Police officer knocks on your door

Police officer knocks on your door
Demands you hand your guns over
Implying you'd do anything but compile with the law

>Police officer knocks on your door
I don't open it
>Demands you hand your guns over
I didn't register any guns Implying you'd do anything but compile with the law
I am not a programming language.

Sorry officer I lost them all in a terrible boating accident. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I imagine gun control would start with an amnesty and only when citizens proved themselves to be unreliable would having to surrender ones guns be applicable.

If it got to that point if wouldn't be at home. I'd be with the other armed rebels.

lost them all when I went fishing sorry

Sorry Sir, I lost it in a boating accident

>olice officer knocks on your door
>Demands you hand your guns over
>Implying you'd do anything but compile with the law

okay, but i'll check them waters, and if your story doesn't match...

so who cares, I press X to restart.

Death is just fear, there's no real end.

>Demands you hand your guns over
They will most likely just buy them back from you at a higher price than you paid, should you want that. If you don't, you will be allowed to keep your firearm, but won't be allowed to buy a new one or maintain the one you have. When it's broken, it's broken.

I'd tell him I don't have any, and when he tries to enter my place I'd tell him to go get a warrant.

>Implying you'd do anything but compile with the law
nigga do I look like a computer program to you?
I don't need to be compiled bitch


I was fishing a mile off the coast of South Carolina, good luck

>shoot at them
>i kill at least 3 and wound 6
>they drone strike me
>they wasted tens of thousands of dollars to kill one dude with an air strike

war is economics

Okay go ahead and go up north if you want. There's over 10,000 lakes there.

I hand him a selection of my least favorite gats and tell him I sold the rest on Craigslist. As long as they don’t just go ahead and do away with the whole constitution while they’re at it they’d be violating my 4th amendment rights if they were to enter my home to check.

id shoot him

jokes on you officer my guns all got stolen last week :^)

I remember this

why did you bring your firearms to fishing trip?

I'd ask him if he's having a giraffe

Defense against swordfish

tough luck, my guns are not illegal, just undocumented

>compile with the law
gcc -Wall gun_control_bill.c -o surrender_guns

I don't keep my guns here, if I had guns, which I don't.

I have a lifetime weapons prohibition.

I will comply with cops as far as allowing them to peacefully arrest me goes. I do not talk to them beyond non-speciffic small talk nor do I help them in any way. We both burnt that bridge from our respective ends a long time ago.

I would assist/co-operate with a cop if they were in personal distress, or if they were helping somebody else who was in imminent danger. I will not assist a cop with their professional duties in any way.

I have been tested on this, flashlights and phonebooks.

I don't give anything or anybody up.