This is it. We’ve reached the end of the line

My entire like I have felt like I was preparing myself for the end of the world. Speaking with people, I have since then come to understand that I am not the only one haunted by these thoughts. I remember at a young age when I was a teenager thinking about my future career and what I should learn. Skilled trades were high on my list because I thought that this knowledge might come handy after modern civilization would collapsed. I ended up in a STEM field and I often think that I made the wrong decision, especially when I look at the current state of the world. I think that by now it’s pretty clear for most of us that are paying attention that we are headed toward a total collapse. Modern society is headed toward total destruction and chaos, through civil war and potentially even by nuclear warfare. We’ve never been divided as much as we are today. In the past, people were united with patriotic and nationalist pride. We don’t even have that anymore to keep us together. Identity politics is tearing us apart. Racism is on the rise. Fringe groups are now larping but it won’t take long before the anger spreads to the general population. We are one major event from a total collapse. Whatever comes next, worldwide economic crisis, big terrorist event, will plunge the world into total darkness. We have reached peak degeneracy. I’ve started lifting and getting back in shape, making smart investments, planning escape routes, stocking food and survival gear and preparing for the worst. The western world is too far gone, Liberals have successfully planted the seed of absolute destruction and it’s just a matter of time before it all goes to shit. There’s no coming back from Trump. After having a leader like him, we will never be able to go back to having someone like Hilary in charge of the country.

I seriously think that this it Pol. We’ve reached the end of the line. This is truly the beginning of the end.

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I hope Kimmy pushes the button soon, to be desu.
I can not wait to see everything created by humans going to hell, where it belongs.

I'm also reaching that point. I hope it all crash and burns. I used to be hopeful, but not anymore, we need a reset. We need a reset of western democracies that have been infected by the liberalism virus. Sodom and Gomorrah is started to pale in comparison to the world we are now living in. I sometimes wonder if that was the goal all along.

We are in The Fourth Turning cycle (look it up), and other cycles converging on us.
I know how you feel.
But the flip side is...What a Time to be Alive.


Lets just hope we live to see civilization
rise again.

The news and the media makes me angry daily. The level of propaganda is insufferable. How can normal people tolerate this? The more I look at it, the more I think that the real fight is between intelleigent people and retards. I look at the PR mayor and I can't help but think that she is a total tool. The complete Liberal archetype, with fucking retarded SJW glasses. They are everywhere, wreaking havoc in our world. That fucking librarian that just refused some book from FLOTUS. I feel like we are living in a cartoon. Everywhere I look I see stereotypes of absolute and plain stupidity and madness. How did it come to this? Logic and reason have been thrown out the window. What the fuck is going on?



>I'm cynical, entertain doomsday fantasies, and associate with others who are like me.

Welcome, you'll fit right in here.

Maybe that's what's it all about. Good times allow stupid people to be in position of power, for whatever reasons. They fuck shit up. And eventually the wise ones take control again. I think that it's time to take control back of the world. Liberals and their fucked up naive ideals are destroying it. It's time for the adults to step in and clean up the mess. History seems to support my point. Why aren't we learning from it and why are we always repeating the same mistakes. Liberals are children, they should never be in charge of anything. They just can't handle it. I hope that once the world is destroyed, we will never allow them to have any kind of power.

These things can drag on longer than you would think. A collapse is coming, but it could take awhile.

I'm not cynical. Look around you. The last time the world was that chaotic was right before major world wars. It's not a fantasy and I'd rather spend my days thinking about the next BBQ or some vacation. What's going on right now is not normal. We've been there before in history, but not in the lifetime of most people here.

Looking at how fast it's going now, I think it's being fast-tracked. Probably on purpose as we all know already. Look at how fast the pro-immigration scenario is being put in place. Things will go down very quickly. I used to be complacent and think like you. But what's going now it alarming. This is not prepper bullshit fantasy scenario. Shit is going down fucking quickly.

Probably not me...old fag.
Only live to see it all lost.
Feel sad user.

