Why don't whites want to have children?

Why don't whites want to have children?

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Declining fertility rates happen in every settled society past a certain point in the civilizational cycle, this is not exclusive to whites and has been difficult to adequately explain.

It looks like it has to do with education.
Better and higher - less time for toddlers.

Having children costs money and no self respecting white person wants to raise a child in poverty.


Its an American website, what did you expect..

Not sure that it's just that. Happened to uneducated proles in Rome as well and isn't exclusive to the highly educated here. Maybe absent a strong sense of religion people feel children to be a purely economical burden rather than an obligation to a larger purpose.

Evolution does not like stability.. chaos is what drives it

Except those countries don't have a spic or nigger problem. We do and we will become a minority due to that.

Your ancestors did, anybody who told you that is likely a kike who doesn't want whites to abuse welfare as revenge.

whites are retarded

I want to make some White children but my boyfriend won't get pregnant no matter how many times i try.

Does he have a masculine uterus?

Because i do not want to have kids in a world where SJW's and PC reigns supreme, where in ~5 years each and everyone against PC will be incarcerated and where in ~30 years every white person will be raped, enslaved or killed becuz thur slavery.

Get a grip, your ancestors endured far worse. Famine, war, disease, and yes totalitarian ideologies. Hunker down and weather the storm if nothing else.

It's all an elaborate plan to show the colored how fucked they are when there are no whites anymore. At least we had a good run of ~2000 years. As soon as non-whites have a majority mankind will regress into some primal state again.

>what is homeostasis?

>Amerikan in charge of giving advice

majority as in ruling class obviously

Leaving traditionalism, post-modernist feminism, birth control and women's rights have made women to go on a fuck rampage. They don't give a fuck now, and slaves to their primitive hypergamous instincts.

We men have settled down our primal instincts for the sake of civilization and progress a long time ago. Now women need to do the same but they refuse.

Sexual dynamics are fucked up in the west.

We're all one race - The human race. The Earth's population is still going up and developed countries are continually receiving humans produced in other parts of the world with high birthrates. It makes no difference what colour they are, the amount of humans is still going up.
I can only speculate this is what they think.

>We're all one race - The human race. The Earth's population is still going up and developed countries are continually receiving humans produced in other parts of the world with high birthrates. It makes no difference what colour they are, the amount of humans is still going up.
>I can only speculate this is what they think.

Thanks, saved.

>why do jews always end up getting rekted?


Declining real wages.

>Why don't whites want to have children?
the thing i found out: they do. They all do. Atleast the women.

I've talked with so many female friends and acquaintances, wether they were in college or not and only a few said they absolutely don't want any children.

The problem is: They all wait until they have an established carreeer, the perfect husband etc. until it's too late.

pro tip: you're never really ready to have kids, so you might aswell have them before it's too late.


Those aren't the hands of a white man.

those aren't the breasts of a white "man" either

>if you are being replaced, you win

It's not just white people. It's just people realising that the today's society is so shit there is no point having kids in this poisoned society

I deem you unworthy of ever passing on your genes, but hey, here's a few hundred dollars of consumable entertainment you'll be bored of by next month.

We know your society is "shit" mate, especially the streets, but don't project onto all of us.

Cuz we hate ourselves and we also love niggers

You cant FPBP your own post you dumb turd. It is like /threading your own post. Lurk more you cunt.

You think I don't know that ye fukin aussie kunt? All I'm trying to say is that people just don't wanna fuck anymore cause it costs way too much to provide a family and let's not forget about the divorce rates so it's a lose lose situation

There's no way I'm giving up my pillow waifu for a 3d shitting pissing belching sweating human white girl.


Exactly kek

Are there any meddical reasons that would force one to get a vasectomy?

In my experience it is individualism and comfort.
I child is difficult to raise and takes a lot of time and stress while the modern world is already very stressfull. Many women wait until they did many things in life before having children. Many men want more children but lack the funds.
Today both women and men go to work while majority of them can't really afford more of a sustainable life like 50 years ago when just a man went to work. We are all way more busy today.

Yup, plus shitty genetics.

>tfw mother died of cancer and father was a retarded fuck-up who could never hold a job
>tfw he drank himself crazy and I'm expected to take care of him

Fuck, poor people should be fucking genocided imho

>No thanks. I'm stuffed.

The girlfriend knew she was a beta and got off on knowing she was getting him neutered. She'll get knocked up by chad before she's 30.