Is this mech power chart correct, Sup Forums?

Is this mech power chart correct, Sup Forums?

>Demonbane not at the very top and below Gurren Lagann

>Strike Freedom below the Nu Gundam

>Evangelion below Big O

>00 Quant above Devil Gundam and the Dark History Turns

nigga I could go on but the short answer is no

>Great mazinger and Mazinger Z below the Megadeus, giant robo bot, and breaking boss
What the fuck am I looking at?

>anything above Demonbane
>even including Adam and Evangelion when they are just giants

Why would you list the Nu Gundam but not use the Unicorn when it has infinite more possibility and psychoframes?

>different versions of TTGL
>only one version of Demonbane
It's common knowledge Elder God Demonbane is at the top of any power chart ever created or that will be created. Just swallow that, and the rest of your list will come together nicely.

>demonbaneidiots getting butthurt

>objective fact equates to butthurt

But there is no objective fact, omnipotent characters cannot defeat other omnipotent characters. Only idiots like yourself believe otherwise.

Have you even read the VN it comes from? It might be bad writing at its worst, but basically if anything is stronger than Demonbane (including overpowered shit like Getter Emperor or Supes) then it's Demonbane too.

EGD should be at the top. Then Vortex Demonbane should be second highest.

No not really, STTGL and the Getter Emperor are basically the same thing

And Aquarion Logos is a concept eater so heis up there with Demonbane for broken shit

>doesn't understand a word
>uses it anyways
Stop embarrassing yourself.

Putting aside some other complaints below, the chart is way too compacted to give reasonable scale. 80% of the vertical distance on that chart is between mechs that, depending on the scenario, have a legitimate chance of defeating each other. There's more distance between Gundam models than between standard Gurren Lagann and (I presume final) Demonbane, and that's just preposterous.

Do you even know what omnipotent means? If you think Elder God Demonbane can defeat omnipotent beings just because a talentless jap writer says so, then you clearly don't know what omnipotent means.

It's glaringly apparent you have absolutely no idea what it means, which is why you're a complete idiot.

>doesn't read the VN
>can't contextualize the words he's using because he lacks a basic understanding of the topic
>throws a tantrum
There, there little guy. Go put some moeshit on and calm down.

I don't need to read a trash VN to know what omnipotent means. You're an idiot if you think any omnipotent characters can be defeated, and you have no means to argue otherwise.

Where is Godannar? Powered by 'relationship'.

When will someone make a proper /m/ power chart?

If you knew what Demonbane stood for and it's purpose you would realize omnipotent doesn't describe it at all. Using an incorrect word usually points to not knowing what it means, but in your case it's just sad ignorance.

>trash vn
Kill yourself, you massive retard. Specially for judging ANYTHING before actually trying it

Stop responding to it.

I'll reply to what I want faggot. At your next opportunity, neck yourself.

I'm not even describing it as omnipotent, the only thing I'm saying is that omnipotent characters cannot be defeated and you're a moron if you believe otherwise.

It can't be good, given there are people as dumb as yourself who seem to adore it.

>omnipotent characters cannot defeat other omnipotent character
If you knew anything about Demonbane you would know why this doesn't make sense in the context of this thread, Ignorance is bliss.

>neck yourself.

where is gekiganger 3?
where is gekiganger v?


Once again idiot, I don't need to know a single thing about Demonbane to know he cannot beat an omnipotent character.

no voltron?

no optimus prime i get, but no Voltron? shame!

>demonbane is a character
You can't be this dumb.

of course Striker freedom is below Nu
can It push a big chuck of rock out of orbit?

demonbane is a character.
he has his own agency and acts of his own volition multiple times.

So basically you're saying the perfect shield wins a against the perfect spear. Are you even listening to yourself?

>Mazingers are among the lowest
Okay this is utter bullshit.

Also, you forgot to put the one true mech overlord on top of everything else

Except you're wrong.

In fiction, "omnipotence" is still measurable. It's not real omnipotence.
How "omnipotent" a character is depends greatly on their feats shown, this is why other omnipotents can't do jack shit to The One Above All.

Qan-T is probably above Devil Gundam, but the worse part is
>Turn-A being below any Gundam

No idiot, I'm saying an omnipotent cannot be defeated. Read properly.

>In fiction, "omnipotence" is still measurable. It's not real omnipotence.
What a laughable headcanon.

Except it's not.
Characters in fiction say all the time that "they're the strongest", they're omnipotent, etc. but they or their universe never shows anything remotely impressive.
Feats is still the most legitimate way to know how strong a character is, "omnipotent" or not.