It will correct, it's already started.
You are part of the correction.

Define "quickly"? Next 10-20 years? Definitely. Next 6 months? Probably not.

I hope it's slow.
But this ^^^^ seems more likely.
The left is pushing hard for chaos, it's their way or the highway.

I think I am. I just hope we'll see some clearer signs soon. I'm sick of the Liberal agenda. It's really angering me. I see all around me the damage that it does. Children fucked up with their own sexual identity, gays being pushed down our throat. All I see, as far as my eyes can see, is pure degeneracy. I hope that Trump steps up his game. What does he have to lose at this point anyways? Why isn't he calling out globalists and their agenda openly? Everything is too subtle and dog whistling. If we want to take back control, we can't be subtle anymore.

I'm thinking 1-2 years max. I used to think it would be slow. But this is the Liberals agenda, slowly grinding their way to destroy society and bring communism. Now that they have been cornered, they react strongly. And I think that it's a good thing, but it's also rushing major changes.

Like I've just said, I'm grateful that they are reacting the way they are. The masks are off now. I don't think it's going to be long before we start labeling them as communists. The normies are waking up, albeit slowly.

That sums it up quite nicely. Next time let's make sure that we nip it in the bud. As a species, we are fucking retarded to let it happen again and again. It's depressing.

>1-2 years max
Things are still to good. The decline may start to accelerate, but as long as we can afford the bread and circus we wont see anything.

>Identity politics is tearing us apart.
>We need a reset of western democracies
Society is crumbling around you, and you still can't see what the cause is. You still are apart of the problem. The cause of our ruin is egalitarianism. Of which Democracy is a political variant of. What do you think Communism is? The work of Karl Marx was inspired by the French revolution, which was inspired by the American revolution. Democracy and Communism go so well together because they both hold the same root idea at their core of class equality. Identity politics isn't a problem, it's the natural way things are. Look up the definition of identity politics
>Identity politics, also called identitarian politics, refers to political positions based on the interests and perspectives of social groups with which people identify.
Identity politics is literally the new name for tribalism, it's never going to go away, it is the default state. Society is not going to collapse, it has collapsed, and it will just continue on declining until something new is built. We will continue to decay into previous levels of societal development until something new is formed. The ideology of the natural law is the opposite of every type of egalitarianism. You want a society that lasts? Guide it by adhering to natural law

>but as long as we can afford the bread and circus we wont see anything.

Bread and circus....

Not only will it rise again, we can be the builders/founders of what rises. Civilization collapse is nothing new, either. Every time a society embraces egalitarianism it decays to a previous stage of development.

I agree with you user. I know why society is crumbling. Natural laws and survival of the fittest is what I am advocating for.

>Natural laws and survival of the fittest is what I am advocating for.
Why complain of things like tribalism then?

This is what Liberals don't understand. They fail to understand that life is built on a competitive model. Nature is competitive. This is the world that we live in. Liberals think that they can befriend lions. A lion will eat you as soon as he starts to be hungry. This is the world that we live in. They are fucking retarded and disconnected because they don't understand life at the biological level.

>Natural laws and survival of the fittest is what I am advocating for.
Why complain of tribalism then?

My bad, website was messing up and accidentally double posted

I am not complaining about it. I'm just making an observation and stating that it's happening.

it's been the "end times" for decades and nothing ever happens, but you asshole christians always want everyone to die because of your delusion of superiority

>They fail to understand that life is built on a competitive model. Nature is competitive. This is the world that we live in.
>They are fucking retarded and disconnected because they don't understand life at the biological level.
Correct, and this is true for quite a lot of people. There is massive disconnection from reality.

>It has to happen in a flash or it isnt happening.
Wew lad.

We live in a world where you need to steal life from other beings in order to survive. This is the world that (((God))) built. Lie is a competition. Liberals, once society becomes too comfortable, forget about that. They think that we feed on sun rays or something. Then they start enacting stupid policies for equality. They have lost the plot. We don't have replicators yet. I'll start listening to to them once we have that tech. Before that? Fuck them and their naive vision of the world. Their opinions only lead to human misery.

