Bambina getting serious and showing his true form after Acacia punch, Moon showing his true form as well

Devil Serpent with capture level of 5000 showing up, Ashurasaurus showing up as well







What is this?

The dragon thing on Jirou's full course.


Is Toriko the best and most delicious world to live in assuming you're not a mook and have some potential to become a hunter?

Big Mom island seems fucking delicious so far.

just a rip off of toriko

>serious monkey king
Rip Acacia.

He's going full ayylmao

>Acacia is the one who killed Bambina


Sky Deer aged him 1000 years in one second

How the fuck do you beat these guys?

The problem with Neo is that if you kill him (which can probably be done with the 8 kings) he'll just reincarnate later.

Damn lost his eye with one punch

should be able to regenerate it imo

>Acts chill around an enemy
>Lets him get a punch in so hard he loses an eye

Weren't kings supposed to be powerful in both their body, spirit and such none sense? This is kinda stupid.

Acacia > 8kings (at least 1vs1)

so far he ate the right paw of Wolf King, punched out the eye of Bambina, and destroyed the "top" of the moon whale

Acacia slapped Jirou's head off with a casual slap

A full force punch cause Bambina to only lose and eye which he can regen and makes him get serious