My son of 15 was being taught about the holocaust in history class...

My son of 15 was being taught about the holocaust in history class. He got into an argument with the teacher about the inconsistencies in the holocaust and how it is illegal in many countries to even question it. He was removed from class and suspended for 1 week with a 4 of his friends in class.

Is Gen Z too red pilled?
How wild is it going be when Gen Z can vote?
Are we going to see a large jump in popularity of far-right parties.
Gen Z is 49% far-right and 49% gay trannies.

>Also general holocaust red pill thread.

The next great leader is already among us.

"He alone who owns the youth, gains the future."

Your son is based.

We will have to be humble enough to recognize him, and to follow a younger leader

indeed i am, user.


And 2% far-right gay trannies

Digits don't lie.

I was born in 1997 so I'm close to the beginning of the gen z. I wish I was red pilled at that age about the Holocaust. I did get into looking into how 9/11 was an inside job and an introduction on the Illuminati in the 7th grade. Stopped researching it once I got to high school. Didn't get back into it until freshmen year of college when Podestas emails leaked.
I wish I took the fucking holocaust redpill at that age so I could do that to my teachers. It's a load of crap if you ask me.
The fact that you can't question the holocaust and get arrested for doing so in some countries should show you it's a load of bullshit

Fake story. Deniers are still wastes of oxygen

One day I will rise to my rightful place as God-Emperor of the world.

When that day comes Aladdin Al-Londoni, Your son will be on the protected rolls, no harm shall come to him. You have my word.


Im sorry your boy got in trouble OP. At least he is smart.

Thats a comforting thought.

Wow you actually fell for pols meme? How dumb are you. The holocaust happened

I would say that a very large majority of white kids who are Gen Z are at least purple pilled trump supporters. The white girls on the other hand seem to be as hopeless as other generations according to polls. Minorities I have no idea about but they will soon become the majority.

>merchants guild of Sup Forums forgetting to add homicidal gassing to the list of death causes for Mauthausen-Gusen and mention its gas chamber still on display today.

Fucking amateur denier debunkers.


Gen Z here, More than 49% of people at my school are diehard progressives, next to none right to far right kids

What % of whites are in your school?



you've done a good job teaching him user. warn him of potential traps he may fall into

>stating you get time out for denying holohoax in some countries
>school put you on time out just to prove your point

I'm probably not him but I wouldn't be surprised if I do turn out to be a leader of some sort.

Fucking this. You want him to be able to talk, but not completely screw over the rest of his life.

>He got into an argument with the teacher about the inconsistencies in the holocaust and how it is illegal in many countries to even question it. He was removed from class and suspended for 1 week with a 4 of his friends in class.

>removed for class for 1 week
Schools are fucking dumb if they think this makes a kid's opinion evaporate. All it does is prove his point and make him more convicted. Well done OP

>Causes of death: (...) friendly fire (Britain)
Churchill strikes again!

Everything posted here is fake, shlomo. That doesn't change the reality that young people in Europe and North America are shifting to the right.

Even if Nazi Germany only had one death camp, how exactly does that show they weren't trying to kill Jews?

Map is false. The law says nothing about the Holocaust in Lithuania.

The question is when will he rise?

lol i'm gay and i'm T R I G G E R E D

You are Gen Z. Born after the release of the N64 and PS1

It's illegal to deny Soviet or German war crimes against the inhabitants of Lithuania.

Fucking solid work user

Same. '96 here, I hate the fact that our teachers shoveled us down with so much bullshit. Everything from black oppression to black rights and all that cuckery. I swallowed the pill so late. I'm barely ingesting the pill fully at age 20 but i've only been swallowing the pill since I was about 17, it sucks cause I had a feeling something was off during those blue pill years but I never really understood it or could put my finger on it till now.

Right. If you can prove in court that Holocaust was not part of those crimes, you will win the case and get away.
If the law explicitly said that you can't deny Holocaust, it would remove that possibility and install a single truth that can't be argued against.

Because they weren't trying to kill them directly. What they did do however was put them en masse in small areas and leave them to their own devices but disallowing escape. Population from smaller towns and villages were sent to concentration camps and big cities had their own ghettos. Starvation (in ghettos), overworking (in camps) and diseases were very common death causes there. There were no gas chambers and other funky shit like this, but it was no modern Scandinavian prison with a TV for each inmate either.

So why the narrative about gas chambers? Aside from personal grudges, probably because without gas chambers Nazis wouldn't look any worse than Soviets, i.e. Jew puppets and the "good guys" in the war. The only difference between the two was that Nazis sent people to closed areas, whereas Soviets sent them to the middle of fucking nowhere with no real ways to go back.

Congratulations on ruining your son's life by teaching him bollocks from pol made up for teh lulz. What an amazing parent you are.

The Holocaust is obviously included in that definition because the president of Lithuania offered a public apology to the Jews in 1995.

It is very heavily implied, but the law is law, no matter what which politician said. You can interpret the law in many different ways.

>49% gay trannies.
Not really. Spending time around the token faggot makes everybody else normal usually since they are more cancerous nowadays.


That will teach this bad goy.

>lying on Sup Forums about having sex
nobody is going to believe you buddy

Today he's still a meme artist. Be patient.