I'm an Atheist.

This. Not only will it not happen in a flash, it won't be hollywood tier at all. People don't seem to realize what all the violence and destruction is. It's from people reacting that way to the situation, people are reacting to our situation. They're just reacting with escapism, all the rampant drug use and hedonism is people trying to escape how shitty things are. Government programs and opportunists keep the cycle stable on the way down.

You're pessimistic too.

As long as I need to kill something in order to survive as a human being (animal, plant, etc) I will consider their ideals to be pure fantasy. If one day I'm able to sustain myself by looking at the sun or something, then I might reconsider my position.

endtimes? sure...but the timeline its on is sure we have another couple hundred years before the wraith comes.

>We live in a world where you need to steal life from other beings in order to survive.
Yes, every organism sustains itself directly or indirectly from the death of another.

>This is the world that (((God))) built.
This world is like a playground compared to what it was created from. It's a test to see how things go, like many realities before it. Every major religion holds guidelines which simply amount to abiding natural laws.

>Their opinions only lead to human misery.
Existence is struggle

This is a naive stance. Do you think that the people that lived through WWI or WWII thought it would ever happen that quickly? Both wars happened in the span of a couple of years. yes the build up tool decades, not unlike the last 15 years or so since 2001? We are in 2017 now. 2001 was the last major event that traumatized a generation.

Life is a videogame, life is a simulation. And I'm not even joking. This is what I truly believe. I'm concerned, but I take it all with a huge grain of salt because I know that in the end, it's meaningless.

Not how it goes, societal collapse is defined as falling to a previous level of development. For example, scale of development goes something like
Individual naked and alone in the woods->Individual forms a family unit, a pack, the male leads the pack/unit, this is the first hierarchy->Family forms multi-family tribe, tribe forms family hierarchy->Tribes come together for society, form tribal hierarchy->Societies form civilization, civilization has societal hierarchy etc
Every level is made up of the previous one, with the basic building block being a strong family lead by the man.

Individual->family->town->city->Citystate->multi-citynation->regional power->continental power

Our decline will be falling back into previous stages until we start with ourselves, then work our way back upwards on the scale.

yeah bring it on. i want to larp around the apocalypse like in fragile dreams.

I don't thin that it's going to be comfy.

Get over your grandiosity you fucking narcissistic retard.

>Do you think that the people that lived through WWI or WWII thought it would ever happen that quickly?
Neither war was quick, basically only about 1-2% of a war is actual fighting. The rest of planning, strategy, and logistics. Even prior to firearms this was the case, the actual battle is a very small part of what happens. Both wars where also ignition events with all parties being motivated by prior tension which had been built up over a long period of time. WW2 was inevitable after WW1.

>2001 was the last major event that traumatized a generation
9/11 was nothing, America has never actually faced a real threat from anyone but itself. If 9.11 conspiracies are to be believed, that's still the case.

>Life is a videogame, life is a simulation
If you imagine our bodies as PC's and our souls as users. When our time in this world ends, our souls simply stand up and go back to their world. This world is a very small thing, but it's apart of a grander world which we may want to avoid being in.

>I know that in the end, it's meaningless.
Everything has meaning user, the meaning just isn't what you want it to be all the time

>Life is a videogame, life is a simulation.
>This is it. The world is ending.
>I take it all with a huge grain of salt
Clearly you don't

I've grown up the same. Always dream to post-apocalyptic movies and books and the Book of Revelation. I've always sensed something bad would be coming. I've had a myriad of jobs and developed a wide skill-set. Not on purpose though. Just kinda guided from one thing to another. I grew up liberal, but slowly seeing the world changed that. And experiences in my life turned me, a complete non-believer to God. I don't know if we'll see the collapse in our lifetime, but I feel like we've been called to prepare, embrace the traditional ways, and pass them on through our families so that when the collapse comes, some of us will be prepared to survive and restart humanity. It's not about building bunkers and bugout bags. It's about acquiring all the traditional knowledge and skills you can and passing them on. Almost all of it is dead. Cooking, sewing, farming, carpentry, tool knowledge and use, morals, monogamy, marriage, family roles and duties, barter, tribal organization and cooperation, from the current generations. We must be the last bastions of this knowledge. Because when it happens, only those with that knowledge will be safe. Most will die, and the rest will find those that do have the knowledge and will need guidance.

