Is there anyone on Sup Forums who had Chuunibyou growing up?

Did you go around thinking you were a completely different person with magical powers?


>been poured water on book/bag
>been stomped in toilet
>blamed by Miss.Stacy for being geek and attracting bully .

sometimes at standing school assembly, i'll imagine myself transforms to fucking hikari-no-kyoujin/ultraman and stomping every shit around me to ketchup.

sometimes i'll imagine having za warudo moment and tear off all the chad's hair.

sometimes i'll imagine an hero (brevik) possessing me.

also death note and st00f

I thought I was an army man for like 5 years.

that sounds more like psychosis

Kids aren't actually THAT delusional and removed from reality.
And the ones that are, get diagnosed with mental issues and/or psychological trauma early on over here.

I really hope this whole chunni thing isn't as prevalent in nippon-land as they make it out to be in animu.
But knowing animu, it probably isn't.

When I was in middle school I would pretend I had been kidnapped by aliens for attention, if that counts

Naw, I just wore black a lot. Fingerless gloves and some red tinted glasses sometimes. I hope that was all.
Now I just wear black a lot.

Fun Fact: Chuunibyou only means half of what you think it means, OP.

I believed to be a version of Dr Greg House that also believed to be Hiei from YYH.

i-is that enough, senpai?

I once had Wicca sites bookmarked for like a week.

I'd use broomsticks as magic staves. Does that count?

Too hardcore 4me

You're not a chuuni; you're just a faggot who needs to go back to .

>Japan invented the Chuunibyou

Pretty sure even plays imagination as a kid, chuunibyou is having it beyond a certain age.

Sure is anime and manga discussion in here. I'm glad this isn't a blog thread.

Yes. I believed I had magical ability to not fail completely in life.

Why didn't they kiss

No but we did have this kid in my high school that wore tassels and some sort of mini cape. He was also the only guy in the cheerleading squad.


I loved thinking I was something like a DBZ character before I even knew what DB was. But no, I never went beyond that.

>this thread

I played DnD with my brother and his friends. When I was 12 I started carrying a watch and a gameboy so I could trade them. I figured a magical world would pay enough money for both that I could get started.

When I was 16 I quit because you only get to roll a D4 for age +12 in DnD and I was too old to go.

Not any worse than the kids who were vampires at my highschool I guess.