I have been kicked out of 109 pubs in the last 10yrs. The management keep persecuting me for no reason...

I have been kicked out of 109 pubs in the last 10yrs. The management keep persecuting me for no reason. Can i sue the owners?

No, because you probably broke a law as well

I remember when I used to think these low brow memes were funny.

You should of fucked off when they said they where full.

You're going deaf you stupid abbo, get a hearing test instead of yelling your titters off

>no reason
You are obviously doing something wrong you daft cunt

1/10 slide thread, try harder

>You should of fucked off when they said they where full.
>You should of
>should of
You can hide your flag, faggot, but you can't hide that you're a burger.
itt, we discuss the level of retardation of the common burger.

Me too.

And you can't aspirate an unvoiced plosive to save your life. Grammar is dead in the modern world of pidgin languages, like scottish or dutch.

You go in, you get drunk, they can't serve you, you get refused service, you get obnoxious, they kick you out. See? Street drinking is the solution OP. Hiding from cops is easy and Liquorland is cheaper too.

there is more too this than just "poor me"...

>literally a penal colony
>thinks his opinion matters

You didn't get classier, just edgier.


>getting kicked out of pubs
People who can't handle their liquor disgust me.

Is there a difference?

Have you considered not being a drunk nigger?

no you filthy fucking abbo

>litterally a non country
>has nothing to offer the world except the weakest of bants

>litterally a very large and resource rich country
>offers the world hope and all sorts of shit

thanks belg bro, you really made me sequence my sequins

>everybody but me is the problem

> no reason

Lad I'm a pretty rowdy drunk and I've only been chucked out of probably a dozen in the past decade.

What are you doing? Pissing yourself?

>litterally a non country
>literally produced a non-chemo cure for leukemia

>litterally nigger territory
>offers the world nothing but shitposters and a place to dump our criminals
>lost a war against some birds
thanks for the laughs ozzy


>be ozzy
>literally can't even into English

>be a belg
>cant even coherently order his thoughts into a single post
>instead he makes fun of an ironic usage of the word 'literally' and some cancer bullshit
>all the while the rest of the modern world is laughing at his lackluster world presence

im sorry belg, but your country is objectively not good, whereas australia is BOTH a CONTINENT and an ISLAND, 2 things you will never be. we also have platyapussys

>whereas australia is BOTH a CONTINENT and an ISLAND
that's literally why we put you there
Are you still in shitposting school? Because I've seen better...



it was not a shitpost bagel. it was just truth. also you didnt put anyone anywhere, you never existed when things were happening.

i guess the shortman complex is real

Quit getting blackout pissed and you would probably remember why they threw you out, but if you dont get blackout pissed then you won't get thrown out. Got a real Schrodinger's cat thing going on here OP