Antifa! Alt-Right! ISIS!

I haven't really heard much, that checks out, on motive or why.

Got any red pills for this.

Other urls found in this thread:

red pill - it was a hoax
no one died

you're quite welcome

OK, any sauce to go with that pill.

This all reeks of a setup/psy op. Why would a man with such a great life, with everything to live for and no known beefs with anyone, do this? The more I think about it it seems like a deep state/Soros frame job and psy op. This guy was killed by the real killers and his body left there to take the blame. The cops didn't even get there for 72 minutes which should tell you that someone wanted to give the real killers time to plant their evidence, pose the body, and then get away. Do you honestly think ANY crime in a casino would take 72 minutes for the police to arrive? Come on. Casinos are crawling with cops. Someone wanted this to happen and that someone is powerful enough to give stand down orders to the LVPD and be listened to.

The question is for what was this all for? What narratives are they trying to push and what are their goals?

>check this

Yea it all seems weird as hell, the weirdest part is that fox news and CNN aren't really pointing the finger to one side or the other. Other then screaming
>muh gun control
No one seems to be taking the blame.

He was a multi millionaire who owned real estate all over the country retard. Losing a simple bet was the last thing he had to worry about.

All of you throwing out simplistic explanations really need to start paying attention to the circumstances before you go spouting off idiotic disinfo. Nothing about this guy fits a character profile we've seen before and this does not add up.

None of this shit adds up

Because someone planned this, someone with an agenda. Whoever they are Fox and CNN both clearly received their marching orders from them and are doing what they're told.

No one even seems interested right now in discovering a motive but us. The media is covering for something.

so? multi millions isn't alot when you sell your soul. I know people living in middle america who are "multi" millionaires on paper.

its been almost 48 hours now and theres still no picture of him where you can see his eyes?

ikr no facebook page no more photos of him. Even if you don't have a facebook page you get caught up in family and friends posting the rando pics of social moments.

usually, by now, one side or the other would be screaming Muslims! or Nazis!
But everyone is just like IDK

What the fuck does that even mean? Yes, multi millions of dollars is a lot of money, enough money to buy himself a good life which he had.

He had a qt asian waifu, multiple homes, could and did travel whenever he wanted and had no known history of mental illness or depression. For all intents and purposes he was living the boomer dream. Do you really think someone like him, from the most selfish generation in human history, would throw everything away? And if he did, then why? For what? Everyone who knew him said he had no passionate religious or political affiliations.

This is as fucky as it gets and it smells of deep state's shit.

tl;dr isis is no longer claiming responsibility via its unofficial media apparatus, but the Islamic state itself is claiming responsibility directly

could be something

The girl has a fb but its private I have heard he had an user fb

no, schizophrenia precludes the need for a source

I agree with you desu. stuff does not add up. I thought you were saying his money wasn't a factor. He wasn't mentally ill.

Anyone else think maybe the Cartels were involved with this? Maybe he was selling drugs or something and funneling the cash through his real estate stuff? Would maybe give some explanation to the Mexican woman telling everyone they were going to die 45 minutes before the shooting started.

Yea I am guessing he had a "private" profile. under some bot account. We need to find that.. sure some one could find it with some time. We need email addresses .. common usernames he liked to use.

Maybe, is this even a real fucking person, because he doesn't have much of a footprint (as of yet).


>raised by psychopathic father that ended up on fbi's most wanted
What reason could this man have? Surely it has nothing to with the fact he was most likely completely mentally fucked, right?

russia botnet is playing game of psycops to make you think the moon landing wasn't real

This would honestly make me feel a lot better if it were the case. Everything about this is off, self-radicalization or radicalization via jungle gook gf is at least semi-plausible.

But right now, with what we know now? Man this feels like Soros and company.

He lost all his money and was pissed off. Since he was a gigantic leftist baby who couldn't take responsibility for his own actions he decided to fuck the Casino, conservative Country Music lovers, and Gun Owners.
He was basically your average self centered boomer.

Find people that are friends with the girl, look through their shit see if anyone seems close to her

i have a pretty dead friend that would go against part of that pill. probably a hoax though

This is clearly an orchistrated move against guns.

It sounds weird that they didn't pin it on the alt-right.

Apparently the man had no strong religious or political affiliation but the hotel room was full of leftist crap.

No one is interested in motive, it's all about the gun control.

Could be anything at this point. Could be a brain tumor. Could be a harsh reaction to antidepressants. Could be isis. He might have just done it for the lulz.

Who the fuck knows. But the complete radio silence from the FBI seems telling.

This will be America's Port Arthur - mark my words.

