This is what Christfags actually believe

This is what Christfags actually believe.

naaahhhh brrahhhh it's just a metaphor for like, life and like, existence man...
make sure you get circumcised goy.

Verboten: 11 biblical essays

Look it up and take the final and everlasting redpill user.

Not just Christians but diluted versions of the story exist in most cultures around the world.

Fucking Christfags

Helleno Romans considered the rest to be barberian subhumans

Too many Rune-fags on here.
Too many catholi-cucks too

not really. it's just a story.

If you have this picture saved, I'm afraid you are unironically fucking retarded.

It is actually stolen from the myth of Deucalion of the ancient Greeks. Noah's flood is a copy of that myth. Read up on it and get redpilled.

What evidence is there that it was stolen from the Deucalion story?

The "IT WAS A COPY OF..." fantasy changes every single year. There must be, currently, about a million places where everything related to Christianity has been copied from, according to the atheist LARPers. All of them contradicting each other, of course.

two of each animals is not what you think, you can't take shit literal when it's a myth. Getting an ark ready for the flood meaning getting yourself organized for the upcoming tragedy or an event such as saving FUCK YOU FUND that can keep you afloat thru the flood.

If you call yourself a christian and don't believe what the bible says, you're a fucking joke.

"Christians" who don't take the bible literally are utterly useless, spineless cucks!

7 of every unclean kind, and 2 of every clean kind, not 2 of every animal. The childlike mind of a pagan can't comprehend.

lol. You can interpret this bullshit any way you like on a whim... Total bullshit from the sandpeople as usual.

It's basically the same story, but with different names, places and different gods and the Deucalion iteration is older. Noah's flood is like adapting an anime to western live action.

Scratch that, reverse it.

It actually goes back even further, the first remarks of a Deluge can be found in Sumerian writings

Sad that in this day and age faggots still follow the story of the talking snake..the burning bush and the zombie. Fucking pathetic. Watch zeitgeist the movie for ultimate red pill on the "sun" worshipers.

How do you know parts are literal and what parts are figurative?

HUH, interesting, thank you.

wtf i love making the leap of faith now

Ovid's Metamorphoses is from 8 AD kid.

youre on an anime chan fuckface, whats that make you?

You're basing your conclusion on the assumption that the flood never happened.

From a Christian perspective it makes perfect sense that similar flood accounts would appear across different civilizations.

I watched Zeitgeist when I was a little boy and it made sense, but now I'm a man I can understand God fully and put away those childish things.

So what you're saying is the Flood must have happened because almost every civilization has a flood story?

um... it's also what Jews believe cause this is OT.

But in the biblical flood, no other men survive.

that is a story as old as civilization itselfh

No I'm saying that this is yet another thing jews appropriated to create their history.

And cuckans believe in Odin drinking corpse semen. *Clap clap*

>still no idea how stories work


Take it to sage

>believing the kikebible

Insult Christ chan one more time you filthy slav.

I believe in what the bible says. Just not Jewish lies.

>the flood habbened!
>obber guldures have sibular storbies
Do you christniggers not see the picture?? christians believe that noah put two of every animal on a boat. If you dont believe that your a heretic.
(you) have to be a complete retard to believe this
>ibz only a meddafor
for what?

Of course some details of the account would get distorted over time.

That makes no sense. You've been fed a story to keep you in line like a bitch and swallowed it whole. Don't be so scared of death that you need to cling to this shit for security.

woah, a universe! cool!
>this is what r/atheism literally believes.

>not jewish lies

>Atheists believe you can fit an entire library of congress into a 10TB hard drive

Perhaps Noah's ark was a 1st Era of Man Server farm with the genetic library of all animals that were capable of sustaining life on this planet. (Sorry dinos)

HahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaĆ aaaaaaaaaa