The FINAL final redpill


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You need Christ senpai

Why haven't you kicked the digital jew to the curb yet?

how is this the final redpill? elaborate if you like.

If you are realistic, you will become blackpilled at some point. Then you realise the world is meaningless and it's pointless to serve the white race or advocate for 'white civilisation'. Just enjoy life as a degenerate, be happy and sleep with sluts.

It meant something quite different from it's etymological base to it's current denotation.


Hedonism is the cultural cyanide pill.

hedonism =/= degeneracy

how bout no Jew.

Too exhausting tbqh

are you suggesting that all pleasurable things in life are inherently nondegenerate?

degeneracy runs its course very quickly. the goal of hedonism is to have lasting pleasure.
you could shoot up heroin, but in the long run, it will bring on more pain than pleasure, and so it's degenerate.

>implying that all this is fun
can you accept that pleasure and pain are two sides of the same coin and only our taste defines what we like and what we don't like? you have to know that in a world where everything is a pleasure - nothing can be a pleasure anymore. this is natural balance: we get bored of something we do not have to struggle for and already have after a while. also - pleasure gets maximized by staying absent. when you desire chocolate - it will taste way better when you wait until the desire gets so big that you cannot control it anymore. i'd say repetition - which hedonism is: is for low IQ uncreative people who enjoy doing the same thing over and over again. you can only fool yourself for so long until you realize all woman are basically the same. - this being said: i have no trouble with being blackpilled. i actually like it.

Ataraxia (tranquility) is better.

ok i'll indulge you for a minute. Here is case study Julien Blanc, he has found lasting pleasure by going from an autismo to a guy who fucks hot girls regularly, and he gets long term satisfaction for teaching his techniques to other guys. A very successful 'pick up artist' lecturer. He's been happy for years, and is healthy. Doesn't do drugs or smoke weed or drink alcohol, and works out a lot. But he chases pleasure by having one night stands with beautiful women which Sup Forums would say is degenerate. Still, he's extremely happy. And even made a 'happiness manifesto' to teach other guys to be happy. Even when he get's old, he'll still be teaching normal non-dating self improvement stuff, he has a large following of 200k youtube subscribers and has taught hundreds of clients on $2000 training sessions. He's a millionaire. I've seen a lot of non-degenerate guys who look miserable even though they're doing everything Sup Forums says is right. Why shouldn't I be like Blanc is what I'm saying.

The final redpill is just do whatever you want and create a ideological system that justifies it

>you have to know that in a world where everything is a pleasure - nothing can be a pleasure anymore
it's like a world where only the taste of sweetness exists and you try to divide it into different other tastes like salty or spicy. in the end it will always be sweetness though.

i don't know anything about this guy besides your post, but typically people who constantly feel the need to signal about their happiness aren't actually that happy

This is the true, final redpill

because you likely are unable to. nor have you given any evidence that this guy is happy. nor is giving into nihilism or the black pill cool. youre not the first person to have those thoughts, and those arent even recent thoughts historically.

coping with the abyss is the trade-off for humanity. grow the fuck up. enjoy love, moderate degeneracy so as to not fuck up what you actually are driven to do, and eventually have kids. that's just because we are animals and there is high reason to believe that generating offspring is important to wellness, so even having kids and being responsible is technically hedonist.

oh wait im talking to a 17 year old. yeah, hedonism doesn't mean what you think it means, bro. and you likely haven't actually lived a life of excess (which i can humbly say that I have) otherwise you'd know it's only a maddening drug that ultimately destroys intimacy and any chance for lasting pleasure.

degenerate hedonism makes true hedonism possible. get off the pleasure cruise now. find some eudaimonia.

know what the words you use mean.

>Why shouldn't I be like Blanc is what I'm saying.
do you want to be like him?

This is exactly what I meant by an intellectually dead person with no concept of true romanticism, utterly lacking in poetry of the soul.

this guy has homo all over him

case in point

Also this

Damn, hopefully this kid considers your words. My own experiences support pretty much everything you're saying

nice byronpost, rare

This guy is literally happier than anyone here on Sup Forums will either be unless you live to see the space reich and galactic lebenstraum.

Itt: people who read nietzsche but didn't understand anything or people finding an excuse to be degenerate

**make true hedonism impossible FUQ

>implying I'm not happy being miserable

No, that's peak blue pilled.

That's my point, the final red pill is the loop back to the blue pill

dude i can't watch more than 20 seconds of that. i know a snake when i see one. this guy is a con artist, he's selling himself, quite literally.

no charisma, unattractive.


yeah talking quickly and loudly, with pockets full of cash, will do that for ya. LOL.

I tasted that Redpill once and immediately got both diabetes and AIDS.

Pretty sure I followed all the directions properly too.

no. it isn't. if you want something as shallow as that: the problem is you. go be happy and take the bluepill.