Both "God" and "Omnipotent" in fiction are just titles.

But when you have two omnipotent characters, who wins?


Nobody. Draw.

>judging a characters power based on what they say
You truly are an idiot.

You're basically judging characters on what they say if you call them omnipotent.

What's idiotic about feats, hun?
Memeing doesn't make it any less valid.

But then they're obviously not omnipotent in the literal sense, since there is something they can't do.

"Omnipotence" doesn't exist, it's only a fictional concept. If you have an omnipotent character and compare him to other omnipotent characters, you will run into a dead end. See paradoxes like the one where god is asked to create a stone not even himself can lift. Either he can't create something like that, then he isn't omnipotent or he can't lift it. The result is the same.

Basically you're both applying your own definition on the subject without much knowledge.

Allah is considered omnipotent and yet the fucker can't even see in the dark. Checkmate.

If the author decides a character is omnipotent, then the extend of that character's power is very clear, as the word omnipotent only has one meaning. He/she doesn't need to perform any feats to impress idiots like you, who contort the english language to suit their agendas.

You don't decide what omnipotent means. The more you try to deny the meaning, the dumber you look.

That's why there are never multiple omnipotent characters in a single story. For a character to be truly omnipotent, there can only be one.

These arguments only start when retards like yourself ask "who would win, demonbane or lord of nightmares?".

You're implying that authors take powerlevel threads into consideration.
Protip: They don't.

We have something called a No-limits Fallacy. We compare characters to characters that don't even work the same way, thusly there must be a middle ground. This is why One Punch Man isn't the strongest character ever.
Feats are the most legitimate way to know how strong a character is, not paradoxical titles.

>You're implying that authors take powerlevel threads into consideration.
They certainly don't.

Idiots like yourself do though.

>yamato that low/high

Look, either you accept that Yamato gets into a fight, gets super close to being destroyed but pulls out the win and then gets repaired by next week no matter what or you acceppt it's not all that strong. It's gun does pack a punc though.

Authors aren't the highest authority in a story but the events of the story itself. You don't even the literary theory that is Death of the Author. Feats are the most legitimate way to know how strong a character is.

Educate yourself before you start spewing laughable Ad Hominem, okay?

The english language certainly has higher authority than a moron like yourself. Again, you don't decide what omnipotent means, and feats don't determine whether or not a character is omnipotent.

Did you just try to invoke death of the author to justify power levels, are you fucking serious?

Is this one correct?

The Wave Motion Gun is an FTL planet buster. That alone should have it pretty high.

Because they're not actually omnipotent in the most literal sense.
Concession accepted.


This isn't even just about language. Someone here clearly isn't capable of thinking in abstracts.
Imagine you have a glass of water that's full to the very top. That's your omnipotent glass.
Let's say there's another glass next to it that's full to the top, plus one drop. But wait, you can't have even one more drop it's full to the top. But if you think more abstractly that kind of barrier becomes more interesting. How do you add a drop to an already full glass? We can't do anything but just accept that it exists as such though, because we know that this one has one more drop in it.
How can demonbane be "more than omnipotent" then? It just is, because we're told that it's so. Even if it doesn't make sense it's not a concept that can make sense, which is the purpose of Demonbane


Because death of the author means that you can just argue endlessly in circles because any number of meanings can be attached to the words. Literally nothing matters because what you call a feat I can call a metaphor.

This is why discussion exists. Logic is still present even with that theory.
Nobody's going to take you seriously if you take things hilariously out of context, even if you so believe in it, for example.

How legitimate your explanation is still depends on how well you explain your thoughts, and how relevant it is to the actual literary content being analyzed.

You are legit mentally ill.

>demonbanefag headcanon

Heh. You sure got me, lad.

Not really, because all I have to do is present an argument and the point of view would hold.

You have no idea about the implications of death of the author do you?

Now hold up, I was simply stating the side of the argument that the Demonbane folks are on.
I've never actually given Demonbane the time of day except the anime

I already said that it matters if your argument actually holds any water, don't I?

Tell me of these "implications".

The question can never fucking close now. The question MUST remain open because there are multiple answers. There is no being correct any more, dogmatic reasoning and attempt for certainty isn't something to strive for and there is no universal reference to discuss. IN essence, power level debates are more than just meaningless in that cotext, they're an attempt to push death of the author away.

Pretty much everything above Yamato is a fast moving mech capable of mass waves of destruction. Fucking Getter alone can wipe out multiple planets while swinging it's axe

Your argument is acting under the assumption that that the question can be closed.
Your argument is also acting under the assumption that there is an actual definitive answer.
You are also acting under the assumption that the question being open is such a bad thing.

