liberals enjoy losing. Kinda of a fetish with them ya know?

I see you have been talking to ivan and igor


Barely any different than the Democrats that practically bribe minority groups via welfare and affirmative action and encouraging public shaming of those in those groups that vote Republican, calling black rightys "House nigger" or "Uncle Tom".

This thread just reminds me that most uneducated fragile men conflate voting republican with their fake masculine virtue

Sorry any black that votes republican is an Uncle Tom white appeasement scumbag who clearly can't see how irconic it is to share political views with white nationalist Republican Party and every republican voter despises them based on their skin color

At least the niggers and spics get something in return for their vote.

You hillbillies bootlick and get nothing in return. Well, you get a new bank bailout lol

>if I keep calling them retards certainly they will change their view points
Do you honestly think calling someone a "conservashit" accomplishes anything? You can't be that stupid. I mean, haven't you been doing this shit for the last decade or so, but all it's accomplished is push the white working class further to the right?

Lmao no they don't. Blacks are getting poorer and poorer. Maybe if you stepped out of Mommy and Daddy's mansion and actually went outside you'd know this.

>white appeasement scumbag who clearly can't see how irconic it is to share political views with white nationalist Republican Party and every republican voter despises them based on their skin color

So let me get this straight
>conservashits are voting against their interests by voting for the white nationalist part
Haven't you just contradicted yourself?

No it's because they act like niggers and have no agency.i actually like the hoteps, Malcom x was pretty baysed as well. The issue is that these people are overshadowed by niggers.

>why should we care about you poor nuggets. Whether if it's trump or hillary, they do our bidding. poor people can stay poor

Conservashits is just a funny moniker that accurately describes the deplorables to use to banter on 4chinz. Not like I don't come across posters calling me libtard

'Progressives' seek to eliminate private ownership replaced by state ownership ruled by the same banking elite at the top. They do this by using economic warfare carefully throttling the money supply. There is not enough money, services, resources, and materials to go around.
The state has subsidized; energy, agriculture and food production, industrial mining, industrial manufacturing, industrial finance and now industrial health care.
You have no clue the world you are about to wake up in.
The heathenous masses are nothing but a tax on the world's resources and have no direction and are mere consumers. That is what you are supporting moron.

They get welfare. They do nothing with their lives and you pay for it, lol.

And they suplement the welfare with crime, ergo, stealing from you.

Check my flag, i'm not a mutt kikemerican

Wow you are an idiot.

Like Obama didn't bailout the aut industry and several banks. Nigga get real the Obama administration coined too big to fail.


You should try reading, instead of being an emotional shilling wreck.

>white hillbillies suck repbulican cock for nothing in return
>they should suck democrat cock instead for nothing in return, while nigs and mestizo scum get their gibs
You've got a silver tongue there bud, I'm sure they'll listen to you.