Trump is literally Hit-

>Trump is literally Hit-

Fucking moralfags want to saddle other people with retarded kids but always find a way to abort their own retard kids.

360° C-chess?

that's easy for him to say, he doesn't have a retard as a so-... oh wait.

>human life
>one extra chromosome
>technically not human

We should have mandatory Down's abortion. If fetuses aren't people, then we have a good reason to end their miserable existence.

why would you not want to diagnose this early and abort?

47C Stew

Why the fuck would we want more retards?

>Why the fuck would we want more retards?

Why not, this place is full of them.

why do all downies look the same

abortion is not necessarily risk-free and kids with downs are often some of the nicest people you could possibly know

They are still a burden to society though.

genes often have more than one influence, in the case of downs the genes obviously affect morphology

this is also why determining the genes associated with specific traits is difficult, because genes express themselves in so many ways

This wiesenhiemer don't know about harnessing the awesome power of retard strength.

It's a perfectly good excuse

throw the autists in there too

I'm not saying we shouln't screen for this, nor would I want my own child to be born with any defects... but would you say they are such a burden they need to be culled?

How many down syndrome people commit violent crimes? Far fewer than blacks, yet we don't abort blacks simply for being black.

People should have the freedom to dispose of their kid at any point until they get that birth certificate and take them home from the hospital. If they think that thing even looks at them the wrong way, they should be made to abort by their own hand. Some kind of euthanasia box.

I don't want to be forced to take care of some retard baby or something with a terminal disease that will burden my entire family for decades to come and neither do you.

>Trump isn't Hitler


Thats a false equivalency, a nigger can be successful, a down is doomed from the moment is born.

>we don't abort blacks simply for being black.
We don't have the choice, only the mother does. However, in the case of black mothers, there is a HUGE amount of in a way, they are being simply aborted because they are black.

I needed a pic related, then I solved the kaptcha.

Problem solved.