Guys. It was in from of our eyes the whole time. Make Rick and Morty a hate symbol

Guys. It was in from of our eyes the whole time. Make Rick and Morty a hate symbol.

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Do it



We've already been working on it, and managed to provoke a response out of Plebbit

Please god end this shitty fucking show

You can actually tell how many edgy normies are on Sup Forums as of late since threads like these get made regularly


Skeptical Morty is skeptical of inconsistent mainstream narratives.

lllok morty I turned my self into a swastica... SWASTICA RICK, isn't that freaking awsome?!? SWASTICA RICK, ... wanna go on a 20 minute adventure to poland??



Rick can't be a hate symbol. He hates jerries too.

>*BUUUURRRRRPPP* M-morty you know the Germans couldn't possibly have gassed and incinerated that many people, in that short a time, in those facilities, r-right Morty? You're not an idiot, right Morty?

>hey guyzz lez turn a popular American TV show with one of the largest most degenerate fanbases a hate simbull for no reason at alllll!!!!! :DDD xdddd

good luck with that

ever notice that they never say that its dumb but rather they're upset by a supposed smugness of it?

Fuck you for even suggesting this, pantshitter.

It won't work.

This fanbase is literally the smartest. You're fucking delusional if you think this won't just backfire, and the next season has Rick traveling back in time to kick pantshitter ass.

Maybe he'll kill Putin to fix history. Assface wouldn't be President if Hillary were never robbed blind by fake fucking news and hacks.

Keep your nasty frog, skinheads. Rick and Morty is a show for thinking people. It will not be co-opted by beta white fuckboys who still can't admit the evil fucknut with the 30% approval rating is nothing except eternal shame for this once great country.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewers head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

>"I turned myself into a pickle. I'm Pickle Riiiiick"
>so deep
>truly a show for the thinking man, and man does this site have so many nazis, everyone who goes on here must be so stupid
I bet ya 10000 German marks you haven't seen Xavier: renegade angel

I would like to add, why would rick want to go back in time and kill people, they already did a time travel episode, and you know how that went

Shit bait. KYS

But it is dumb and thats what makes the smugness so cringey.

>fan base
Pride cometh before the fall.
See you in November
>wait, we already won

It already is, and it's a symbol of hating you.

that's a good idea. r&m started as a parody of back to the future. someone could make a parody of r&m where the world gets invaded by interdimensional nubian space Kangz who have come back to clean up their mess: the white race. but when they come back they try to communicate with their ancestor niggas but they chimp out and call them uncle toms for not giving them hoverships and money. disgusted with how the distant yakub descendants of earth have turned out, they decide to eradicate them and leave the responsibility of maintaining earth to white people.

Is Rick /ourguy/?

I approve of this idea. Fuck that fat faggot manchild Dan Harmon and the fat faggot manchildren who watch his piece of shit show.


I would like that so that leftist niggers would shut up about it.
The creators have been giving us ammo.

I tried to...

Kek. Based Japan.


>niggers are ruining this country rick, and i can prove it mathematically
>if you take out blacks and hispanics, this country would have a crime rate on par with rich, homogeneous european countries!

>>>literally slap the scientist guy onto redpill info/pics already circulating and write a couple of sentences that sound like he would say them.

pic related
>i'll tell ya what, rick. i took a trip back in time to see if this newspaper was right, and found out that those ni*burp*ggers have been weighing down this country for centuries!

Hillary should be executed for treason and murder, btw the rick morty fanbase is loaded with pompous unaccomplished basement dwellers with mastrubatory fanatisies of grandure never to be, thats what happens when the jews are allowed to deindustrilaized the country and "science" is bullshit real science which is right wing pisses in your faggot fake juden face.

whoops, rick is the scientist guy. replace the usage of the name rick in my post with morty.

>another example

>all of these people are fucking idiots, morty, and i can prove it mathematically. they lump in the sand *burp* niggers with whites and say that we have a white male problem. this graph oughta sets those dumbasses straight.

note that i don't watch the show but i figure this is what he sounds like according to pol.

I don't understand your point at all. How is it any more edgy to appropriate memes and other lefty bastions of entertainment than literally ANYTHING else that happens on this board?

Pretty close

>Science is right-wing
How are you any better than the faggots trying to make science leftist?