What did Sam mean by this?

what did Sam mean by this?

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Fuck off shill.

subtle chuckle
fuck rick and morty brainlets

holy fuck thats edgy

Democrate boomer Reddit and Murder fans have gone too far

Did he slip into an abyss of insanity
all he retweets is alt-right political stuff that isn't as humorous as it is edgy

look hammer morty, I'm sickle rick!

yes, i'm afraid so. im starting to think sam is a real bastard who should've stayed more artist than politician---anyways, his standup and skits and bathroom selfie videos did way more to build a philosophy than his cheap alt-right bandwagoning.

i thought he was smarter than this, but this kid has no idea how to optics.

Fake and kake

He wasn't evil he was smart

He called seth rogen a kike that same night but deleted it

I disagree

Horrible things keep happening and people who proclaim to be the protectors of our morals and values use these as examples to stress points that end up aiding their political aspirations which end up lining their pocket
huamn kind has always looked the tragedy right in the face and found the nerve to laugh, it's what gets us through this horrible mess
I refuse to not laugh when faced with the endless maelstrom of horror that is the world we live in now

cause seth rogen is a fucking kike
talentless unfunny hack who rode some other kikes coattails into hollywood and proceed to fart weed clouds everywhere and make a legion of fat-stoner-celebrities that I have to actual take seriously now for some reason

I remember commenting on some MDE video where I was sarcastically making fun of Sam and he replied and seemed genuinely salty and butthurt.

Beyond that, I watched a lot of the Kickstarter TV videos and I think he's just a hateful dude in general. Pretty sure he's a narcissist/sociopath who just happens to be pretty funny. But I think his politics come second to him just being genuinely angry and hateful and more thin-skinned than you would think someone doing the kinds of pranks he's done would be.

hear hear man, i agree completely with your sentiment there. I guess i just want sam to be more accessible to the mainstream and win more supporters (and therefore converts) in the long run. maybe that's selling out, sure, but I think there is a way to impart a philosophy about laughing at horror while still retaining dignity.

i think you gave his post too much credit--that very may well be the rationalization, the psychoanalyst in me (lol im getting fucked right now) says that this is more a ploy for attention than any nuanced shit.

yeah there is a lot of irony and hypocrisy in his kickstarter/review type videos. his main complaint about culture seems to be the narcissism and empty virtue posturing, but he downright could be the poster-child for that mode of thought.

i used to think he was hyper-ironic and totally self-aware---and i think he is at some points, most definitely---but i also think he slipped into the character, he became the meme.

I agree with you there, I just see the backdrop of everything as affecting this so much

>sam is idealist kid
>sam busts ass for years trying to make something out of MDE
>gets fucked over and blacklisted
>not back to square 1, back to square 0
>no fucks at all, do it for the love of it

tbqhfamalama I'm shocked he doesn't live in a cabin in the woods, I may not always agree with him, but I'll be rooting for him until the end

oh me too. i just want to be able to share my love for him without everyone else thinking im genuinely promoting white supremacy.

he's a hero, man. a fantastic fucking artist, too. and im sure getting cancelled destroyed him, and im sure public disdain and industry blacklisting takes a heavy toll on the soul, but I used to be hopeful that he could make a comeback and have an even bigger reach and platform than before.

not so sure now.

2/10 homo for me

ok that made me laugh

'optics' is for faggots like you and other jews.

'optics' is what ruined the fucking west. 'optics' is how multiculturalism and degeneracy took hold because it was 'bad optics' to say anything.

fuck you, you're a pussy faggot or a faggot kike or a kike pussy.


what if I said I agreed with you, but there is also a pragmatic element to this, and a truly strong person can sacrifice needing to say un-nuanced edgy shit for the sake of imparting their vision to more people in the future?

never go full retard. i wish it wasn't so, but you are utopia dreaming my friend, and im in reality

you never win favor through being strictly combustive, and without favor, no respect, no power.

could've done better and still got his points across, you fucking fanatic.

he was probably referencing this post on leddit

nigga's got to nig

white white!

like a cracka do

God damn some of this shit is great.

suckin' on a stogie
>like a cracka do