Reality has a well known liberal bias

>Reality has a well known liberal bias

How do you refute this, pol? Use a well formulated argument and not just autistic fury and ad hominems.

Other urls found in this thread:

>liberals think everyone is equal
>what is race realism

It is called mental illness...

>makes claim
>puts burden of proof on the the persons not making the accusation
>ask for "well formulated argument"

Actually, as Ben Shapiro says, reality has a right wing bias my dude. Get bent

The appeal to novelty (also called argumentum ad novitatem) is a fallacy in which one prematurely claims that an idea or proposal is correct or superior, exclusively because it is new and modern.

adjective: liberal

1. open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values.

Of course real life has a liberal bias - parasites tend to do just fine until they kill their hosts.

That's the reality.

Liberals Don't Fuck, destroy every institution they get control of, and are statistically mentally ill and self-destructive in far greater proportions than conservatives

Sounds like being connected with reality m8

Here is my argument

Was listening to This American Life recently. They were profiling the Proud Boys and interviewing the black pua who invented “no fap” (and has a Proud Boy tattoo despite not being very alt right).

The guy has Gavin McGinnis on his podcast, and lit into him for being so supremely confident with his views, when similarly smug right/traditionally-minded white guys in the past have ALWAYS been wrong. Gavin didn’t even disagree just said “good point”.

That’s actually the best argument I’ve ever heard for the “reality has a liberal bias” meme. Even if the right seems sensible at the moment, history almost always proves them wrong (at least on social, not economic, issues)

So much of this.

Burden of proof is always on the hypothesis. Fucking ignorant niggers...

>makes a broad, autistic, over-generalization
>give me a concise argument to rebut my comment

>Reality has a well known conservative bias

How do you refute this, OP? Use a well formulated argument and not just autistic fury and ad hominems.

Also, consult my digit

>then why aren't liberals winning?

I disagree with the statement I just want to see what pol has to say about it

Right, because we know that the left opening their assholes to the religion of peace and destroying one of the few intelligent races on this planet is going to make the world a better place.

Identify any animal or creature which operates under liberal principles.

>Wolves are not "Socialist" they have a highly "authoritarian" hierarchy of experience and competence
>Hive insects have more of their genes within the queen than themselves. Thus, they benefit from being sacrifical drones.

There is no evidence I have seen yet to support this argument, at best this image is making a completely unsubstantiated claim. As such there is no argument here to refute

It was true when that phrase was coined because the 'liberal' position was largely based on evidence up to that point. This isn't the case anymore.


Parasites excepted. I've never seen a liberal claim their ideology is that of "The noble flea," which would be accurate, except that fleas have to jump like superman to succeed.

>inb4 naturalistic fallacy
1. You're a Platonic idiot if you unironically think looking to nature to understand the world is a "fallacy"
2. My argument is about the nature of organisms qua organisms, looking to others is valid, even if you're a mental midget that rejects #1 above.

Reality has no fucking bias, reality is what asserts itself when you wake up from your dream of equality.

I think a better question is, how does one support this?

If we were 50 or 100 or whatever years in the past you’d be making the same claims about the discriminated-against de jour group being the downfall of civilization. Never has planned out why would be expect it to now?

p.s. I don’t actually agree with that viewpoint, since the current worry over Islamic IDEOLOGY is fundamentally different from past worry about racial/ethnic/sexual-orientation groups, but the point remains that conservatives have a really bad track record when it comes to picking on minorities (although you’d be right in saying they’ve been spot on when it comes to alien IDEOLOGIES like communism; the problem is Muslims wrap both into one package and the right is sloppy about how they criticize Muslims)

The left abhor competition. The essence of biology, physics and nature.
Reality is the order forming out of chaos from the competition of every particle and force in the universe.

>Ben Shapiro
Into the trash it goes

He's not actually making a point. Reality meaning everything included in reality? As in Hitler has a liberal bias? It doesn't make any sense; just simply sounds like it does, so liberals nod and laugh.

realize humans are not actually born equal and must Become in order to survive

This is only true if you credit liberals with all good changes and discard travesties like bolshevism. If you define liberal with breaks in tradition, sure they are right eventually because nothing is perfect. But if you are talking about the logical extension of left and right worldview, the right is far more often correct about society, human nature, and economics.

Academia has a liberal bias, and it's academics who makes this claim.

