This is the average of all humanity

This is the average of all humanity.
Bitch all you want but it is the future unless we go extinct by war or severe climate change.

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That is already the average. What world are you living in user?

>Bitch all you want but it is the future unless we stop your insane plan to ground us to this rock until the sun explodes

wouldn't an average be transgender or at least somewhere between male and female

realize the top tier of society always starts getting whiter

realize with how most humans stay indoors people will become white

realize white skin is the next step in evolution... not getting dragged back down by the savages

I'd pork it

That isn't true you fucking psycho

A graph illustrating my point.

It's using all women as the base. I also suspect that it isn't exhaustive...

you've been out in the sun too long

Humans are hideous

I'd hit it.

So we all turn into mexicans?
I guess that's not the worst thing ever.


Way too pretty to be a real average.

There's a silver lining. China, India, and maybe Russia are going into human genetic engineering. Just do research on Gene drives, it will save us all.

No it isn't. That is a useless mongrel. It's what poor people might look like but rich people will remain white.

but you're a homo, Dave

Corporations will probably start breeding programs to counteract loss of genes.

Society needs niche workers to keep running, mutts are not qualified.

Meh. You could do a lot worse.

>future of all humanity.
Only white liberals would have the arrogance to think that every other race on the planet would follow in their foolish footsteps.

>dat generic third worlder chink nigger face

It is not the average person. It is an *averaged* person. The process has removed irregularities, leaving only that which is common between everyone. It's more accurate to call it a "perfect" face.

You mean (((white)))

Not including all branches of the simian tree in this composite is RACIST

To disagree is to suggest that other simians are: not autonomous sentient "relatives" just a little further back than the links used to group "humanity"
that their ability to produce for society / what they can offer society dictates their validity as sovereign persons

to suggest this is to suggest that the same arguments can be attributed to every homo sapien sapien population that falls far from the ideal in terms of IQ, productivity, crime etc

are you racist, op?

If it was inevitable then why are we all different to begin with? Oh wait, you're one of those dipshits that thinks civilization will always exist and people will never forget how to globalize the world.

I should also point out that an image algorithm doesn't work the same way that genetics do. The real "future human" probably looks nothing like that.

We've had 2 million years to become a blend like that. Hasn't happened, but it suddenly will in 50 years, huh?

Looks like average person in California

>Hasn't happened, but it suddenly will in 50 years, huh?
Humanity has not been able to freely move around the planet in the way we now can before.

Also >1pbtid. Every time. Cowards.


I think not being white OR east asian IS the worst thing ever

Looks cute.

But seriously, it's okay. Populations interbreed when the reasons for their separation no longer apply. Globalization and modern transportation bridged those separators.

That means in a few hundred years pure bloods will be very rare. But don't worry. The genes making up current races will still be there and still subject to evolution.

If you truly believe that white and asian genes are superior, you will also agree that those genes will propagate more in the future.

What we can do now is to set conditions in society that advantage high IQ genes, so that those genes succeed in procreation more that low IQ genes.

More competition in society, no quotas, a spirit of excellence, free thought and free speech and reduced welfare.

Oh, western welfare states may collapse under immigration, but so what? Look at the US, barely a welfare state, yet the people are overall doing fine.

When is this going to happen?

Its not going to happen.

The non whites and the mongrels will eventually "rise up" against the pure blooded whites and that will be the end of the world.

When whites are backed into a corner, they go World War mode and completely annihilate their enemies.

Remember nuclear weapons are a recent thing and who has the majority of them? White people.

Do not fuck with us. We will take the world down with us if we fall.

The problem with your theory is that what nature decides is dominant is not necessarily what we as humans would find to be desirable traits.

Some savage nigger that can thrive in some blasted wasteland will do well under natural selection, but he's dying on this rock.

Looks like my girlfriend lol

show the male vertion

>thinks beaners will outbreed chinks and poos


looks just like an average American female

totally discounts Slavs.......ignorant

Evolution works on a genetic level. That savage, resilient nigger would interbreed with asian autists. The unsuccesful genes will then be selected against. That doesn't mean the full asian package is going to be passed on but it also means that not the whole nigger package is discarded.

It may also be that packs of violent niggers get a significant advantage that partner up with smarties compared to violent niggers partnered with sandniggers.

Is the evolutionary purpose of humanity to propagate this average/archetype instead of the population as a whole?


>unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot
>nothings going to get better
>its not

People aren't pokemon. That's not how genetics work. When you breed two different strains together you don't get an organism that is adapted for everywhere. You get one that is adaped to nowhere. You also get unexpect problems where genes that don't usually see each other have an adverse reaction and also the opposite where two genes that only produce a desirable effect when both are present are now single.

On top of that you also have dominant and recessive traits. In an environment where everything is mixed the recessive ones are rarely or never expressed and so eventually degrade and are lost.

The 'average' of all humanity would be a lot uglier than her.

99% of humans are ass ugly gross


your logic is dumb heres why

its like saying, instead of having a variety of soft drinks, I just want coca cola

i dont want flipping fucking coca cola all the time, you wont either, if youre anything of a real human being thats not a mindless drone idiot, you like variety

How are you going to force white elites to have sex with 4 billion niggers?

So then we will either not see one human race or our technoloy has reached the point where we can maintain the same living conditions anywhere on the planet.

In any case, well adapted genes will come out on top.

>A graph illustrating my point.
This is the reason for your graph. The people who will colonise space (whites/asians) are still producing the geniuses that will get us there.

>realize with how most humans stay indoors people will become white

see, how this happened in the natural environment is the tiny energy advantage from not making melanin eventually, over thousands and thousands of years, selected a lighter skin tone. if you think the same selective pressure applies now just because people are living indoors, you are beyond retarded.

>In any case, well adapted genes will come out on top.

They won't because advanced civilization makes adaptation unnecessary.

Our technology has not reached the point that we can maintain first world standards everywhere (and the people in the places also have a lot to do with that). Because of that we're unlikely to ever see one singular human race. As for who'll eventually come out on top, that's still up in the air.

>The people who will colonise space (whites/asians) are still producing the geniuses that will get us there.
We're not. Our birth rates are in the toilet and we're busily piling up our funeral pyre in the form of immigration and multicult at the same time.

Just looks like an average American desu

>see, how this happened in the natural environment is the tiny energy advantage from not making melanin eventually, over thousands and thousands of years, selected a lighter skin tone

or rather, it outweighed the disadvantage of a higher risk of skin cancer in environments with less sunlight.

starvation is a much less serious threat in first world nations than skin cancer.

its not the future. interbreeding is uncommon in pretty much every nation. in america its a joke to even pretend blacked is a thing

all of humanity will not merge into a single race. 100% bullshit

That's obviously not the average, the average would be somewhere in between an ugly asian and a smelly poo.

Would bang.

The future is qt

this is the future Sup Forums predicted it with this meme long ago.

we need to balkanize the US and ensure a white ethnostate

... and that's a (((good))) thing

They are going to eventually have mass starvation and there will be less to breed.