Niggers say white people cant cook,but what dishes have niggers even made themselves...

Niggers say white people cant cook,but what dishes have niggers even made themselves? Scots fried chicken before the nogs.

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Most niggers can't do anything without the threat of physical violence they honestly believe will be enacted.

I doubt cheffing is high on their "not to do today" list unless Gordon Ramsay is standing behind them with a gun.

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The stereotype that white people can’t cook is generally true though, at least here in the U.S.
Sure, white people have created most of modern recipes & shit, & setup a great foundation for all foods.
but this generation of white people have gotten so fucking lazy - eating out everyday, frozen foods, etc. etc.
White motherfuckers cant even brew their own coffee or flip an egg, instead they’d rather spend money on Starbucks or IHOP.
But that’s just my experience, all the white girlfriends I’ve had never cooked

that's because you aren't white and aren't allowed to date good white people

>The stereotype that white people can’t cook is generally true though

What white people are you referring to? Your college bum who microwaves ramen noodles?

What's this meme of niggers knowing how to cook? At the start of every month (about the time the government checks come in) I see niggers lined up at my local market with grocery carts full of junk food. There's not a single vegetable, fresh or frozen, in the entire cart.

actual answer: pretty much anything with okra in it is either african or was influenced by african cooking

That means it's a failure of blacks to properly pick a cause and effect.

When they meme about Whites not seasoning food, it's as if history doesn't exist, and we know this is how their mind works because they were kangz.

The proper meme would be to show White people 300 years ago, glorious meals, home cooked, smorgasbord of different European dishes.


White people today, unseasoned food, fast food, cooked at the grocery, etc.

Dude weeds can't cook

I can though. i have more cookbooks than most women.

Negro music is also ripped off from Celtic waulking music.

That's americans not whites.

Wait, American black ppl ripped off everything from their culture, and appropriated it as their own?

What most Americans refer to as real BBQ, meat prepared over a low, smoky fire for several hours or more, was a method of cooking devised by slaves in the late 1600 to early 1700s to turn portions of meat such as pork ribs, shoulder, etc, into something that tasted good and could be eaten.

Surprised to see those repilled comments

Americans lost the ability to cook after the great depression. You lived for half a decade on pickle sandwiches, and when the depression came out, the only remnants of the agricultural industry that managed to survive were the big companies and corporations producing packaged crap, and that's all you had to live on for another generation. Fresh food came back around the time of the boomers but they all lived on packaged pasta and canned crap slathered in ketchup, and nobody was around to teach the generation alive today what the fuck you do with fresh meat and vegetables.

wow slavery sounds awful

I thought native Americans 'invented' it

Where the fuck are you from? Literally everyone I know can cook a damn good meal. It's not that fucking hard

because niggers assume that mixing alot of shit and tons of spieces makes good food.


Murican recepits are ALREADY negrified to the point that you ALWAYS put spicies in your foods.

European cusine DOES NOT use alot of spices. Only negroid societies like the UK or USA use lots of it because you are already too "multicultural" to know the REAL taste of jsut want to destroy your stomach by filling yourself up with shit.

Fuck American fat fucks. Stop stealing ITALIAN cousine and making it NIGGER-italian cusine. Don't fucking do it.

white girls are more liberal,

why do you think white boys are marrying more chinks, japs, gooks

because in their mind they think their more traditional, even if they ain't


fuck your dainty tastebuds. I hope they were ruined forever when you ate American

basically Niggers came here with no skills and had to learn on the plantation. Whatever culture they had was lost

you literally have nigger blood

Italianbro stole from the chinks through Marco polo

this too has been forgotten

Europe is (was) white. But their food sucks, right burguer ?


All Southern cuisine??!?!

/speak to the wall/

most of the superior cooking come from white country

Before modern battery farming, cuts like pork ribs and shoulders were a far different beast than what you've experienced. Pigs in those days lived a lot longer, moved a lot more, the meat got a lot tougher. The slaves got those cuts because white people considered them genuinely inedible

are you saying we add a lot of spices to Italian food? That's not true, it's just red pepper, garlic, and herbs

>wh*Te ""people""
ummmmmm sweetie wh*Tes are not people.
they are subhuman parasites