>Reality has a bias

Don't refute it, point it out for the delusion it is. Reality doesn't have opinions. Alternatively you can use the tried-and-true tactic to debate leftists that works with literally every single topic:

>Can you explain what you mean more clearly?

Ask for proofs.

>Reality has a well known liberal bias

When your "reality" consists of an insular thought bubble populated by only show business antbrains and the Twitter Blue Checkmark squad, then of course it's going to have a liberal bias.

>being taught in school that diversity is a strength means that reality has a liberal bias
no. stop.

race realism is a faux-intellectual attempt at edgy racism attempting to use the psuedo-science analytical techniques of century-old autists because apparently whites are absolutely flabbergasted at the notion of not being the preordained "apex species" as given by (((God)))
kindly neck yourself, mate

I find responses like this psychologically fascinating.

What possessed you to type this? Did you find it funny? Do you anticipate others to find it funny? Who is the target audience? Who is the Heel? Is there an unsuccessful attempt at persuasion? Has anyone ever given you a (you) before?

>reality can suck my balls

Like I said, the left is prone to accept everything new, in the process accepting batshit damaging ideology (naturing reflex or whatever). Similar the reflexive right (disgust reflex driven) rejects everyone, even on totally inconsequential basis like race and ethnicity and sexual orientation etc.

The person who actually thinks this stuff through realizes they can embrace difference where it doesn’t matter (superficial things) but stridently oppose it where it’s contrary to liberalism. Unfortunately the vast majority of people are driven by their gut instinct not thought so they get stuck at the extremes: accepting everything new/different or rejecting all. Obviously Sup Forums is full of natural rejectors, sjw sites full of blanked acceptors. What we need are people who know what to accept and what to reject, but for most that only becomes apparent in hindsight.

Reality also has a bias toward death and destruction. But life does spring forth to fight for its right to exist.

When the supposed bias mentioned is based on lies, misinformation, and twisting of facts, Colbert's statement has to be dismissed.

This makes no fucking sense you complete fucking spastiv and just goes to show that e-celeb bullshit rots your brain. Throughout the forming of western civilization society has been staunchly what you would call far right. Commie bullshit is a recent development.

Colbert isnt a Liberal.

Thomas Jefferson was a Liberal. Colbert and his masters are Communists. You people are fucking retarded and hide behind a mask called "liberalism" because the cuckservatives let you get away with it. But you're totolitarian cultural Marxists

Nature has a Right Wing Bias

> that's why laws of physics are called things like "liberalism of momentum" and "liberalism of energy"

>cartoonish mocking leftist who plays an over dramatic silly conservative who’s attacks consist on nearly nothing but ad hominems makes claim
>no ad hominems or silly arguments please allowed to counter it

>How do you refute this, pol?
History. All of it before the great Jewing

It's true. In nature all is meant to live free, only mentally deranged humans want to impede on natures freedoms and it all stems from religion.

>makes claim
>no facts to back up his claim

How about the fact that in life all is free but man and their animal slaves?

But there is literally no work in the universe that is free. Every single bit of work done is achieved only with energy and energy. Everything that lives must use some quantity of energy, everything that wants energy must eat, of those things most of them eat something else living to obtain that energy.

Nothing is free, everything costs something.

>smacks lips
>ayo hollup


>reality has liberal bias
the ozone layer is naturally occurring and replenishes itself. electrical activity in the atmosphere makes more of it. ozone is o3
>hippies0 / conservative reality1
nuclear winter isnt a thing. scientist proved it wouldnt even be a major global disaster if all nukes were placed in 1 spot and detonated
>hippies0 / conservative reality2
your body NEEDS sugar to survive. sugar is not the devil and even if it was you body needs it. a little thing called a mitochondria requires it to make the cells function as intended
>hippies0 / conservative reality3
there is zero scientific evidence that multicultural / bilingual nations do better academically because of it. in fact a comparison of average iq per nation cross referenced with nations with more than 1 languages spoken shows that if it were true africa should at least be on canadas level since most do speak 2 languages but they are at the bottom in many cases
>hippies0 / conservative reality4

i can go on but i think the prosecution will rest your honor

>similarly smug right/traditionally-minded white guys in the past have ALWAYS been wrong

This is nigger tier logic 101.

Because it's not as if the western civilisation was built on the nuclear family and patriarchal values since the founding of Greece in 800BC.

God damn it pisses me off how niggers who were shipped here to work as agricultural machinery think they have the slightest clue about our history.

