Post your craziest conspiracy theory


Other urls found in this thread: Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

The Szabadság-square Giant Underground Corpse Disposal Meat Grinder was pretty hardcore. A part of Budapest folklore. Some believe it existed.

we killed 6.000.000 juice

Large Hardon Collider was frot with problems.


Women were created to hinder men from becoming mighty wizards

Planet X - Niribu.
100% total complete bull-shit.


I sincerely believe shampoo and conditioner are jewish inventions to get routine shekels from goyim.


psychedelics helped cultivate modern religions.
and most people are worshipping entheogenic experiences, while shunning them entirely
from the culture...

religious people that shun psychedelics
are the biggest chodes in existence.
especially the blind faith followers..
most of humanity has 0 concept of god.

the knowers of god are always removed from the church institutions quickly.

most major churches are a perversion of god.

fact is, if you think you have to physicaly go to a holy building to be a part of community or god.
you are fucked in the head.

the body is the temple of god.

but hey..
what do i know....

only that...

i am.

You don't get it.

they are. Don't use any products on your hair besides water, and after about a month your hair won't get greasy without shampoo and will feel better.

flat earf

i've read the sacred mushroom too.
thats not a conspiracy tho.

Mi a magyar neve? :O

the earth isnt flat. its just much larger than they tell us. there are continents beyond antarctica.

This is 100% truth. Used to have to shampoo to feel clean/not greasy, even showering alone didn't help. Stopped shampooing months ago and after a week I stopped getting that greasy feel and my hair doesn't get greasy now.
Granted I only tried this because I went real short, with long hair dunno how it'd work. Also I'm pretty sure my hair is growing in thicker, would make sense these sick fucks put something in there to cause baldness too.

My relatives that live there, i never heard, info please...

The Earth is flat and we've never been to space

I don't know if the Earth is flat, but people at NASA sure are a bunch of lying Jews

ive stopped using the shampoo jew for almost a year. when i got my haircut, recently, the barber complimented how great my hair is. also, hair grease isn't bad. its when you have too much of it. all you gotta do is rinse it out with hot water, like in the shower.

The first part yiu are wrong, its flat, second part is right. Where do you think testicle man is going to fly his rocket paying people to? Hint! Not Mars.

The Earth is round.

NASA lie because all of the money they take in goes to black projects and the SSP. They've pushed this flat earth psyop to cover it up

I'm convinced the kikes are reptilian shapeshifters or drones sent here to do said reptilians work

Read the OP's of all the threads: Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

if earth is flat then what of the other planets of our solar system? you dont need nasa to see them. independent astronomers have proven the existence and roundness of other planets.

>but people at NASA sure are a bunch of lying Jews

This video convinced me that they are.

Jesus was a cult leader that brainwashed people and the Romans did nothing wrong. If Jesus wasn't crazy, than neither was David Koresch

i also would like to add that you're right about mars.

>wut iz perspective
Holy shit that image is retarded

guys we could literally get together and send a camera into space, look at the footage when it comes back down and clearly see the earth is near spherical. all for just a few $100 dollars of equipment.

there's no excuse for this bullshit

Flag checks out

We are living on 1700s and not 2017

nigga, i never said it was flat.

Turkey and Russia work together to form a new axis.
The upcoming recession will be blamed on Trump.
Trump is there to piss of the world so that as soon as the world starts to get really disgusted america can pretend butthurt and close their borders forever.

Very embarrassed I believed it


>"Out of this door might come something, or we might send something through it," said Sergio Bertolucci, who is Director for Research and Scientific Computing at CERN, briefing reporters including the Reg at CERN HQ earlier this week.


This is literally Half Life's Black Mesa in real life. They want to open up tiny dimensional rifts to get extradimensional particles to prove the existence of other dimensions. If they fuck up, something bigger than just a particle can come through.

Very very interesting and spooky possibility that never gets talked about

why are you embarrassed when theres so much proof of it's existence? they dont hide it these days. they call it geoengineering.

Ok, done.

There is no proof. It's just junk science at its best.

you're wrong, my man. normal non-laced contrails left behind planes are condensation that only last for a short period of time, unless in really cold conditions, and do not linger and spread. the condensation trails that do last long do not spread and are only there because of really cold conditions.

and to add,
considering that the earth is in a warming period, not due to global warming or climate change, but because of the sun. global warming is bullshit. the earth has been hotter than this without man emitting greenhouse gases. also, there is no "ozone layer" that is "depleting"

That's your strongest proof?
High altitude wind streams and fluctuations in temperature could easily carry contrails, especially if you have 4 turbines producing a total of 160,000 lbs thrust. That would look significantly different than a jet outputting the heat generated by 40,000lbs thrust.
I've also never seen a photo of one of these jets up close. Do you have any?

interior decorating.

OK, what does that have to do with proving chemtrails are a real process the government is undertaking?

-1960's above ground nuclear testing
-atmospheric damage and repair
-weather manipulation

If God can be found its surely through psychedelics

We 'The Mist' now boys.

So, what is this list supposed to be?