Trump isn't real. The immigration crisis isn't real. Globalism isn't real. People larping with tiki torches aren't really happening. The media going full 1984 isn't real. Hilary isn't real. All of it, is just a figment of my imagination. Go back to your safe space. It is happening. No more larping.

Why do you play videogames? Maybe you just watch them on Twitch. But I like to play and be involved. That's why games were created. It's exciting. If you don't play, you don't get to feel the rush of playing. If you don't get it...

People have been pteparing for the end of days for at least 5.000 years. This guy accelerated that king of ideology

Mentally ill.

I'm a carbon copy of you. I'm glad to hear about your story. There's many of us like you and I. Not sure if that comfort you. But it's real.

There is no end.. to quote a wise man.. It might have been Buddha or Gandhi.. " LIfe Will Find Way".. we may all be nuked into oblivion. But Life will go on.. we are made of stuff processed in stars.. we are fleeting self aware biological events. Live Life.. jam your penis in whatever doesn't move.. drink and be merry.. for tomorrow you may be a radioactive skeleton.. or not.

I was being cynical...

Jesus failed in his mission too to boot. A simple rabbi who was deified by idiots who don't even know the language he spoke in. Despite all the insistence of not wanting to be worshiped, and nothing should be above God. It's similar to what has happened to Hinduism, where every nobody who goes into the mountains becomes a Guru and gets their own sect/following. Most Christians aren't even aware that Christ was never a name, but a title, which could be applied to over 75+ other different prophets of the bible.

I agree, it's just the end of an era. And I cannot wait until we move on. This era fucking sucks. I am so tired of hearing about genitalia and nuvagina. This era must end as soon as possible. We will look back at history one day and think how shameful and misguided it was. Btw, the entire world is laughing at us right now.

Videogames are based on life obviously. Simulations are based on life. Just because you can stack blocks in real life doesn't mean real life is fucking tetris!

Oh, got it

America should become free from the global elite and international banksters. Obama was literally the worst president and he robbed our generation of a future for his chump change. They literally took our wealth after they took our industry through free trade. Fuck, most people are asleep.

It's happening now. It's not prophecy material anymore. I don't think that Jesus will come back, but I am certain that we are headed toward a total collapse of the western world. Asian countries and Russia are laughing their asses off.

Obama was a failed attempt to brig communism and globalism to the US. He's a traitor and one day will be judge for it.


Yeah mate just prepare to fight, kill and die for our future, it's our only hope and it seems the world is against us but the white mans burden is honor and virtue.

I think that Trump needs to be more honest. If he's really against globalism he needs to make it clear. So far he's been dog whistling. If he really want to drain the swamp, he needs to be upfront.

I think that the reason why the white man dominates the world is because of intelligence. We have a biological advantage. When the time is ripe, we will rise again and dominate again. POC are destined to be slaves. They can't build or sustain civilization. They are forever doomed to houses built from goat shit because of their genetic material. That's sad, but it's also the reality.

It's a comfort to know there's others. It literally hurts my heart to see things degenerating and know that there's going to be a lot of pain and suffering. And that there is now, people just don't understand that their emptiness and unhappiness is from turning away from the traditions our ancestors learned the hard way. We developed them because that's the only way we could leave our animalistic behavior behind and build civilisation. Progressives think it's archaic and they're more "evolved". But they're actually regressive, and taking us back to the any behavior is ok animalistic way of life. Civilisation can't exist without the morals and self-restraint and control the traditional ways our figured out. The world isn't going to end in a bang, it's going to die in a whimper. It'll be a slow decay until one day it all collapses. That's why we need to be ready, because the old ways were the only way you could get a group to work together and survive together through the year, and through rearing offspring. The Bible not only tells us what to do individually for our best good, it also is what found civilisation.