>Yeh cuz liek whytpeepo wuz wrong about traditional values and shiet cuz my side girl laqueesha couldn't afford 7 kids back when we had traditional values so traditional values must be bad.? How else can a single mom afford to raise 7 kids without welfare, ya dig?

How do i refute this? Just because Stephen Cuckbert said it doesn't make it true.

Reality and (((reality))) are two entirely different things. Nature shapes reality, whereas Colbert is one of the (((elements))) of (((nature))) used to (((create))) reality. The majority of goys live in (((reality))) shaped for them by (((nature))) whereas everyone else lives in reality.
I could count on one hand the amount of (((interracial couples))) I've seen in the last 6 months and I wouldn't even need to use all of my fingers. That's because it's reality. If I instead looked at (((reality))) every other couple would be (((interracial))). In reality I see Muslims murdering people on an almost weekly basis. But in (((reality))) Muslims are the hard done by victim. Etc etc etc.
If you point out reality to a (((liberal))) they refuse to believe it for the simple fact it's too much for them to want to believe and it forces them to think for themselves and basically accept they're wrong, which no one likes to do.
I don't blame them though. Why would they want to trade a view of an ideal world that does everything for them, even thinks for them, and lets them know that as long as they do as they're told they'll be safe. Even their goy friends believe it because the weak always search for safety in numbers.
At home when they watch (((Colbert))) they laugh at his (((jokes))), awe at his (((facts))) and hang on his every word because that's what the audience (or crowd) are doing. They see all those people doing it so that confirms to them that when X is said/done it must provoke Y emotion/response because they, the audience, are showing it, so due to the safety in numbers they mimic them like any beta does. Who is it that tells the audience when to react? The (((television company))) using an "audience prompter". So the (((television company))) tells the audience what to do which, using Pavlovian conditioning, tells the goys at home how to react and thus you manage to successfully create a (((reality))) that has a (((liberal bias))).

Medfag here. Wont argue most things you said, but your body does not need to ingest sugars or carbohydrates at all. There is no "daily sugar requirement" because the required amount is zero.

>liberal man put penis in mans asshole
>no naby
>liberal man put penis inside child
>no baby
>liberal woman receives disease subhuman penis
>diseased baby
>conservatives put penis in vagina
>make babies

only way reality is liberal is if you deny your parents existence and even then the burden of proof is on yourself cause probably no one will believe you manifested into the world out of thin air, cause that is fairly unrealistic.

reality may be intangible, but its far from being liberal.


You don't need to refute arbitrary statements.
I went to the moon and built a house with special extra heavy moon bricks.
Refute that

Here's your liberal Bias:
>Gays are 100% natural and born this way and not against nature at all
>Almost 620,000 gay and bisexual men in the United States were living with HIV in 2014, and 100,000 of these men were not even aware of their infection.
>These men are 100 times more likely to have anal cancer than HIV-negative men who exclusively have sex with women.
Nature Abhors a faggot.

The high incidence of Muslim violence and terror, which is destructive to the narrative. In particular, the Pulse nightclub shooting which pit Muslims against gays (what was the response here, btw?), hurting the idea if one big happy liberal family assaulted by the mean old straight white males. Honestly, take a look at /lgbt/, and see all the infighting there. That alone is enough to bust that myth.

>t. fake tv man

>country has $20 trillion in debt.
>regulations and social spending have been increasing for decades while wealth inequality has grown.
>We need more socialism Guise.


> totally inconsequential basis like race and ethnicity and sexual orientation etc.

LOL I hope you don't actually believe this. Demography is destiny and the fate of societies can be directly correlated with its level of sexual policing.

Quints, sevens - KEK HAS SPOKEN!

>sexual policing.
Worst kind of thoughtcrime, eh?

It's just the cultural mores of a society. When a society has higher levels of sexual liberation and encourages a cultural of hedonism, productivity and social cohesion goes down as the populace engages in more atomized self-indulgent behavior and engages less with family or community.

>proven them wrong on social issues
Actually all history really proved is that a majority of voters were turned against them on social issues. as for rhem being right on social issues in terms of them actually working well I'm not sure I think maybe the right is being proven correct on many things

wtf, thanks juden

>niggers were shipped here
>British flag
What the fuck are you smoking? I'm pretty sure Britain never had niggers picking cotton there

Kekanon makes a point.

