Who is willing to shell out $1,500 for the high resolution version?

Who is willing to shell out $1,500 for the high resolution version?

Someone get the newswire guy in here.


This picture is a very good reason to stop abusing alcohol. I hope MAD using it in it's advertising.

Thats fake

They expect us to believe this shit?

how do you know



period blood, not buying it

Ankle and feet tattoos. Terrible.

How did Getty get it copyrighted so fast?

I have eyes and a brain.

Not really they don't care if you do or not.


dammit stop making me laugh at dead roasties



They will buy any picture from you RIGHT NOW for pennys how do you think they get every image you stupid fuck?


Holy shit this picture is art. I'd call it 'Quintessentially American'

There isn't a single thing about this picture that doesn't reflect Pax Americana.

This version is lower resolution but has higher detail and less watermarks.

Because nobody is working on a Sunday night.

English teachers somehow make the best jokes on /pol / I fucking swear

Odd. All those people lying down in spilled alcohol and garbage reminded me of Britain.

I wonder what panties she's wearing.

Looks pretty normal actually. And normal as pre-obesity epidemic normal desu

Well, Britain is one of our colonies.

Australian teaching English and bantz to the Japanese.

>Based user is based

>Who is willing to shell out $1,500 for the high resolution version?
i would, for a nude version
pic unrelated

Your autism is showing.