>you need to steal life from others in order to survive
What do you think the monetary system is designed for? Nowadays it's just smarter. Why killing people if you can make them your slaves?

>the entire world is laughing at us right now.
Actually they aren't. Everyone's generally equally dumb, or even afraid to not be dumb because we were all following the lead of the USA as if you guys were ahead in all ways.

Did stuff like that "blow your mind"? Sometimes you need to simply look at the data and ignore your brain's instinct, because the human brain wasn't made to see this far. It will make far fetched connections automatically and screw your perception of reality, that granted is already biased towards social perspective.

Aren't we all ready for this bubble to pop? This modern civilization is simply unsustainable and all the technology we've created has made us lazy, weak, and stupid. I hate pretty much everyone even white people are shit now and whites are clearly superior.... i used to dream about how amazing the future would be and how things like the Internet and Google were going to male people so much smarter but i couldn't have been more wrong. It's clear to me now that the movies had it right, this is why every futuristic movie the world is basically completely fucked or for the most part the entire race is enslaved or controlled by robots or some futurist dictatorship. I'm ready for whatever is going to happen, hopefully it happens soon as demon pedophile soul suckers and money grubbing jews and niggers literally run the world by fucking over millions and if they have the money they own slaves and live like ultimate kings. I can't enjoy anything anymore knowing the truth, every woman seems to be a degenerate now adays that or they are just smart enough to think they know everything and don't know their fucking place. I'm not even going to get into the drug problem that seems to be effecting 80% of people these days... anybody got a time machine? Faith in God maybe is the last thing left but I've spent my entire life a non believer and being religious now i just feel like a fucking fraud.... i guess I'll escape back into a video game reality so i don't have to kill myself in real life. Thanks for fucking the world over jews, niggers, spics, muzzies, slants, and rich and famous faggot trannies. Love you pol you really gave me hope we could stop the pedophiles but i know now nothing will ever happen. Instead of killing myself i would go to Comet ping pong everyday until i find Alefantis, at least then i could feel good about something, that i did something

i hope you're right. this is a trend that has gone on twice as much as it should have. emo lasted about four years, scene about the same, but sjws are still going. it would make sense the muh 90s nostalgia generation would drag everything out longer than it's worth. hopefully a good world war ends it.

The swamp is larger than it looked from the outside imo

This, excactly this. I woke up angry today for all the same reasons as you. The PR mayor really pissed me off too and usually I just laugh off all this clown shit. Liberals need to be wiped off the face of the earth.

Atleast you'll go out in a blaze of glory

All my life I have prided myself to be an atheist. I rejected the dogma, etc. But more and more I am turning toward Christianity. I might convert soon. I now understand what the purpose of it all was. Rejecting religion, and especially Christianity is the biggest contributing factor to the current downfall of civilization that we are witnessing now. I don't care that much about God, but I care a lot about the universal peaceful values that this religion was promoting.

True, I also think that masculine energy needs to be directed towards conquering and dominating otherwise it will waste away in eternal restlessness, so potentially some sort of neo-colonialism again. Whites really are the most benevolent rulers.

Asia and especially doesn't give a fuck. They love to see the BAIZUO and how it is destroying our societies. They can't believe we are that stupid for tolerating it to spread. Chinese are fucking based. War more than us.

>Asia and especially doesn't give a fuck.

Asia and especially China doesn't give a fuck.

I have created that thread in the hope that someone like you would answer. I'm also really happy to see that I am not the only one.

You think our only problem is the liberal agenda that is just to provoke you into action against them the real threat is in what hides beneath on both sides the endgame for us is not communism pr ww3 but tottal enslavement

>mfw this is one of the deepest, most intellectual, most disturbing, most factual thread I've seen in a very long time

It could be sustainable. But what will destroy it are the shitskins that are unable to appreciate it. This is the mistake of the white man. We build civilization, we are inclusive and then they destroy us from within.The next step after this civilization collapses, it to build one where we don't tolerate weakness anymore. No more empathy. Burn it all it's weak or stupid. The next time that we build civilization, we will no be compassionate.