What's up with that "13" tattoo on his neck?

This is the most important piece of solid info we have so far.

I noticed if you do a custom search of past "results" say oct 2010 to sept 1 2017. You still get the results from "frames" w/ news in it. Which shows off results. So it is annoying trying to find info on him prior to current events.

>He lost all his money
Fake news is CNNs job, not yours.

Look at the pics floating around. Especially the ones where these imbecilic actors didn't lay in the right spots and are on top of each other. Guess that's what you can expect when you hire from Craigslist.
Also there is 0 blood in any pic, except for that #freebleeder.

If a school full of kindergartners didn't do it at a time when the Democrats controlled congress and the White House, this wont do anything.

Not all killings are because radicalization or ideological drive.

A hedonistic, soulless life can take away your empathy as swiftly as islamization or gangbanging.

That actually sounds reasonable

He had no history of mental illness and by all indication lived a charmed live of luxury.
Except that's bullshit disinfo. He's been confirmed as a multi millionaire who owned numerous real estate properties across the country. He had plenty of money. No one with ten million dollars snaps if they lose one, they're still rich.

just a thought

Yeah but the logistics alone....There's not real practical solution even if they wanted to is there?

This reminds one of a sleeper. Somebody who seemingly has a normal live and as soon as he/she gets the signal, they do as programmed.

Either that or questions should start popping up, where all his money came from in the first place

>fairly rich guy
>bought a SEasian sex toy wife, probably empty romantically
>no children
>apparently had high gambling bills the previous week

May be exactly what none of us want to hear: guy was close to death, and very empty and bored and actually acted out one of those worst case suicide fantasies.

>where all his money came from in the first place
he was an accountant, made big bucks on real-estate in florida

>64 years old
>no known children
That's all you need to know right there. He was wealthy and successful except at the one thing that matters. Everything about his life had long since turned bitter and useless, and it consumed him until we got this.

His life didn't seem empty, that's the thing. He had a gf who he had been with for a long time and was supposedly happy with and a family he kept in regular, friendly contact with. This is just one point among our current evidence that suggest a set up/psy op.

The question is what for?


He has a minimal digital footprint because he's a boomer.

An accountant for whom?


My dads a boomer 72, all over fucking fb

He was confirmed as having worked for the predecessor of Lockheed Martin in the 80s.

More deep state connections.

did anybody point a camera toward the shooter's window while he was firing? even a passing sweep they didn't know they caught? Is their footage showing somebody who looks at least somewhat like a white haired 65 year old boomer in a window?

well said. so many keyboard neckbeards in here praying for it to be a conspiracy because it excites and drives them further.

Different guy he worked for NASA huge cuck

>look guys he has an ear just like the guy in the picture

its gonna come out this guy was into some real degenerate shit

He got bored and hates country music.
>Trying to rationalize irrational behaviour
>being this retarded

material possessions do not describe soulful life my friend. he was successful financially, that rarely alone constitutes happiness.

The number of boomers that do not or just barely get into social media outnumbers the amount of boomers that do. My father has been into YouTube since 2007 but he never made an account to make a single comment or like a video.

>"and he text me a picture that he won 40,000 dollars on a slot machine"
>shoots up the casino later
Winnings can fuck you up if you're not stable already. I pity the ones that try to make a living off gambling.

We have some footage just it's shit and some people say they can see muzzle flashes from multiple windows. Moreover 2 windows in 2 different rooms seems to be smashed out.

Gifs are going around Sup Forums if you want to look for them.

There is usually some ideological premise for this type of shit

I'm no boomer and there's literally zero existing photographs of me from the last 10 years except for my drivers license and I guess security cameras.

Shit's not difficult when you're an antisocial neet who avoids social media and knows how to preserve your online anonymity.

True but he had functioning and apparently happy personal relationships in his life with those he presumably loved. This was no lone wolf autist, this was a guy with loved ones.

So why is everyone on TV acting like the Las Vegas Police are heroes?

They did fucking nothing and the dude killed himself. They didn't find out who did it until 3-4 hours later.

Seems like a mighty fine time to be police do nothing and get all the credit.

White guy attacks predominantly right wing voters with assault weapons. That is easily enough for the gun laws to be addressed again and probably start changing. This reeks of some false flag psy op deep state bollocks, I just can't get my head around why this guy is the patsy, he doesn't fit.

At this point this seems to be the most likely explanation

lmao imagine spreading the "lost a bet" narrative.