I can't because it's true. Conservatives are literally trying to stop the progress of evolution.

>YOU DENY SCIENCE BECAUSE YOU SAID THE EARTHS TEMPERATURE CAN CHANGE WITHOUT HUMAN IMPUT!!! And you submitted a well written scientific paper that disagreed even slightly with the amount of impact humans have on climate
>proceeds to pull this kind of bullshit and say that there are 42 different genders

One thing much of the right is wrong about is we won't let natural selection take its course

>found some picture that says reality has a liberal bias with no evidence

How? I'd say the liberals are wanting to stop evolution by trying to create an environment where even the weakest and stupidest can survive and breed thus interfering with natural selection

Thought control is a tool of Communism shill. Your warped perceptions have no effect on me.

Animals dont chew their private parts off becasue they think they might be a woman.

balls in your court.

What if every major financial bubble burst was caused by groupthink?

Companies often train sales staff to defend the message against objects based on "role types" which leads to groupthink. Why stop at job roles, when race & sex have been historical money making roles.
90% of fortune 500 companies have Employee Resource Groups segregated by protected traits like race & sex. Cartels can include trade unions that create artificial low supply's & control training schools. Have you heard of any low supply's of people in IT?
Struggle session accuse members of imaginary crimes to self-criticize (like negative, bias, internalized racism.) What happens when an ERGs message is also taught to defend, at the company?
As a result we get this review of an Orwellian IT training course that sells segregated identity as a brand & encourages discrimination to "take conscious action to hire" based on "visible" differences.

i refute it thus: tax cuts create jobs, tax cuts create jobs ... ad nauseam

liberals control the media, education institutions, hollywood, all used to brainwash plebs into their shitty religion.

we should declare liberalism a religion lol, get them the fuck out of our schools. They believe in a utopia that'll never exist if only they pay more taxes.

Stephen Colbert artificially esconced Media kike with -2 IQ qho specializes in admitted Fake News which is what his Pred and original handler (mossad) Jon"Stewart" was known for has a claim to reality? lol Maroid Zionist subversive propaganda

Well no shit the ordinary working man having money to save and invest grows the local capital structure instead of gov, monsanto, and jew run Lockheed Martin NO SHIT

Ben Kikepiro is a far-left extremist tho.

liberals have never built a civilization, but have seen countless to their graves



>Reality, not media

Fuck mura and his moot copied bday hats!

First of all
>Obvious burden of proof fallacy
Secondly, I can find countless examples of Muslim rapes in Europe, gun control not working, and the whole tranny craze being unhealthy and dangerous to society.

Remember when Steve Colbert was a racist making fun of "squinty eyed" Asians and "dumb and dumber" blacks?

Liberals really are gullible with their virtue signal following

>making fun of a reaction image and not mentioning actual content of argument

>posting screen caps without context
7/10 you made me respond

>In life all is free
You're an idiot. Nothing in this world comes without effort, nothing is free. Watch some nature documentaries and see how all life fights for what it needs.

This was said before the liberal ideology became
>there are more than 2 genders
>hard work is White supremacy
>race is a social construct
>climate change doomsday predictions constantly changing
>meritocracy does not exist give jobs only to those who haven’t earned them
>doubling holocaust death count every generation
>greenland’s size on the map is White supremacy

Could go on but getting a headache

>How do you refute this, pol? Use a well formulated argument and not just autistic fury and ad hominems.
That's an axiom, not an argument. I don't need an argument to dismiss an axiom.

It did a decade ago. The left then went fucking insane. Now it doesn't

Race realism is not pseudo intellectualism. There is a lot of science that backs it up. You're just a science denier.

Liberal economics dont even exist. Obama made a bunch of epa regulations that only apply to our country. He used leveraging to finance a social security system thats going to default here soon. He set the record for only president to never have over 3% annual gdp growth on the recovery of a recession.

Our countries economy would be less fucked if we had no president between 2008 and 2016. I guess in an atrophic/death sense, reality does have a liberal bias.

They had slaves, not as much as America though.
They were mostly used as builders or maids in coastal towns.

>Reality has a well known liberal bias

Lol!!!! Liberalism is based on lies and hypocrisy. Reality is based on absolute truth. It has no bias.

>well known liberal bias
Fucking where? I'm a huge fan of nature documentaries and believe you me the shit that goes on out there is as far from the liberal ideal of a permanent kindergarten as can be.