This spooks me.
What should I do about it?

the useless island niggers did no preparations of their own then have the gall to whine for gibs, which they are already getting as fast as we can. useless shitskins.

Growing up I was religious but I stopped believing around high school. Now as I get older I am starting to turn back towards god as well

No the problem is much bigger and much more not comfortable. It's an ideological problem combined with a genetic issue. The liberals think that race mixing is the answer. It isn't. We will never reach that goal. The transitional era will destroy us all. And it's already starting. This is their biggest mistake.

we just need to put "no brownies allowed, not even to visit" in the constitution next time.

I think that is where the real fight is. It's a fight between intelligence and stupidity. Because of Liberal values and rules, stupid people have been allowed to be in charge of important roles in human societies. We need to change that and take control back. This is the uncomfortable truth that no one is willing to talk about.

You think they are trying to create a masterrace but the laws of consiquence will make shure they never get close?

That's not the problem though the problem is the weak minded society that we've created, where everyone thinks we HAVE to help them, even take then into our homes. Its fucked were destined for shitskins to destroy everything good and rape our women while the elites enact their plan to enslave the entire world. Weakness is our downfall and it's not going to change until life and freedom as at know it has all but been wiped out.

>the world
America maybe, as much as a meme it is to blame commies they are to blame for the state you're in the only way to stop America is to balkanize it as it's geographical position is the source of it's wealth.

I read comments on Sup Forums, plebbit, yahoo, NPR, etc. I see rational thinking, people with an opinion based on reality. I read the news, CNN, etc. And all I see it stupidity and uninformed opinions. The real fight is not about left or right. The real fight is between intelligent people and stupid people. It's really maddening.

>Looking at how fast it's going

Not fast by any means.
I’m an oldfag, and this shit started before I was born.
My wakeup call was the Y2K panic. That was almost 18 years ago.
I worked for an ad agency back then. The COO called me in to his office, around this time of year and asked how we were going to deal with the crisis.
I laughed and said, “we’re going to come in on January 8th and go back to work.”
He told me I now had a budget of 1.5 million dollars to prepare for the apocalypse.
I bought an Origin 2000 workstation and a T9100 array, backed up all of our critical data while keeping them isolated—i.e. not on the company network, or the interweb, and gave back 1.1 million dollars. (honestly, I didn’t give back shit, I just didn’t spend that money).

Huge fucking surprise, January 8th was just like every other day.
But, the panic. The idiots losing their shit just because they thought the world was going to end. That was the true wakeup call.

If enough fucktards BELIEVE the world is going to end tomorrow, you can bet your sweet ass it will.

Pic related. That nigger is at least 45. But because bongs WANT to believe he's a poor, helpless chillen, he is.

They are progressing full steam ahead toward Idiocracy.

They project and think that Trump represents that. But the reality is that it's what they are enabling with their policies.

i agree with both of you guys. our education also lets people down. i heard they're swapping out shakespeare in the uk for some nigger bullshit curriculum. stuff like that needs to stop. we cater to the lowest common denominator when we should just abandon them altogether.

Maybe I will be able to rebuild the Romanian people. If that were to happen I'll do it after Codreanu's model.

You're right but we're outnumbered and intelligent people for the most part are not violent... we're not fucking savages. I think most of us would press a button though at this point if we could that would wipe out tons of people... i don't know anymore but ignorance really is bliss and there is truly no going back from the red pill....

>My wakeup call was the Y2K panic.

>My wakeup call was the Y2K panic.

I'm also an Oldfag and the level of retardation that we see today it nothing compared to what we have seen in the past. The U.S is in full retardation mode. I was born in the 50s. I've seen it all user. And nothing compares to what's going on right now.