Does that also mean you're miserable being happy?

There's no horseshoe dynamic in pillology. When you do both speed and booze, you're still too drunk to drive.

Kek nice try Mr. Shekelstein.

>tfw been with gf for three years
>tfw she's total marriage material
>tfw we were each others firsts

I find myself fantasizing about other girls all the time. I haven't cheated but I've had the opportunity multiple times and haven't done it. I highly doubt she would, her parents would probably kill her because they adore me so much.

We're great for each other, despite her being a typical woman and she has the same problems more females have. Yet I find myself wondering, I know the grass always seems greener. What would you do Sup Forums?


you know user, there's an ancient greek philosophy called epicureanism that actually promotes hedonism. The difference is that while epicureanism states that the key to a happy life is to maximize pleasure and minimize pain, you should do what you can to stay humble and make you pleasures easy to obtain. In otherwords, don't go fucking shemale prostitutes and shooting heroin everynight, instead, find pleasure in your friends, family, and intellectual pursuits, as these are easier to maintain, and will give you a higher order of pleasure.

feeling miserable means you feel more alive. it is you feeling yourself as being existent. since misery and sadness are easier to get then true happiness - some hedonists chose misery as their drug. its degenerate anyway

Based Texas

Meh, Happiness is not a destination, nor a legitimately discernible attribute.

I'm quite certain I'm actually happier and more confident than he is.Mainly because I don't have to advertise how 'happy' I am on JewTube to convince myself I am happy.

That is correct

The final redpill of of hedonism is Hegesias.

I don't understand why people think that constant pleasure, or happiness, will result in some sort of necessary degradation of said state. It won't be as valuable, but assuming there are no external negatives and everything is within reach, the worst you can feel is bored - and that isn't the worst possible thing, and not all of us are idiot thrill-seekers anyway. But the point is, if you can't dip below a certain good baseline, you simply don't need the negatives to exist in order to serve as contrast.

You can't get redpilled, do that, and become happy. That guy is not redpilled. His race is still being genocided and he's only made the situation worse by spreading degeneracy. He's bluepilled. No one becomes happier by being redpilled. It's becoming conscious of how powerful, insidious, and pervasive evil is in the world.

>Implying that poltards would actually work for any sense of pleasure
>Implying poltards aren't addicted to displeasure
>Implying poltards don't already think their lives are pointless
>Implying that he isn't lying
>Implying you don't know what someone should look like to they work out all the time
>Implying he didn't buy his subs
>Implying that doesn't work in conjunction with hedonism

I would not fuck up a good thing by being a dumbass with no self control, moral backbone, or discipline. That's what I'd do.

>I don't understand why people think that constant pleasure, or happiness, will result in some sort of necessary degradation of said state
my experience.

dude what good is it being redpilled if you can't even change the world around you. Sup Forums has 'redpilled' hundreds of thousands yet that's not enough to change the world in a meaningful way, the same story of western civilisation collapsing will play out. I might as well be happy. If being happy is wrong then I don't want to be right.

>the grass always seems greener
It's not and never is. And if you fuck up, you will regret it for the rest of your life. Take the holy sacrament and save the white race. When I'm in a relationship, I get a kick out of acting honourable and staying aloof to the wiles of succubi. There is nothing more satisfying than scorning and neutering the perverted sexual power of women with the armour of righteousness.

being happy is not wrong. that's why i said earlier - you are the problem. you need to do what you want to do. if you want to live like a pretzel - dip yourself in salt. or do whatever you think you have to do and that brings out the best in you. but don't try to convert others who already found their way - it's disrespectful.

yeah I guess I see your point. Thanks krautbro

The ones that get redpilled will be the ones who reproduce and pass on their genetic and cultural legacy. The ones who do not will doom their descendants to being dragged down with the mudblood hordes. Happiness is illusory, especially achieving the sense of it through sexual perversion. The satisfaction of reproduction and survival instincts is what you evolved to do and is sanctified by God. Ignoring or perverting those instincts into unproductive channels will leave you with a conscious or subconscious anxiety that you are leaving something left undone, no matter how much you slake them in promiscuity.

Epicureanism is the true final redpill.
Realizing that getting involved in politics will only lead to pain is the true enlightenment.
Just focus on you, your friends, and your family.

>Just give into your carnal desires, goy!

Except that is not what being redpilled means. Like in the matrix, it is simply the revelation of an authentic perception of reality, nothing to do with happiness. Reality does not induce happiness. It's horrific and dominated by literal satanic evil. Besides, you can't reach enlightenment with an inauthentic perception of reality.

For those of you who think happiness is the end goal of life, ask yourselves this, if you feel happy, how would you feel about dying at this very moment?


Like others have stated, the final red pill is just The Truth. Which can be amazing but is just mostly horrific at this time on planet Earth.