>bet you 30 bucks you wouldn't unload on that fest down there pussy no balls

Rich people go crazy all the time. They spend their lives trying to get richer only to realize they still aren't happy. Do they do some shit like this to feel important.

uhhhhh my cousin who witnessed the sandy hook massacre died in this shooting

Just watch the Falling Down movie, but cut children out of the picture.

This is fucking ridiculous.

I've worked for IBM, I'm not "deep state"

These kinds of companies employ tens of thousands of engineers

he smoked way too much weed
his conscious was on the deepest level

True, but usually the fags that do this shit are attention whores, that's why they do it, and have dumb shit everywhere.

who do people trample each other come black friday instead of just ordering shit online? why do people yell at the tv when they are watching a sporting event?

these and many more things are mysteries for the ages. the simple answer is that all humans are not rational beings. only some are

>I haven't really heard much, that checks out, on motive or why.
False Flag, he was an agent of the MIC so politicians and security companies could push exactly what they're pushing right now. Gun Control and Metal Detectors/X-ray Scanners and Bag Searches at every public building.

Well yeah. Your digital footprint is minimal because you value your privacy. Paddock just seems like the tyoical boomer that never got into it. Most boomers use faceberg to keep up with their kids and grandkids. Paddock was childless giving him even less reason.

shut up, shill. you aren't sliding this.

>I just can't get my head around why this guy is the patsy, he doesn't fit.
that is why, if it was
ban terrorism
he is a virgin
blame racism (reverse)
blame trumps wall pissing them off
>white right winger
this only makes sense if the target is liberals or niggers or muslims, but shooting whites makes no sense

Only stories that make sense are just evil old atheist fuck (maybe with a grudge against the casino?) or some proportion of ISIS, leftist sympathy.

No one on the right would attack a country music event. That would literally be the stupidest shit in human history.

Vegas is a gun free area, would take a bit of time for them to get guns to fight back, that being said why did no one just barge in the room. i think its a case of someone pulling a jack reacher on this

Good point

Any speculation as to a motive for faking it?

IBM is not one of the largest corporations of the military industrial complex. IBM does not employ hundreds of ex members of the Pentagon, CIA and Defense Intelligence Agency.

Bullshit. No one does crap like this just because they're bored or depressed. They always have a reason, even if it's a stupid one.


Supposedly Hotel security tried to, but he shot through the door so they waited for police.

Wow! Maybe the point is no affiliation, just guns are bad.

I think everyone is afraid of being caught out.

Hilariously actual muslims in ISIS were probably the first ones to assume that an event like this must be some kind of muslim thing... which is probably why they went ahead and took credit right away. They made the same guess as everyone else.

Listen to every news network left and right today, they're all talking about the need for increased building security to turn soft targets into hard targets. Everybody is talking about having hotels search your bags, x-ray machines and metal detectors before going up to your hotel room, etc. etc. etc. user three weeks ago pointed the finger at Chertoff, and I think he was exactly right.

Praise Allah for the dead infidels, we don't care!

The dude is dead and has no history of mental illness, he's rich and has no reason to do any of this.
Sounds like a bored cunt who just wanted the high score for something for once.

>Vegas is a gun free area,
Not for the fucking cops. You serious?

Okay, question one: I hear the weapons were modified to be full auto. Is this possible? I know its easy with some old mil-surp guns but most modern production civilian market semi-autos are specifically designed in ways that make them harder to modify. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Or, were they just stock with a giggle switch?

Second question: Why do I keep seeing posts like these ?

I've noticed too. No talk of motivation at all. not even speculation in that direction. But plenty of discussion of the ramifications of it all.

lets put all the conspiracy shit to the side and concentrate on what we know.

this is the fact that matters.

this dude planned and then executed a plan that killed and hurt a lot of country music fans, which can be described as mostly white and mostly conservative. either the demographics didnt matter, or they did. if we assume he just wanted max body count, this works. if he wanted max damage on white conservatives, this works. any far right shooter, i would think, would be looking for specific targets, or be at least intelligent enough to go after a degenerate gathering, which there is no shortage of in LV. I say this narrows our field to lefty terrorist, possible islam convert (wouldnt care about demographics), or just a dude who wanted to be remembered as doing what he did i guess, which i believe conflicts with the personality type that has been presented.

my bet is on a progressive with strong feminist and anti white sympathies. they have been being programmed to attack conservatives and whites since university, and have been egged on since the election. add in that he was going through a divorce, and he has lost the reason to go on.

my take.

I don't think there was a conspiracy or a political motive here.

Stephen Paddock claimed to be a professional gambler. I bet he did this to hurt Las Vegas' bottom line.
He probably lost a ton of money at a casino there recently, and the shooting was his way of taking his money back.


Atheist boomer garbage