Why shouldn't the DREAMers stay?

Why shouldn't the DREAMers stay?

Because they come from a racial culture of people who can't build or do shit all. They will do the same to ours.
And judging by their leftist voting and socialist wants? Yep. Straight into the toilet. Once again.
I wonder where they'll fucking run next?

Stop posting your tranny "sisters" here, José.

They can immigrate legally and live the dream all they want.

Those fucking eyebrows

Their skills are desperately needed back home.

How will shitholes like Mexico or Pureto Rico ever up their game if all of their bast and brighest make a run for the border?

America kindly trained an entire generation of young people to lead their countries out of the darkness. Instead of saying "holy shit, thank you" the Americans are demonized as racists. They should never have bothered it seems, let brown countries fall into the abyss and shoot to kill along the wall.

They are illegal. We have rules to society which have been made by the people that inhabit the land and if we don't follow them, it all falls apart.

>You don't want us in your country, user? *cries*

Why do you keep calling these girls dreamers? They're a bunch of middle class half-white Texicanos from the border area (based on the shirt). They're essentially white, and as a Texan I can almost assure you they (or the parents rather) are the types that vote Republican.

they are illegal aliens

ever see a white gardener work as fast as a mexican gardener?
me neither

cum tributing this later :)

Those Cheshire grins are kind of freaky.

These 3 hot beaners can stay at my house. Holyshit. AYE PAPI!

Why are we still making these?
Fucking saged

I don't know a lot about migration policies from USA, but I know it is possible to be a legal immigrate.

Is it not possible to do the same paperwork to be a legal resident from USA as it is in Mexico?

Fuck 'em!
We break the law, we go to jail.
They break the law, they get rewarded.
Throw them out of the country, and send the politicians who seek to protect them as well.

Why shouldn't dreamers stay = Why should anyone have to obey laws?

By now, they should have attained some of the best education, training and experience on the planet and be entirely capable of going back to their home countries prepared to make a dramatic change in the societies which their families fled.

Generally need a job from a company to get permanent residency.
Permanent residency then can lead to citizenship after you've lived here a while.
No job -> no residency. AS MOST COUNTRIES FUCKING DO IT

the fuck is that?

Dreamers are all Mexicano/Latino so it is a racist program and should be illegal.

I'm against racism of all forms. The law (immigration law) is not racist and I support it.

Dreamers can keep dreaming for all I care.

They aren't white. In fact, they're a mixed race made up of nigger - native spics, so they're almost guaranteed to typically have an 80-85 iq. In a world where low iq does almost nothing for society, people like these have no business being here, especially since they're not even citizens

Gee user that's pretty racist, didnt they teach you better in college?

>still not redeemed
Good poast though

leftist way to call illegal immigrants. theyre people with dreams, bro

>t h i c c eyebrows

Exactly this.

Sage this motherfucker to the ground.

This is what astounds me, they had 8 fucking years to do all this shit, in fact some got USA government resources and they couldn't become legal? Sounds odd to me, man, I bet there are plenty of Dreamers who became legal in these years and only a few stupid/entitled ones are the loud majority

Because they're not legal citizens. End of story.

Because they have to go back.

You're all missing the point, OP said why they SHOULD not (as opposed to CANNOT) stay, so the answer they're illegal or something to that extent is wrong.

The correct answer is: By them being allowed to stay, it breeds a culture of "if you just make it past the border security, you have a speedway to citizenship". No skipping the queue or illegal entry into the country must be rewarded in any way to set an example for those who are toying with the idea.

The solution would be to deport them, but also massively speed up the application process to become a citizen, once widespread illegal immigration is not an issue anymore. Note the order here, first border security, then faster legal immigration.

These dreamers can stay.....but just these. The rest have to go back.

If you think speed is preferable to quality of work

It's possible their dreamer status isn't permanent residency like a job would give you so maybe they couldn't apply...not 100% on this one.

People who sleep long enough to dream are lazy.

wtf i love shitskins now

>1 post by this ID

I'd love to give a response, but obviously your just another thread sliding faggot.

Sage the thread, kids.