Every time someone says that the solution to mass shootings is to make sure more people have guns

Every time someone says that the solution to mass shootings is to make sure more people have guns.

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Better luck next time

The picture ruins the meme

The idea behind this isnt that the crowd would start shooting small arms fire back at the hotel. The idea is the other occupants on his floor would bust his door down and solve the problem as soon as they realized he was shooting from a hotel room.

Nobody thinks that, the guy was on the 32nd floor.

Now if this had been a concert hall and he walked in I think armed guests would probably have stopped him.

>be on 31st floor of mandalay bay hotel barebacking some twink ass while there is a country concert outside
>suddenly hear automatic gunfire from ceiling
>finish breeding tonight's twink
>get gun
>walk up one flight of stairs
>open door and shoot asshole 71 minutes before SWAT arrive

Dumb ass. I could hit him from 500 meters away easy.
If I was there with my rifle this would have been over after the first volley of fire from him. It doesn't take much to counter snipe someone in such an open position.

you are just mad because we don't want you to take our method of defending ourselves. It will never happen. Just give up.


>Implying people inside the hotel would be able to accurately pinpoint the shooters room and that everyone would be in their rooms and not out partying in Vegas

Dumbass Larper

Open door? It’s locked and he’s got the bar on it. You kick it three times to get it open and get shot in the face

They use meters in Star Wars.

>agreeing to OP's terms of debate

Sure is fucking new in here. How about, instead, you just ignore him because noone is making that argument since there is no reason to make it in the case of ex-CIA setting up a swank sniper nest and opening fire into a mall of people.

The origin of the argument OP desperately wants you to submit to is from past shootings with indoor gunfree zones.

For real. Its like having pic related saying how wonderful her husband is for her anniversary present. It just doesn't fucking work.

If you think there would have been less casualties if legal gun ownership was an impossibility,You are a special kind of stupid.

Forming knee jerk gun policy that likely wouldn't have prevented the Vegas shooting is a special kind of stupid.

When did anybody say that fucking leaf?

>leafs thinks everyone is as stupid as they are
don't you stupid fucks need to set free cannibals and give millions to terrorist

>not understanding suppressive fire

Day Of The Rake....soon.

It's more about the idea than the actual act. You know why shooters prey on gun-free zones? It's because they know they have power and control of the area. All that perceived control goes away when anyone and everyone could have a gun under their jacket or on their belt. This last attack was a bit different, as armed citizens still wouldn't have taken his sense of control away from him. It may still have an affect, since people in the hotel could have a deterrent effect on him.

The real solution is to fix the meaningless superficiality and hedonism of modern society. I'm surprised more people haven't snapped in a city that parallels Sodom and Gomorrah. Violence, rape and murder are part and parcel of living in a low-functioning and low-trust multicultural society.

If more people had guns.

More people would have bulletproof vests.

This is a strawman argument.


Considering that the cuck security was afraid to kick the door and open fire, maybe one or two practicing armed psychos would've been useful in there.

President gives a speech somewhere and what does the secret service do?? They secure the fucking area...

How about we deal with the reality, guns will never go away...ever. So instead of bitching about how he got the guns why arent we bitching about the zero effort given to secure the thousands of productive and able bodies we had in the venue that were unarmed and unshielded?

If a killer is going to do something like this, nothing will stop him from acquiring the weapons. Especially since, as we all know, they usually have help from paramilitary forces like mossad.

Fixing the problem in this case means proper security measures!

obviously the solution is to make sure only crazy people have guns.

No fixing the problem means repealing and replacing the 2nd amendment with something much more sensible to account for it being 2017 and not 1791. If the people who wrote the 2nd amendment knew what weaponry would become in the future, they would not have written it.

Agreed. A security guard at the hotel attempted to engage the shooter and was shot in the leg through the door to the hotel room.

>Repealing and replacing the constitution
how about we repeal and replace your 'diversity' and 'equality' laws first, Leaf?

Was Security armed? I heard they weren't.

>leaf faggot makes an argument literally no one but liberals and jews have ever made
>tries to base an entire strawman on it
The Day of the Rake cannot come soon enough, maplekike.

Well what would you suggest replacing them with? I am willing to listen to you if you will listen to me.


>cowboy hat
>leather vest
>quirky mustache
>at a fucking bowling alley

This guy is definitely a genuine rural retard like us and not an actor/model posing for an advertisement. We should definitely listen to him.

(Also, who's that asshole walking on the lane?)

Installing a meritocracy, more priority on your own citizens, less radical feminism, less Islam (similar to Poland).

But this is all as likely to happen in your nation as the second amendment is to be repealed in mine

No, its perfectly sensible for today. Anyone can acquire a fully automatic weapon regardless of the laws. I could go down to home depot and get supplies to build one. They are made by hand in the philippines by people with a grade school education in about 4 hrs cut from sheet metal.

>current year

He was shooting from high grounds so there should have been an sniper on a building, the casualties would have been much lower

Name one shooter other than Charles Whitman that engaged over 100 yards....

what is a yard

>thinking there wouldn't have been

I see what you're doing.

You are now the #1 suspect

Why does the left continue to push death



elvis btfo everyone.

Have you ever heard of a mass shooting at a gun show?

Good point.

When I think about stars, I never thought about Seth Rogen. He's not even 1200 levels below elvis presley. They are escorting him out of the building, The correlation between him and a comedian, people are throing objects now.

Have you ever heard of hockey players playing hockey in a hockey arena?

This was an anomaly even among mass shootings in that it was at an exceptionally long range, and the location of the attacker was not easily identifiable at all. Most mass shootings and other life threatening crimes occur at much closer range with a clearly visible attacker where a carry pistol would be effective. That's like arguing that seat belts suck because they won't save you from a head-on collision with a dump truck.

There have been several shootings at gun shows.
For instance, there have been three shootings in or just outside the Tanner Gun Show over the past nine years.

You're ignoring daily and frequent crimes when its convenient, pretending that guns only matter in a mass shooting event. You never mention burglary, theft, robbery, assault, attempted murder, rape etc.

its a no then

>71 minute police response time

He chose where he chose because he knew he'd be relatively safe from real resistance. That's the same reason gun free zones are typically the places where mass shootings happen. If he thought he would have gotten shot a few seconds into his rampage he wouldn't have done it because he was a worthless coward like all mass shooters. They just want to feel like God for a bit and they want to be sure their illusion won't be shattered too soon.

Are you implying being shot in the back means self defense is useless?

>Top text
>Bottom text


Are you kidding? A thousand shooter volley towards the muzzle flash of the murderer would have certainly been effective. Even more so with rifles. You're basically pointing out that we should go back to carrying rifles slung on our backs.

Holy shit that's scary.


No the idea is that if there are people that are capable of this type of shit, then it's better to be able to defend yourself, regardless of being able to do it this time.

No, it is not.

your meme is retarded. the planet houses very evil people and it is good people's right to defend themselves from said evil . end of story.


>Everybody has a gun, and therefore women and weaklings can defend themselves
>Guns don't exist; knives are the criminal weaponry of choice. Women now stand no chance against armed men

as far as i remember the american constitution allowed private ownership of fucking battleships. the point of the 2nd amendment is to keep citizens as well armed as state forces

yes they fucking would