What are your thoughts on his presidency?

What are your thoughts on his presidency?

How would you rate him?

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perfect 5/7


0/10 shit bait


he was the most chill

0/10 interfering uppity niggeroo

No being serious.

I wonder if opinions on him have changed now he's out of office

Loved it. I rate him 10/10. I give Trump 1/10.

Second highest quintile

someone just post the hentai drawing already


Greatest president of my lifetime (born in 1970).

10/10 - would vote for a third term.

Worst president ever. Ignorant nigger, communist, muslim, homosexual, married to a tranny.


Greatest president in American history

Unironically the worst president in history. He actively tried to destroy America and nearly succeeded. Fuck that piece of shit.


If you want to grade on a curve with his class being Bush II and Trump, probably an A which is pretty sad.


Nah. You should kill yourself famalam.

Worst president ever. He ran on a platform of hating America for its prosperity and success, and hating white people. A completely worthless scumbag. Fuck that nigger.

Fuck you

Solved nothing, kicked the can down the road, prevented the collapse during his term.


6 gorillian/10

>Illegal immigration down

LMFAO source desperately needed faggot.

Well, your mom did. Fag.

Only President to never have a year of 3% economic growth. He averaged 1.3%. Which had always previously been known as a recession. Lame try at putting a candy icing layer on a pile of shit.


Sources faggot

filthy nigger didn't close Guantanamo and became friend with the Cuban scumbags.
fortunately that helped Trump to win Florida and Texas with the latin votes.


But it was a necessary mistake so whites could free themselves of white guilt and also see what a shitshow it is to have a minority at the head of our government. Much of our current racial division can be placed squarely on his shoulders because of him taking sides with his "muh son would look like him" bullshit.

pretty highly, mostly because he kept the office fairly dignified despite the bullshit obstructionism the GOP'ers did.

>he fucked up healthcare by setting the initial bet/bid too low (basically he should've said "singleplayer", and worked down to a public-option with a mandate, instead he started with the public-option+mandate and it got watered down to merely a "mandate")

>his continuation of Bush's stupid shit. (NSA, drones, etc.)

>bailing out the banks:
this was his biggest mistake IMO,

gay marriage is his only real success,

2 out of 10

Appreciate the Electric Car incentives. Think he's right on that.

Outside of that. he was completely worthless. Had no balls, would rather "protect muh legacy" than deal with a problem.

Lied through his teeth to push through Obamacare and its been a massive failure.

8 precious years wasted. Useless piece of shit.

should be 1/45 if he's the greatest


Fucked up with Fast and Furious

>Starts term in historic economic collapse
>Lower average GDP growth
Math motherfucker do you even

Actually 1/44 because of Grover Cleveland

yeah my bad

i meant he gets 44 points out of 44

lol u retards just want more gubmint spending and immigration to boost jewdp growth

stop being bluepilled, none of this is real

Obongo Bin Laden/10

10/10 brilliant actor
breaking bad went a little down hill after they killed him off but it was still ok

Easily the worst modern president, worse than Carter and Bush economically, worse than Bush foreign policy wise.

No major legislative successes, no major foreign policy successes.

Culturally poisonous.

>all these shills

muslim nigger/10


Now this.
THIS is some delusional shit right here.
You need a detox brah.

Sweden is America

Impressive in that he managed to somehow be even worse than W in every single way. He continued and expanded literally every illegal deepstate program W started. Dropped a bomb every 20 minutes for 8 years and got a peace prize, lol.everything about his admin was a scandal ridden joke, the worst one being how almost none of the awful shit he did was actually reported on.

This. Obama will remain important to the blacks, but his 8 years were largely ineffective. Stymied by Congress, cucked out of a Supreme Court Justice, and he abused our democracy be keeping the wars on the back burner despite a major pillar of his platform in 2008 being ending them and cutting defense spending.

My one small consolation is Hillary was beaten twice by the same dumb lie about bringing the troops home and spending more on Americans.

Sucked 95% of the time.
>rate him?
1/10 at best.

Sup Forums before this election cycle had a love/hate relationship with President Watermelon. 50% liked him, 50% hated him.

