What causes this?

What causes this?

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Possibly genetics

Just niggers being niggers.

Poverty is the largest cause.

>muh single sample refutation

yeah no. That being said gangster culture doesn't help.

aren't u risking 15 years now bro?


Environment and, let's face it, probably genes.

Genetics and their totally shit culture....which is a result of genetics

based on lies

Niggers aren't human, simple. You think a monkey or a fish is gonna have human IQ? No. Because they are not human.

>Poverty is the largest cause.

lol no. In America, dirt poor whites score as well on standardized tests as wealthy blacks.

So far, there is no definitive answer but preliminary studies suggest that being a nigger might have something to do with it.

If this is true, then shouldn't they have evolved them by now?

>Hurr durr I'm an idiot because you white males are so oppressive

Meanwhile we give niggers free school, put them in our children's classrooms, start special outreach programs for them and they're still as retarded as ever. The only reason white men may come across as oppressive is because niggers, sand niggers, and shit skins literally can't compete with us.

That's not how evolution works. Their population would need to be massively culled (95%+ of the stupidest ones killed for several generations) in order to get them anywhere close to white mans current distribution.

too much money fo' dem programs + not enough money fo' dem pogroms.

Evolution isn't a strive towards a "better" state, just merely to the one that survives. Being a violent thug probably worked out well when they were back in Africa.

no I always scored much higher than blacks and most whites on standardized tests

t. povertyfag

more access to education

This video explains everything

Meme methodology for intelligence testing.

How the fuck do you figure that? Do you understand the basic concept of evolution? For them to have evolved a higher iq there wpuld have had to have been an evolutionary advantage to higher iq, meaning only high iq specimens would have been able to make to mating age, and actually reproduced, or at the very least a majority of them. Africa doesn't have harsh winters. Now you barley need to work a calculator to make money to survive a winter, and it wont even matter because of heat in homes. There has been 0 reason for cultures who live inside comfy enviornments to evolve higher iqs.

Mongolia (Asian)
Income Per Capita Nominal 2016: $3,660
HDI: 0.735, 92nd
IQ: 101

Chile (South American)
Income Per Capita Nominal 2017: $13,663
HDI: 0.847, 38th
IQ: 90


You're a good goy.

Whites have always had access to education and freedom to pursue it

Nigger were not even really considered full people unail 1960 or so.

I'm white power as fuck but you HAVE to admit that the Blac, Race didn't even have control of its own self until the Civil Rights Era.

The blacks were set back by slavery just as the south was set back by the civil war.

A: That takes a lot more time than just a few generations

B: There are quite a few indicators that we are actually looking at a turning point with regards to intelligence, i.e. we might start to see a reversed Flynn effect where every new generation becomes slightly dumber than the previous one.

Some scientists suggest that the trend towards lower intelligence has been building up for quite some time but we have more than compensated for it through improvements in 'environmental factors'.

Now that we are starting to hit a ceiling with regards to environment, the general downward trend is beginning to show. There is no clear explanation ye for why this is, but some suggest that the general improvement in the standard of living, improved safety and wellfare have led to an environment where even the dumbest members of societies can reproduce successfully, while the most intelligent members of society often opt for careers over children.

Perhaps. But if nothing else, it's one of the best predictors we have of both success as an individual and as a society.


Shut the fuck up you cuck, they've always had control. They showed the human race that they weren't the same species as us. We domesticated and enslaved them for the same reason we domesticate cows and shit, they are beneficial to them. They are not a "race", they are not human. Get the fuck out of here with your communist lies.

That has nothing to do with individual IQ though.

No cytosine-thymine exchange in the HMGA-2 allele, becuase the HMGA-2 allele is almost exclusively found and expressed in western European populations. This allele is linked to increased eccentricity (variance) in brain weight and cortical volume, and likely improves general reasoning ability.


There is probably an evolutionary reason for this, and it's impossible to determine just HOW important genetics are when it comes to expressing intelligence. But, rest assured, the current psychological theories of intelligence are concrete and imperically evident. Black people are generally not as smart as (most) white people. There's no judgement call from that statement alone, but it IS a scientific statement. A fact, through and through, according to decades of intensive study and research, from the fields of cognitive psychology, psychometrics, and neurology.

Nope. In fact with the welfare state low IQ, feckless individuals are probably going to become more and more common.

Dude, just stop it allready... i mean, who believes that bullshit anymore? Decades upon decades of affirmative action did exactly nothing to change any of it.

Genetics, pure and simple.




Guess you've answered my question then. I did some reading about how African societies are primarily agrarian. It would make sense that the hunter-gatherer groups that whites and asians are descended from would be more intelligent - they would have had to discover ways of keeping warm and ways to hunt. Greater brain weight variance would result in experimentation and solutions being found, while dumber people who could not adapt would die off. Thanks a lot mate.

Your IQ +-5 points is determined by genetics. With the best resources the most you could ever hope to increase your iq would be about 5-10 points.

No it's not. Jordan Peterson is wrong. EQ is a much better for it. Once IQ passes 120 there is no correlation between success and IQ. Also there has been no study comparing IQ to national success as it's purely a western methodology. That study you see on Pol all the time by Lynn is a meme. He didn't even test 100+ countries and deternined their IQs purely on assumptions. The map is just IQs based on American stereotypes.

