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"rural and suburban retards"

Said by a typical liberal who thinks reading Harry Potter in a Starbucks that happens to have a Latina Barista makes him a cultured sophisticate that is one with the world.

Dawkins in 2017 is so toxic that liberal colleges have started banning him.

Pretty racist stereotyping there desu

can anyone translate that?

>1% of world population and decline
>fertility rate: 1.2


Every country has its psychopaths. In Europe they have the EU

Are you admitting that your country is fucked then?

the worst part about these shootings isnt the innocent people who die. Its the people on twitter who should have been gunned down instead

Man is it just me or the nu Fedora Club has been trying their hardest to stay relevant?
With Sam thinking he's an economist , that Science Guys Video, and Dawkins political rants these guys think they are some important political thinkers

My girlfriend is a half-mexican american working at starbucks, whats up with that? Is it a thing for a reason?

I'm not an atheist, they're fucking awful, but I don't think your stats are very accurate

National tragedy turns into hate filled identity politics. Kys American lefties.

HA! the dawkins twitter post is real.

I like him

>tfw liberal atheist scientist with superior intellect and FUCKING WHITE MALE DDRRRUMPPFFT VOTERS fuck up everything for the evolution of the human race

>the second amendment gives you the right to murder

they are banning him for disagreeing with identity politics and snowflake bullshit

Wow, he really tweeted this. What an asshole.

Literally every group hates that man now, too many bridges burned. He is irrelevant

So the guy who was shooting was a Texan hillbilly redneck?

He's going senile. Hilarious watching """skeptics""" call him BASEED before.

Why wouldn't he use ebonics though?

Legends say every time a fucker says that they are 20% more likely to get shot
Oh and they grow a pussy.



Consider these almonds activated.

>they're fucking awful
>hurr, I hate people who don't mindlessly believe in something that might not exist
Do you eat your sister with that potty mouth?

And this is why he has always been the least compelling of the "4 horseman of atheism"

This site has an age restriction, you know that right?

lol Richard Dawkins is so insecure.

>tfw you'd rather live in a country with mass shootings than one with UK tier gun laws.


So fuck off, you obvious teenager. I think the Sargon comments section would be perfect for you.

>In the US they have guns
That's not exclusive to the US. Plenty of countries have their equivelants of an FBI.

yah no. They are 13% and climbing in the US. Much more of them in Europe. We are growing, not shrinking. Stop getting trolled by Christian apologists. That should make you begin to doubt them right there. It's not really "pious fraud", it's lying.

Teenagers include 18 and 19 year olds.

He's mocking African-American vernacular ?

Haha, such pungent humor and wit, just as expected of a superior intellect.

As apposed to the UK where they have knives and the police can't stop them? Or acid or a nail bomb.
Fuck off

just another champagne socialist taking an opportunity to shit on the working class.

The "omg white male" nartative is going strong on twitter. Everyone is ignoring who's records he's broke.

Does anyone have a good image compilation with Omar and such ranked by kills?

Then come back in a few years when you reach that age.

>1% of world population and decline
>yah no. They are 13% and climbing in the US
do you see now how stupid you are, dumb fucking nigger?

I hope that the next time a black person commits a mass shooting, Dawkins makes a similar tweet - something like

> much dik muhfugga, bix nood kill whitey

He won't, though.

Why are you using age as a talking point? Hurr muh fedora, muh underage, muh just a phase, muh God has to be real

>Implying you don't want to be enriched with acid and peaceful trucks

>1% of world population and decline

Seems unlikely considering that 35% of Chinese are atheist, and china is 1/5 of the world's population.

13% is non religious and you fucking know it. The vast majority of those people believe in God they just don't think that hard about religion.

By self identification Atheists are about 2% of the population, self described agnositics about another 2%. Go look it up on the Pew religious survey. It's not hard to find.

US v. world. How does atheism plan to handle the fact that it doesn't encourage large families like religion does? How do you get it from under that without suspension of democracy and/or genocide? This is assuming you can keep the economy from collapsing through automation, which I think is plausible.

I see how stupid you are. You should read what I wrote, but slower this time. Pay particular attention to how atheism is growing worldwide.

Religion makes a shit world more bearable, which is why the ruling class loves it so much. Since the world is turning to shit now and the middle-class is destroyed so the 99% can become slaves, religion is, of course, getting more popular again. Too bad for you Christcucks, tho, that there is no need for sharp religious distinctions anymore but the one world government with their borderless one world also wants a one world religion as the opium of the impoverished masses.

