Your own country out of Liechtenstein

why dont ancaps, white nationalist, pagans, reactionaries, euromuslims, jihadis, black nationalists and other larpers who want their own state follow the Liechtenstein route?

Their constitution lets any commune seccede by a simple majority vote, and the entire country only has 12 communes, teh smallest of which has only 424 people. If you get 425 people to move there and vote for seccession, you get a state

>Art. 4
>1) [...]
>2) Individual communes have the right to secede from the State. A decision
to initiate the secession procedure shall be taken by a majority of the
citizens residing there who are entitled to vote. Secession shall be regulated
by a law or, as the case may be, a treaty. In the latter event, a second ballot
shall be held in the commune after the negotations have been completed.

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is it expensive to live there?

A little bit, methinks

And it is somewhat restrictive in its immigration policies (cause they're smart), but you just need a couple people, and high birth rates, and any wannabe group could get his own country

Yes, I've been there and it's expensive as fuck. If you guys go out there to have a traditional American diner, you'll pay $35 and it's not even supersized.

But you'll have free WiFi where ever you go

What'd you do over there?

Yes, let's all congregate in one area to make white genocide easier.

>euromuslims, jihadis, black nationalists in Europe
Why would you even suggest this?

>why don't reactionaries go to Liechtenstein to secede & rob the citizens of said Commune of their traditional homeland

Fucking AnCaps.

Im showing every wannabe nation-builder what the option is. Either you do it before them or dont cry when they get a state

Thats the law. Legal secession is the tradition

So technically you could get majority and secede every commune, then unite them again and change law?

>Either you do it before them or dont cry when they get a state
Ancaps are literal jews, confirmed.

Y'all have fun waiting 30 years to become a citizen JUST to vote for this.

Yes, but after secceding the former constitution is obviously notnthe law anymore and they might change everything 100% cause the government of the principality would have no power over them anymore
t. will let refugees create a caliphate
Think of the children. Commies can do the long march through institutions but other people cant even wait some years to become citizens?

I can agree, it is a good idea for the children, but once (((they))) figure out our plans, you can bet we'll be deported.

>country in Europe
>deporting immigrants


1. The King of Liechtenstein, I doubt he'd be happy over the lost territory.
2. A self-sufficient nation would be a requirement due to several reasons, see We're white, so we would be deported

1. The king wrote this part of the constitution. He's kinda ancap himself and wanted an individual right to seccede, but parliament refused and this was a compromise.
2. Thats why you sort yourself and get money and skills

Sounds great, then. I would support this move. Get some anons into the field and let's get going.

bump for interest

Also, all, Eastern Switzerland close to Liechtenstein would be a good idea

Switzerland is harder to seccede from

True, but it would still be a good idea, so that we would have support from the Swiss during our secession from Liechtenstein. Upon secession we'd be a small country with no support.


As paying approximately 2 million dollars for a
small house is impossible, have this.

It's likely not every place, but it's a start