When is it ok to be gay?

when is it ok to be gay?

When gay means happy, namely happy for burning faggots at the stake.

I second this.

when you apply for a job in a cucked country. might as well use affirmative action to your advantage

if people want to be gay i can give two fucks it's their life for fuck sake. i didn't choice pussy for my horniness

When you're Greg Johnson

Gays violated the NAP by suing bakers so they should be physically removed.

more gays less humans. gays are pretty good in my book

when you're dead and the morgue guy is raping your corpse.

After you've had two kids and raised them properly.

Du calme Celestin

When you're childless and sterile.

makes sense to me desu

When you’re in hell.


But fags did choose to watch so much porn that they became perverted and gay.

t. A closet faggot in recovery

apparently now's a good time for you

How's your recovery? Is it possible?

Not good. I just remind myself it's not ok to be gay and cross my fingers that I'll be fully straight one day. I went from full on gay to being attracted to females again though, so hope is present.

When isnt it?

When you're not molesting kids or sticking things up your ass. You can love man, but when you sleep together than its going too far

When in the bedroom

When gay means sucking off and fucking your Sup Forums bro in the bum after engaging in other manly activities