I also changed my mind. This craziness has to stop...

I also changed my mind. This craziness has to stop. We Americans are blind not to see that proper gun control is the right answer.

Other urls found in this thread:


What a fag.

Unless it turns out to me terrorism and that case we need to arm ourselves.

Sure cause it worked so well in Chicago and Mexico

>gets shot at once
>completely turns on 2nd amendment

what a bitch.

Men with no serious convictions are so weak.


"Country music guitarist Caleb Keeter who played at Las Vegas concert where a gunman opened fire says "would you like fries with that?" after pissing off his entire redneck fan base"

SAGE...cmon faggots, its that hard to recognize it when you see it.

he should have gotten the bullet. then at least he wouldnt have had time to become a hypocrite virtue signaler

>saging a sarcastic OP

>I didn't know how much I liked cock
>until I felt it in my ass
>Ramming me all night
>Until Niger Jim finally pulled out
>and nutted his nigger nut down my throat

>Liberals LARPing as conservatives talking about repealing 2nd Amendment rights

Nope, subhuman scum, it's just too bad that the old dude in Vegas didn't shoot you instead.

What a giant fucking pussy

False flag confirmed.
CIA unable to update Maidan/Arab Spring pattern confirmed.
CIA still depending on celebrity thought leaders confirmed.

>"Country music guitarist Caleb Keeter
I have never met a non-faggot Caleb

It's also a common Jew name so he is suspect for his kike speech and that

No, he's right. We need common sense regulation on guns for anyone who is in the left. They are the ones committing all these murders anyway.

He was in on the Harvest.

>oh look, a retarded quote found in a history book legitimizes owning guns to overthrow an oppressig govt
how retarded does one have to be to believe „a militia“ will stand a chance?
what kind of democracy needs such an ammendment?

Educate yourself, tiny mind.

This guy is literally who, on the Country music scene? 2 albums in 8 years? who is this guy? Two unknowns pull off one of the worst mass shooting events under the nose of Vegas security? Really 43 guns? This whole thing just wreaks of bullshit. Some people got murdered, for what? It's like an edgy PSA.

>what kind of democracy needs such an ammendment?
it's a safeguard, because they knew how precious the American device was and that it would be easily corruptible if the wrong people filled it's ranks.

I'm pro-gun rights, but this isn't really about gun rights, in the context of the time it means we can't let niggers have guns.

Which is also a sensible law.

not an argument
well then it isn‘t a democracy if the people need arms to protect themselves against oppression. the founding fathers knew this, that‘s why you‘ve got that retarded ammendment in your constitution.

What type of confederacy needs guns either?

Fpbp /thread and Sage

Democracy is 2 wolves and a sheep sitting around voting what is for dinner. No liberty for the sheep.

we don‘t have a need, you‘ve got a disfunctional aristo-democracy very different to ours even though our constitutions are very alike.
in you case it‘s a pack of wolves and millions of sheep.

>you‘ve got a disfunctional aristo-democracy
I would agree.
End the Federation, Confederate the United States now. Let the states make their own laws and decisions.

Who needs freedom airight. Just give all the guns to the Gov't. After all we aren't smart enough. Lets just give em all our rights. If you give up your guns. What is stopping them from taking everything else? The goodness of their heart lol. It only takes one bad dude with a bunch of bad buddies to get elected and shit goes down hill quick. Society is more fragile than you think. You want a gun by your side if you need to defend yourself.

meme flag = not american, just a shill

>|religion of peace ||l “”|””\__,_
1. No one needs a commercial truck this large.

2. The Founding Fathers never envisioned large commercial trucks, and did not intend for people to drive them.

3. These “assault trucks” are designed for killing large numbers of people quickly, and that is their only use.

4. We need a “no truck” list immediately, one that does not require due process to get on or off.

5. No where in the Constitution does it mention the freedom to own these killing devices called trucks.

6. Large commercial trucks should only be owned by the police, military, or politicians, NOT normal citizens, who can use horses.

7. We already have licensing, registration, titles, inspection, and multiple taxes on large commercial vehicles, and STILL they are used for mass killing. Enough is enough. We must ban them entirely.

