How does one become a shill? I'm serious. I could use the extra cash

How does one become a shill? I'm serious. I could use the extra cash.

>being this retarded


... mate

>How does one get any job?
Activate those almonds OP, I know you can do it

I'm trying but it's not working

Someday you will realize that most of them are barren cat ladies and people living on SSI checks self projecting, then take off the tin foil.

Oh shit

Internet shilling as described by both the Sup Forums nutcases and the Sandanistas is Not A Thing. Unless you're a brand manager / social media manager for a corporate account. For those you'll want to search for 'reputation management' or 'brand presence' firms.

Most shills on this board are bored redditor/democrats.

In real life, shilling is called lobbying. You pitch to a corporation or start as a nonprofit and run on donations while promoting a cause. You can't directly get soros tier funding because that would make him too obvious.

If you want to be edgy, learn shitskin speak and lobby for indian pharma or other sketchy weapons/drugs exporters to war zones.

fuck drumpf

Trolls on another board are called shills here. Nobody's paying anyone to post here.

Sup Forums told me anyone who goes against the hivemind is a shill though. Why would Sup Forums lie to me?

IQ of 30 an I vot CLURUMPF

Please give me (you)'s so I get paid.

>Who would do that?

Why would they ever want to tell you the truth?

Keep in mind that you are competing with foreign outsourced pajeets for these jobs. The pay is ghastly.

You can take off the meme flag btw everyone knows you're a leaf

Guess again.

I like you tried to type Sandernista but got autocorrected