Anyone else remember when Dawkins came out in favor of pedophilia?

t. guy that got diddled by his priest

>an atheist calling other people "psychopaths"
now that is audacity

>US v. world
Don't let your ADD be a barrier.

It's a dig at how shallow liberals tend to be, with gold such as:

My Barista is latina? I'm SO MULTICULTURAL!

I read Harry Potter, which is scientifically proven to make me more enlightened and open minded.

I wonder if perhaps its time we have a 'dialog" about "gun control"?

maybe we should enforce laws against murder so there won't be any murder

So we know now who jacks off to the thought of white COUNTRY MUSIC fans and Trump supporters being machine gunned (in another psyop hoax music festival "attack") Oh AI big brother please come under jewish control and after our diarmament rape us PLEASE...

Wasn't Christianity spreading in China at exponentiation levels?

Oh, right. Thanks, britbong

Almost all Europeans are agnostic. They don't think a god exists enough to devote even a single moment of their lives to it. In other words they are very lazy atheists rather than very lazy Christians.

It doesn't have a plan becausce it isn't a religion. It's a simple answer to a very discreet question. "Do you believe in a God" or alternatively "Do you think there is enough evidence to justify believing in a God". Atheism says no, there isn't. Full stop.

Are there implications from that? yeah. But those implications stem from your own non religious values and considerations. "Is there enough evidence to justify believing in God" simply cannot answer the question "What should our tax policy be" or "whats the best way to encourage a stable replacement fertility rate without religion to encourage births". The atheism doesn't inform those questions. It's the literally everything else you believe that informs those questions.

Apatheist is a better term than agnostic for that.
Agnostic has actual meaning on whether or not you think you know (a very high confidence value) a thing. Most atheists are also agnostics but they find the question of belief to be more relevant than the question of knowledge.

Lol this subhuman wakes up and doesn't even give the bodies time to cool before he politicizes it. That alone is an argument against atheism.

Furthermore If I remember correctly they had guns in France not too long ago. But trucks have been proving more effective due to the suicide nature of it.

>this guy not being a cuck for once

Imagine my shock

your memes isnt working anymore trumprat
go play in traffic

"I think im better than u because I have less rights than u"

blacks cant do shit to change gun laws. only whites can.

Hatefacts are not welcome in this safe space, friend.

>But trucks have been proving more effective due to the suicide nature of it.
and because it's cheap. god help us when al qaeda or isis sends a few highly trained IED manufacturers to europe.

Gun control is prevented because of the GOP, the GOP relies on the South to win presidential elections and a congressional majority, therefore Southerners are the problem and must be ridiculed.

The hilarity will be as old age begins to set in Dawkins will mirror the actions of many old atheists and turn to god before death.

>exponentiation levels

No idea what that even means, but Xtianity is basically irrelevant in China.

I hope Dawkins's beheading when the UK becomes an Islamic state is televised.

If you don't like civilians owning guns why don't you move to another country?

Black people commit mass shootings?

>They are 13% and climbing in the US
Because they are converting more people into their depressing death cult. They aren't having kids. Also the US share of world population growth is declining rapidly. Thanks, atheism.

>US they have guns
>England they have Dawkins

sounds about right

Too bad Brexit is happening you dumb trumper retard. have fun being swiss cheesed by estranged fucks

King Atheicuck gets worse and worse

Can someone shoot this guy, please.

Most of those atheists are just diversity cultists.

Brexit (even if it's finalized within 2 years) isn't going to expel all the Muslims currently living in the UK. Londonistan is now permanently Islamic.

Dawkins is such a fucking faggot.

Based Dawkins

You don't have to be an atheist to have Dawkins' opinion on guns. It's regular Australians' opinion too. The us is just insane

>island of inbred convicts, dune coons, and abboniggers
Nobody cares what you think.

You should. Look at our homicide rate, we're one of the most peaceful countries in the world. You can learn from a country founded by convicts


Cool dude sertin?


>cool dude asserting his rights

>pol not even trying to hide the kgb affiliation any more

here libtard

Black people never do this type of shit.

Yeah that guy planned his attack. Something a nigger could never do.

In Paris, Germany, UK, and Sweden they have had guns, grenades, and trucks.

Christianity is the largest growing religion in china