8. We must follow Australia’s example – we must have a massive government buy-back of all trucks currently owned by American citizens, then, they must be destroyed.

9. We must empower the police and military to go door-to-door to forcibly remove these “assault trucks”. Deadly force is reasonable when “disarming” people of these killing devices.

10. If it will save the life of even a single child, we must rid our society of trucks.

11. And lastly, we must continue to resettle enormous numbers of Muslims throughout the United States, primarily in rural, white, Christian areas.

and direct democracy at state level

America is a Republic, not a democracy

wtf I hate guns now

Ummmm, Leafbro, you're either LARPing hard or did not understand my post.


take this shit to /lgbt/

well then why spread „freedom and democracy“ arund the globe?

>...asked European
Youre a swiss and I've nothing but respect for your people, but if you looked anywhere in Europe you'd see what the EU has done and how incapable of doing anything the average european has become. If they had any means of defending themselves from their governments, this wouldn't be happening.
tl;dr: The European Union is the type of government that needs such an ammendment. Any government that gets too big and too powerful needs one. And all governments get too big if given enough time and freedom.

no, you are absolutely wrong. such a metastatic organization like the EU needs abolishing. down the crapper.

You're a fucking coward. Don't be so feeble minded. Give up your only line of defense like the cuck you are.

The key word here is "country music GUITARIST" This guy isn't a country music celebrity, or some vocal advocate of pickup trucks and shotgun stereotypes, he's just a guitarist hired to play backup for the actual big name star.
This headline might as well have read "Country concert janitor changes his stance on gun control following shooting!"

Watch him get launched into the limelight for his big 15 minutes of fame for this though, the (((morning shows))) have probably already booked him the rest of the week. He will make a tidy little sum in the next few days, which is good as he will likely never work in country music again.

>Sup Forums meets reality

He said he changed his mind because, after all those years of supporting the 2nd amendment, when the time finally came for the 'good guy with a gun' to prove his worth, all the guys on his crew with concealed carry couldn't do a goddamn thing.

It isn't that he's scared of guns now, it isn't that he's suddenly become a giant pussy after getting shot at a bit. It's that now that he has actual, practical experience of an active shooter situation, and he saw seen firsthand that relying on private citizens with firearms to defend themselves and others simply doesn't work.

This didn't happen in Commiefornia or Jew York. Nevada has some of the laxest gun laws in America. And look how much good it did.

Of course, when Sup Forums realises it doesn't have an actual logical argument against this, it'll just call the guy a pussy and then carefully ignore the whole issue until mean old reality has given up trying to break into Sup Forums's bubble.

And of course it happens in a state with a tight grip on gun laws too


First Ariana Grande now this?! Just ban concerts. Nobody needs to see a live performance that's what we have iPods for now.

Yes goyim listen to the false flag.

I agree, we should ban farming also, we can just go to the grocery store when we are hungry

>meme flag
>rattledit spacing

>Targeting a country music crowd.
>A crowd that will mostly be pro gun and republican
>Celebrities say they change their stance on guns
>news takes it all and splatters "see?? see?!? even pro NRA celebs are changing their minds! eh?? see???"

its all a little too convenient for me. This was done solely to take the 2nd amendment away.

a false flag.

we should ban killing and dying. that'll show satan

So you're admitting that states that allow concealed carry are no safer than states with extremely strict gun laws? Well getting Sup Forums to admit even that much is progress, I suppose.

Of course state-level gun laws don't make much of a difference, because there are no border controls between states. You can buy a machine gun in Arizona and there's nothing to stop you from taking it to California. That's why people who care about this issue campaign so hard for national gun laws.

If we compare /countries/ with different gun laws we see that there is a marked difference between the US and countries with strict gun laws.

you realise you're just drawing attention to the fact that you don't have a logical argument, right?

>let's overreact and make something already illegal more illegal

>listening to an entertainer for advice

if everyone in the crowd had guns the shooter would have died

Fuck off.

One mass shooter event doesn't make a state less safe. Reality check, This last month more people died in Chicago than in Vegas. The reason why its shocking is because this shit doesn't happen out west because we don't have outrageous crime problems. Every once in a generation someone chimps out, builds automatic weapons, and hurts a bunch of people. We learn, rebuild, and adapt.

maybe in another situation a gun would be useful. just because he felt helpless in this situation doesnt mean someone else will in another.