"chemtrails" is a fuckin' buzzword

Do it, cause you literally can't

Litterally everything plastic contains toxic and harmful material


We live in an amazing and thrilling time of technology and science yet it seems that the progresses humanity made in the last 100 years are just not good enough for a lot of people or they just can't wrap their heads around these advances. So they make up stories in order to discredit everything they can not understand in order to make a new more interesting reality for themselves.
Many would say it's pathetic but I personally like to read conspiracy theories of all kinds. It's like reading a sci-fi book. It's entertainment and that's all it is.

The holocaust happened

those wind streams would mangle the contrails thus making it not able to linger in its original form. doesn't explain the steady spread and unnatural metal chemicals in the soil. go fuck yourself.

i don't have them saved in my harddrive but im not gona go lurk and post it for you, you lazy cunt.

they also poison you. One brand years ago got in trouble for having a chem that is almost estrogen in it, skin absorbance.

>tfw hl3 never comes out because were going to live it IRL

Thats a hot take

its proves that its harder for contrails to linger for so long. you have to be living in a cold climate, year long, to possibly, maybe, see a normal contrail last longer than 15 mins.

Fusion does not fuel sunlight.

I think jews are aiding in muslim immgration so that jews become persucuted all over the world and move to israel.

Thanks for explaining that. Very good

I love this one
Its called the phantom time hypothesis

Sure ok. Your proof is "cuz they cant". There are no pictures.

First there was virtual reality games

Then there were augmented reality games

Now, Valve presents: real reality games

Where did you get this picture of me?

lmao, i dont have it on hand, but i lived in southern mississippi for over a decade and have seen this happen daily. there's ton of "pictures" out there. look into it. sorry, im not gona do it for you.

>hurrudrr he didn't provide everything i demanded of him even tho i refuse to seriously look into it myself

What is the temperature at 40k feet and how much does it differ based on the climate below. Also, when you push more thrust there is more heat generated. That would explain why there are longer trails because the thermal load is much greater if they are accelerating or if the turbines are more powerful than releasing chemicals which are so obviously white.
Also, what chemicals are they and do you know how they look when dispersed in air at 40k? Interested in positive proof.

Hundreds of people have done that and every single video proofs the earth is flat. Did you not even think to look those videos up? Have you done any research whatsoever of are you just another bluepilled retard?

Emojis are a secret plot by the chinese to make westerners forget how to spell in their own language and get them used to the idea of learning mandarin.


>cuz I seen it like far away n sheeit

prove me wrong

flat earth

reality is just extradimensional ayys playing sims

TayTay is one of us

(it's an inside job.)

this is all relating to the temperature of the heat generated. in 40k up, its not cold enough for contrails to linger for so long, unless you are in a very cold climate to begin with.

look into geoengineering and cloud seeding. these are private corporations, and military, doing this, coinciding with certain scientific organizations and the shadow gov.

these chemtrails are here to alter the climate and to prevent certain uv rays from reaching us. the status quo reasoning is to prevent global warming. we, as well as plants and animals, need these uv rays.

yoko ono had michael jackson framed and murdered

i agree.

its gonna work to because they are easy to hate

trump is a jew and pol is controlled opposition

That just sounds like spin. No actual scientific proof of your claims. Again, tell me how dependent the conditions are at 40k based on ground climate. And tell me why they can't last more than 15 minutes again?


The Large Hadron Collider is the biggest satanic experiment humanity has ever done.

Humans have been engineered by aliens with shared DNA between them and the apes. We're a specie designed to aid them after we reach intellectual maturity. Hence why we are so much smarter than the rest of the earthling living things. They have an underground base on the Moon and have been keeping us under surveillance since our creation.

Most of the lost children end up as sex slaves for the elites. They might even have "human farms" to satisfy their fucked up desires.

>Might be true:
Another alien base under ocean, known only after WW2 by a few world and military leaders.

Earth is hollow and "demons" might be living inside of it.


elaborate ugarbro

that's not a conspiracy, it's just a cunt hair away from stoned ape theory, which has been around for a long time

go on

The ayys being extra-dimensional beings is my favorite

Antifa are fascists

>pinpointing on DA BIG BAD CORPORATIONS (not all corporations, but its the truth, these are private corporations creating a lot of these chemtrails lol), when i also mentioned military and shadow gov.

you're arguing with a heavily buzzed individual who knows know than you but is not willing to do the work to show you. say what you will. once you seriously look into it you'll find that this retard is right. i will not do it for you. reality does not spoonfeed you with answers. learn truth.
>you won't


they also make your skin addicted so you must use it every 2-3 day to avoid itching, i stopped altogether and my head never itches anymore.

Storm front is controlled opposition and secretly runs Sup Forums with an iron but fair fist.
Civic nationalism is actually better but social meme engineering has conditioned Sup Forumsacks into hating it. Stormers have also infiltrated r/the_donald to devalue kuckistanis with liberal tier ideas to make civic nationalism look bad and give a reason to he on it. The CIA has infiltrate both Sup Forums and lefty Sup Forums. Their shitty shill memes is a red herring so that we won't know how good at infiltration they can actually be.

You are kind of right big ice planet big rock hits ice planet melts ice floats in a pool of melted ice moon rotates around ice planet makes rock go up and down. the rest of the planet has no atmosphere only the part where the rock hit. spooky thing is if a large entity gets close to us it could course the rock to flip in the pool has happened many times. just get a telescope do some mathes on your own. The flat earthers are kind of right cause the top of the planet that the rock floats in is flat.