He was the best, if only I knew how superior he is in every way to that kike traitor Prompft, he betrayed us all will never vote for Republican again, or at all.


Does that count the ones born and dragged into America aka 'dreamers' and anchors?

Refute the claim then breh.

I give Barry two fake birth certificates out of ten.

He doesn't get enough credit for resisting Zionist neocon scum. With McCain or Romney in place, Assad's wife and children would have been raped to death by jihadis and we'd be dismantling Iran, possibly at war with Russia.

I still think he was a catastrophic shitty president, but he deserves credit for this.


shit bait

lol ur fucking retarded bro

How can you beat this man?

another one at the top


He was such a good president that Dems lost every branch of government

Out of 10000

Destroyed the nation / 10.

Thanks in large part to his leftist ideology, identity politics and constant race-baiting, the U.S. will never be a unified country again, and will continue to divide politically, and racially, until the inevitable civil war breaks out.

>the government creates jobs
Please stay in Canada


The Obama economy creates jobs


slide thread/10

Oh hey, Obamaleaf is back, bringing his stale memes back into the spotlight.

Have any more tired, debunked arguments for us to laugh at?

Is that why the US economy added hundreds of thousands of new jobs per month after Trump was inaugurated?

Lmao, keep bringing the memes, my friend.

>wut dos Q4 mean? answer or ur retarded lmao

Honestly, just kill yourself. You have no understanding of anything outside of the graphs and charts with which you surround yourself in your demented worship of the Muslim mulatto communist traitor Barack Hussein Obama, Jr., the worst individual to ever wield executive power in the United States. The only thing propping up his poll numbers are pavement apes, brain-dead thots, bitter jew hags, and literal cuckolds.

Weak leader, chose shitty times to amp up identity politics (Trayvon, Michael Brown, etc.), showed open contempt for middle America ("bitter clingers") and destroyed his own party on the way out the door by ramming through a largely unsuccessful and unpopular policy (Obamacare).

Not as bad as FDR or LBJ, but pretty shit in his own right. He'll likely be forgotten in history but Obamacare will be difficult to erase.

Your face is shit, m8

pretty good 7 of 10

Only answer



What was bad about him?

>Is that why the US economy added hundreds of thousands of new jobs per month after Trump was inaugurated?

yep, basically, policies will take time to show their effects so what we saw in the first few months of trump is largely a reflection of the end of obama's presidency.

which isn't to say it's good.

>moar jobs

but what kind of jobs? What will they pay? Are they as good as what there once was? (30 year job security, pension, healthcare coverage, etc.)

You see this is the weasel-wordy logic of neoliberals, they'll talk about the job benefits of free trade, yet at the same time most of the "new jobs" projected in their plans aren't comparable to the jobs actually lost, and are largely service sector jobs that lack union-collective-bargaining, or much in the way of benefits.
They'll use GDP as a metric but not actually cite the typical wages of common Americans, preferring instead to use misleading averages and statistics that ignore distribution of that GDP.

I'm seeing the same thing here with Trump's arguements for protectionist policies or "America First"-economic strategy, it's lacking in the hard realities that such policies will bring..

Trump so far hasn't seemed to really do much with this, in part because of his own ineptitude with actually-existing-complexity, and the Gop dominated congress which has been merely "voting against" things for so long they forgot how to vote "for" things, or come up with actual solutions that don't fuck everyone up.

commies, and fascists hate FDR because he saved capitalism from itself,

Libertards hate FDR because he showed compromise was a viable solution, and that there is an alternative to ((Austrian Economics)) (both Hayek and Von Mises were Jews BTW)

Libtards hate FDR because he's a white male, and Japanese Internment as well as some compromises he made with Dixiecrats that ensured that Hill-Cleetus, Juan and Tyrone would have a tougher time getting wellfare checks.

"""White""" nationalists hate FDR because his wife advanced civil rights issues in the country.

T-Totalers/Straight-Edgers hate FDR because he ended prohibition.

Banks hate FDR because he didn't give a fuck and basically bragged about how much banks/wall-street hated his guts.

In truth both FDR was a pretty good president.