I can get how authorial intent based on symbolism and metaphor can be answered by the author itself, but authors can and have contradicted themselves in the past.
Again, logical explanations still hold water. What the best explanation is the most reasonable one.

I don't see how powerlevel debates push the literary theory away, as all of this discussion is acting outside of the author's vision itself.

I think the issue people aren't remembering is Tengan Toppa Gurren Lagann was only possible within a pocket universe that amplified spiral energy to the point that thought became reality. Outside of that pocket universe, not even Simon is capable of producing that level of spiral energy.

Meanwhile Demonbane has two forms capable of multiversal eradication. One where it enlarges itself to the point that the universe it is in will pop and it will brush up against neighboring universes. The other is where every single instance of Demonbane across every timeline that exists and doesn't exist from every single universe that is and isn't, are all called to one location and they all unleash Lemuria Impact, which is an attack that generates infinite heat and infinite pressure.

>You are also acting under the assumption that the question being open is such a bad thing.

None of that is true, I'm saying that it can't if you're considering death of the author.

And you're still missing the point, "reason" is no longer the standard. reason still matters, but the most reasonable does not hold the same standard as it does when you aren't trying to look at it through that lens.

Looking at the lower end:
>Arbalest higher than anything
yeah, nope

Nothing inherently wrong with that.
I don't support the theory fully, but I see how and why it works in some way or another.

>pocket universe that amplified spiral energy to the point that thought became reality

I bet pinnoy or spainard did this.

My bad, I got that wrong

It was by breaking and absorbing said pocket universe (well multiverse) Simon and his gang gained the ability to create TTGL. So point still stands that they didn't do it on their own, where as both War God Demonbane and Elder God Demonbane are Demonbanes own forms, and fully capable of turning into them on it's own.

Where is Toribot?

If you think Demonbane can't defeat Kami Tenchi, Cthulhu Mythos Azathoth (not Demonbane Azathoth), Hajun, Featherine, or any of your favourite character, then you know that you are just another wrongly biased fanboy.

>half of special tier is MB characters

If you think Demonbane can defeat omnipotent characters, you're an idiot.

Are you saying it isn't powerful or is at least equal to STTGL? I don't even like gurren lagann that much, but it's entire power is kind of "I will continue to grow until I win" and it's already at a retardedly high strength

>Not vastly superior Hi Nu
>No full psycho frame Unicorn

Kill yourself

Couldn't Index's St George's Sanctuary alone take down Unit-01?


Where's Reinhard?

In your mouth.

You're missing this guy

>Dougram over Layzner or Arbalest
>Strike Freedom under any UC Gundam
>Geperuniti not higher
>Not having Casshern yet keeping Braiking Boss
>Zero that low
>Giant Robo that high
>Jeeg over any Mazinger
>removing Grendizer and Dancouga Nova
>Madox and Sirbine THAT HIGH
>Goma and Turn X that low compared to Ultimate Gravion and Turn A respectively

Needs tons of more work.

>no robo dexo 2000
You should be ashamed of yourself.

>Is this mech power chart correct, Sup Forums?
No, no it is not. In fact, if you flipped this chart upside down you would probably be more correct than it is now.

Goku should be on top!

Where is Eva 001?

It's literally on the chart

And Gekiganger?

Right of Adam

Honestly, I think the Gunbuster is a bit too high up. I love the thing, but I'm not sure if it plays in that league.Also, where the fuck is Nono?


People that dont understand demonbane should really just give a look at lovecraft's entities.
Nyarlathotep is more than enough to explain to you that whether you want it or not, paradoxes do happen, and you're gonna have to deal with it.
I mean, Nyarlathotep would have fun making something impossible like a circle with the form of a rectangle right in front of you just for shits and giggles as your brain melts down trying to understand it.

>objective facts
Have you guys even played the VN?

Big part of claims I see aren't even real.

It's just a shitty inconsistent VN and a lot of fake claims.

Have you?
Demonbane isn't described as true omnipotent as there were things even he couldn't do.

And you could easily make a case for fucking Bugs Bunny pooping on him since he would just break the 4th wall and delete that shitty VN from his PC

>Imagine you have a glass of water that's full to the very top. That's your omnipotent glass
If the glass has infinite capacity you can just add a drop even if it's already full.

If a hotel has infinite rooms and it's full, then everybody can move up 1 room and there's room again.

Demonbane's enlargement was only done in a weak universe.

what about mech-hisui.
neco mech and koha mech are pretty great