I already gave back $5000 in reparations this year, will you match me?

I already gave back $5000 in reparations this year, will you match me?

Other urls found in this thread:


Only white people are this stupid


>reparations happen
>All whites suddenly identify as black

You can't tell us we can't do that now. Too late faggots!

If this wasn't a "preparations" reasoning for this, I would contribute.

But I'm not helping your agenda because MUH REPARATIONS from years ago.

Not even germany fucking cares about Poland.

I wonder if they'll deliver to Finland. It's not like they could claim I'm lying about being ex-slave just because I don't live in USA.

How were we, as a race, cursed with such ingenuity and at the same time, such gullibility?

How much money has to be spent until reparations are paid back?

All of it, goy

It clearly says 'identify as whites.' Can I identify as a dirty nigger and injun mix to get double the faggot libtard gibs?

>offset their privelege
What a joke. Blacks as a whole will never tell them their privilege is offset.

Our ingenuity softened us

should have been called "gibsdat2.me"

>Only white people are this altruistic
Altruism is literally our greatest weakness.

Thanks, user. I actually watched this last week after an Aussie linked it. Well done

I already do this - it's called taking a garbage bag full of my trash to the local Goodwill. Fucking apes.

When do I get reparations? I have Irish ancestors who were slaves.

>people who identify as white

so we're at trans-racialism now?

I already pay nigger tax to keep them fed and away from me

Just donated $1,000 i'm sorry for being white but I hope this helps black man :(

>identifies as white
does this mean i can identify as black and receive reparations from her?

I'm a white Immigrant to America and I will in my fuck be giving shit to anyone, it's hard enough for me as it is already.

lmao russia hacked altruism and philanthropy

that's racist, goy- I mean fellow white person

Black unemployment is high, and black communities are rife with crime. The black family has been ripped in two. White people pay taxes to go to welfare and think the debt is paid. No, it is not.

Every white family needs to be forced to take part in reparations and integration.

What do blacks need?
>safe, affordable housing
>nutritious food
>access to healthcare
>relief from urban crime
>stable families
>gainful employment

I propose that to secure these things, all white families be obligated to secure reparations for a specific black family. People with more means would be given responsibility for larger families or possibly multiple families.

The family paying reparations would be responsible to provide the following for the black family:
>gainful employment
>in a safe white neighborhood
>health coverage
>basic education

Families would be assessed on how well the black family they were paying reparations to was performing. Tax credits or tax dings or something. 100% literacy achieved? Get tax relief. Teenage pregnancy? Tax penalty. Diabetes under control? Tax credit. If the adolescent male a white family is responsible for gets into trouble with the law, victims of his misguided adolescent behavior could sue the white family reparating his family.

This will expose white people to the daily struggle that black folks endure in this racist nation on a daily basis, encourage integration and racial healing, and provide the necessities of life for black folk that white supremacy has deprived them of.

Can I have reperations too?

Shut you goy mouth whitey, I identify as a Jew!

I love these sites. I used a similar one to get a free computer desk and TV. I'm a white guy (norweigen parents) but just "verified' with some nigger friend of mine, gave him $20 to do it and he comes over to play smash sometimes.

Is this bait? Or are you really this retarded?
I gave $6000
Its called taxes and the avg white worker gives over 3k per year to Black Americans. My family is also mostly Irish and never owned slaves some died on the battlefields of the Civil War against something they never benefited from but paid for.

it's bigoted to assume white people aren't closeted trans black people scared for their safety.