He's right you know

He's right you know

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>doesn’t realize they were illegal

it was banned in 1980 you retarded hippie

But it was an illegal firearm in a gun free zone. This would have happened regardless of a gun ban.

>horrible event occurs
Fucking scumbag.

Even Talcum X is getting in on it.
If there is one thing all America media loves, adores, it's a mass shooting.

Sup Forums is allowed to be excited and love it, it's Sup Forums....but I do get annoyed when people who pretend their job is to moralize and not attention whore/manipulate society pretend "ok guys lol seriously now is the time to do what I want you to".

We don't have mass shootings here, just mass rape.

It was not the first such event and this is not politics but common sense policy.

Listen user..
Just listen.. very carefully. And be open with your heart and mind.

Brothers don't kill brothers. No knife, sword, bow, gun, or nuke could make one kill a true brother.
America doesn't have too many guns; there is no gun issue; it's a brother issue, no brothers. The people are too divided.

The left says "Take away their guns and force them to treat eachother like brothers".

Nobody learns who their brother is. They are born knowing their own family; they are born with a preference. America is a multi-ethnic society, and that's the problem.

Bin that knife


Snow white btfo

Good thing they already were. Since 1986.

>not designed as klling machines
peak niggerdom

He is talking about black people right?

fucking kek

Did they do the same thing when the BLM people shot & killed the cops?

Liberals are human killing machines.

Lol he'll no Shaun King laughed and said fuck white people.

guy was a left winger with an illegal gun.


ok for police to be armed like the Marines though right? Keep us from Thought Crime and the like?

everything you say also applies to niggers with the exception that niggers have no legitimate use whereas guns have many legitimate peaceful uses such as shooting niggers and fake niggers

He's white you know.

Shaun cuck


The weapon he used is already banned.
Modifying semi-autos into crankguns is a felony.

So it's guns fault that people develope an urge to kill? Sure, if guns weren't around he wouldn't be able to act on his impulse, but shouldn't we condemn man for even having an urge to kill?

It's clearly not "common" sense if so many people disagree with it.


to be fair the first thing we do is hope for religion of peace attack, seconded by a leftist , and as a last ditch hope a nigger. talcum x is a faggot , but we all want terror attacks to fit a certain motivation.
i'm hoping for a leftist personally

Before this disaster the old worst shooting in American history was on a College campus that banned guns and had no lockable door.

One person told their story about how the only reason they lived was because they played dead. They had to struggle to hold a door closed when the the killer came back to their room. Everyone else was dead or too injured to help hold the door. The only man in the classroom that wasn't too injured to help them had a leg with a bullet wound.

The killer was a Asian student with a mental disorder.

Their saviors were police in riot gear with guns.

You "disagree" because you're brainwashed by a lobbying group.
They literally made you a sociopath indifferent to mass deaths and maimings.

Couldn't agree more, we used to have the same problem with assault spoons until our benevolent government got involved

Fucking Talcum X is quite possibly the stupidest shit stirrer of the lot. He's worse than Tariq Nasheed for fucks sake.

Was some type of modification (ie crank) that allowed the shooter to pop off multiple rounds.

I wouldn't be surprised if he was using a stolen police asset. Antifa has ransacked and burned a LOT of cop cars within the last year...

They are banned, you ninny.

Oh shut the fuck up. Don't act all high and mighty and lie about how you've never immediately gone political in the aftermath of a terrorist attack.

>Doesn't realize we are at war

>if I'm white, then I'm a champagne liberal who doesn't understand anything
>If I'm black, I'm a nigger that doesn't understand anything
Why do we give this retard attention?

Those weapons were designed to launch a small lead projectile at high velocity towards a precise target. That target could be a range target, a game animal, or a human. The destination of the bullet depends entirely on the will of the gun handler.

People like Shaun King think that by taking away a weapon from someone, you can fundamentally change their inner nature and make them peaceful. Wrong. They will still have impulsive and violent tendencies no matter what weapon you give or take from them.