It could have worked, but Europeans allowed it to have too much power and it just stopped being just an economic organization and started being a power-hungry self-serving broken dictatorship. It was the best thing anyone had ever seen for a very long time, but somewhere along the line it changed.

Nice meme friend


Can someone really bluepill themselves?

Before you turn in your guns make sure and use them one last time to kill yourself, in all fields

>We Americans are blind not to see that proper gun control is the right answer.

The criminals will be the last to give a shit about gun control.

>band guitarist
>not famous
>definitely a liberal musician who plays country music because its what pays the bills and he is not going back to waiting tables again

i don't believe for a second this faggot has been a "lifelong" proponent of the second amendment, he's a liberal musician who poses as "country" because he has to

we have more gun than car.maybe dick control is more reality.

He wants to move up, so he's showing the Jews that he can play politcs

This shit is just so predictable. It's really getting tiresome.

Hearty kek user, thanks

If you haven't defended American civil liberties you have no right to tell those who did they have to give them up. Fuck that and fuck you.

Take that meme flag, shove it up your ass, and go shill elsewhere. There have been an immeasureable amount of times that a law abiding citizen used their second amendment rights to save lives, their own and others. But planning wprks both ways. How many people went "shit, i think i'll take my AR, or my .308 to the concert tonight!"
Fucking zero. But had one person with proper training and a decent amou t of range time been there with a weapon set up for mid range engagements, they could've at bare minimum suppressed the shooter until law enforcement arrived on scene, had they been able to pick him out. But given that vegas is known for flashing lights even that is improbable. No situation is perfect. But a weapon is a tool, and criminals use tools for crime. We can use them to protect ourselves from said crime.

I can use my hammer to build a house to shelter the poor. Or i can use it to bash your fucking skull in. BAN ALL HAMMERS NOW!!! This is how retarded you sound.

Go back to maple Reddit faggot

This, when did the media ever freak out when more people died in one weekend in Chicago? Never and they never will.

He's a cuck and a poser. He is scared and feeling partially responsible for this since he was an artist at the festival and some of the people who died potentially came out to see him. He's trying to make himself feel better about it.

This is the dumbest shit I have read all day.


well the militias / patriots will most likely work together it could equal upwards of 10 million people (i am pulling numbers out of my ass). All well armed and mostly trained. so they probably wouldn't win but they will probz stalemate hard like other wars that America thought it would win a flawless victory on.

Fuck off shill.

This is gun control son and we do 300 yards of group therapy at least once a month to maintain it.



Every single real redneck country music fan already bought 4 new guns to add to their militia sized personal arsenals and doubled down on their suppor of the second amendment. If you think otherwise you are a retarded city urban faggot.

You're a fucking moron. The point of a CCW isn't to engage a guy with a rifle 1,000 feet away.

What do you think I put into the options field? Yup, you might as well delet.

damn those folks must be shit faced

He's a bitch and he should shoot himself right after shooting you.

Honestly, context aside, this looks like any crazy alcohol filled concert.

too late. the guns won. we lost. welcome to hell. i encourage all of you to commit suicide, cause its only gonna get worse. at least thats what it looks like, and im a new age optimist.

Never let a good tragedy go to waste, right, Schlomo?

fuck off. the commies aren't using this to take guns. sorry, but we're not letting that happen. a sensible law would be police sniper presence at large venues, indoor or out.

unironically this.

White people have accomplished a lot of things when we “didn’t stand a chance.”

It’s what separates us from everyone else.

> I cowered like a cunt, now everyone else must too
> by law
Fuck him.

I haven't. Society was fine with guns up until the crack boom in the 80s. Getting rid of guns won't fix degenerate America. Our culture is toxic to the point people are snapping and murdering everyone.

gas yourself kike

Muslims have given the military a hell of a fight with shittier weapons and shittier technology. Youre an idiot.


>dumbass Republican that doesn't understand Sup Forums sarcasm.

Off yourself faggot.