Psychologists don't use IQ to determine how smart you are. They use it to determine mental retardation though. If you think you can determine intelligence on a linear scale you are deluding yourself. I agree with JP on social issues but in his field he's a bit of a hack and talks way too much about things he's not qualified to.

And finally. If you gave a modern iq test to whites during the 19th century they would score nigger levels. People have no idea how uneducated the average person was until just 2 generations ago.

where does it say the HMGA-2 mutation is only found in western europeans?

No problem. I recommend you read a bit about the HMGA2 gene and its recorded impact on IQ tests. Also, even though it's not (((kosher))), try to get your hands on a volume of Murray's "The Bell Curve". It has a lot of interesting science behind it.

My assumption is that the scarcer the resources and the more populated a local area, the higher general intelligence tends to be in that area. The reason for this is that places with a high population-to-essential-resources ratio demand more interpersonal competition for those resources. European nations, as well as densely populated coastal regions/islands (Japan, Korea, southeastern China) have a relatively expendable population when considering the scarcity of resources. Add in the temporal disadvantage of harsh winters in the northern countries, and you can imagine that most successful people (i.e. sired the most offspring) were capable of optimally using, ascribing, or reproducing scarce resources.

Trying to find the article again.. A lot of the information on the HGMA2 gene is relatively new.

EQ is a fabrication. It doesn't exist. JBP pretty expertly dismantles the entire premise of EQ on Quora:


Read the second answer.

American psychologist association says genes.

Yeah who needs opinions of professional scientists when you can do it yourself!!! Oh sweetie, just concentrate on your homework for school

As long as the lowest-IQ nogs get enough welfare to have ten kids, their average IQ won't ever go up.

We should sterilize any welfare recipient with an IQ below 100. Blacks would be as smart as whites in a few generations.


All theories start somewhere. I'm a full-time student who has studied theories of intelligence (on my own time) for several years. Am I not expected to use the full extent of my knowledge to draw my own conclusions? I'd be the first to admit I'm no expert on the cognitive sciences, but that doesn't mean I'm completely in the dark about what is often associated with the expression of general intelligence.

How about a question for you: what do YOU attribute the measured differences in population-wide intelligence to?

>Poverty is the largest cause.
Not true. In China, the poorest people still score over 100 on IQ tests. Studies have proven this.
>That being said gangster culture doesn't help.
Stupid people gravitate toward this culture.

I know, it's apalling. How could niggers accumulate that much? I suspect robbery.

1. Look up the Atlanta Compromise and Commission on Interracial Cooperation
2. Slavery in no way influences today's niggers even though their black asses may as well be enslaved
3. The 3/5ths compromise was done away when the 14th amendment was ratified
4. Segregation started in the south during Reconstruction when niggers held many elected offices and could vote for the first time, it was not done as an act of supremacy
5. Niggers literally just suck so fucking bad they couldn't maintain separate but equal so whites have since been forced to share with them even though no progress have been made
>The blacks were set back by slavery just as the south was set back by the civil war.
Correction, abolition set them back as they were cut off the from the slaver's gibmedates that BTFO any of today's gibs to keep their superior slave labor going. Slavery was abolished by white Yankees who were pissed that a lesser race had such substantial welfare while they had to beg for work and worry about money and didn't even have quite as long of an average life expectancy as niggers and white southerners at the time.

How do we make the graph better? Consider how often each of the two races takes the IQ test. Who becomes content with the results, who takes it multiple times until they achieve a higher score? Who stays content with a high enough score and sits on that?


>People have no idea how uneducated the average person was until just 2 generations ago.
How does your knowledge on geography or history translate to IQ?

If I read about this is my IQ gonna jump from 131 to 139? Or should I be optimistic for 137?

What does education level have to do with pattern recognition?

Anyway, I've never seen the source for this.

Don't know if you're still here, but I'll clarify a bit on my original post.

The measurement of intelligence differences recorded in people who expressed a thymine-to-cytosine exchange were only tested in three locations, the US, Australia and Europe, all with European ancestry. This means that it is very possible that the HMGA-2 exchange mutation (though I'm not sure if it's technically classified as a mutation) may very likely be found in other populations around the globe. Also, I over-sold the importance of the HGMA-2 exchange process and its impact on cognitive ability a little bit. While the HGMA-2 exchange allele is currently considered the most impacting gene when it comes to measured intelligence, it's only assumed to increase IQ by a few points. Since intelligence is polygenic, a myriad of genes, many elusive, are responsible for larger differences in intelligence.

Yes, but you go on Sup Forums, so your IQ is going to drop to about a 96 when you post here anyway.

Purposeful neglect of lead pipe systems in Afro-communities
if you look, the black line goes beyond the grey, (just a handful probably).
Lead poisioning caueses an average loss of 20 IQ points. Racists will never mention lead because it destroys the Bell Curve.

If it was slavery, why do they fare just as poorly in Canada,the UK, Australia, and every other country they inhabit?

Explain why black communities in all countries are shit. Places like the UK and Germany blacks are still overrepresented in the criminal system despite their black populations immigrating after the 1960s

Explain why majority black countries all over the world are shit. Look at Haiti, second country EVER to get its independence from a colonial power and it's literally Africa 2.0. They are getting outperformed by the mullattos they share half the island with
