What is his name again?

What is his name again?

Sir Dangalang


Old kazuma


Johnny Justice



Sir Rancealot

Thanks Doc

Kazuma dayo.

the hero we deserve

Sir Rance before he do the traditional finger of enlightenment

I wish I had my own Kanami to bully

Sir Rance-5-is-never-EVER-going-to-be-released-even-though-it-is-fully-translated-and-could-be-released-at-any-time-now.

MG get your shit together!

Episode 4 the worst animation of all 4 of them.

The two best scenes though.

Unfortunately sales had been declining because they were picking bad scenes and the Nip Rance fans weren't happy

Did give us loli Lia though


Hyper Weapon

I want Hai Yo playing over this last episode in appropriate scenes

I get where they are coming from, everyone expected a full adaptation not something like this with so little budget.

Nah. They were just mad that their favourite girls didn't get scenes yet Sill got three and Yulang got a scene

Never really went into this, how good is it?

The ova is shit the games are good.

Bathhouse Owner