He was initially supposed to attack an earlier venue in another location, but the Hotel was booked full already...

He was initially supposed to attack an earlier venue in another location, but the Hotel was booked full already, which makes Hank's warning even more plausible.

Other urls found in this thread:


I had heard he was going to attack a rap concert. I bet you he didn't because wanted to fake a white supremacist rampage but he did not want to be labeled a racist.

great if you have info on this then post it.

was reading last night and thought the john part
was interesting.

Hank? Do you mean John?


Heard it on Fox news earlier today. They aren't talking about it anymore for "some reason" though.


Yeah, sorry about that.


Why do you suppose John said Arizona was safe?

No idea man. I don't even know if he was just a lucky guesser, a psychic or a real whistle blower at this point, but in my opinion this gives him credibility.

Remember: We got the photo leaks and there has been other insiders telling us things in the past too.

Adelson is a top target for muzzies and Antifa because he is a vocal zionist.

If Antifa wanted to take a shit on someone in Vegas, it would be him.

Another left wing target would be Bob Mercer. They already hate Betsy Devos with a passion but fear her brother.

Vegas went into a panic and some dude some people were calling the cops on some dude in camo shorts. Someone panicked and people started running thinking a gunmen was close. This seems very possible.

Also, some of the victims were running into other hotels for safety.

The people who jumped into the Taxi in that dashcam video wanted to go to another hotel. The driver took them to a Safeway or something.


Kill the jews


WASHINGTON -- Twelve Israelis who were unaccounted for in Las Vegas amidst a massacre there on Sunday night have been identified and are safe, an official with the Israeli consulate in Los Angeles said on Tuesday.

"All of the Israelis that we were looking for has been located," the official told The Jerusalem Post, confirming that their diplomats on the ground in Nevada were on their way back to California.





Fake News

>being this new

please leave it was two female concerts

Maybe Russia want disarm America

Maybe kikes like to suck nigger turds for breakfast?

Have a bump

back from a break and this is the first time I'm reading this.
unfortunately, I think John is right. I returned just after las vegas went down, because *happening* and also I noticed hillary was immediately cackling "gun control" as if on cue. fucking witch.
even if John is just making shit up, this is the way it is going to go. my mom even knows it, she's been talking about how the government is doing this shit to create martial law conditions for months now, and she's not that big on tinfoil
also it's worth it to note that John's ideas follow a basic, albeit hurried, excercise of a hegelian dialectical method:
>psycho gambler in a high rise shoots fish in a barrel
>(((the horror! we need more gun control!!!)))
>more easily established gun control policy and laws leading to the eventual transformation of the US Constitution itself

meant for

It's John Titor.

Powerpuff Girls made him do it.

No one is that lucky

And EVEN IF the perpetrator was genuine, he would have to be stupid, because all this accomplishes is more police state. Just like AntiFaggots and other useful idiots.

Maybe there was to be a massive set of bombs synchronously exploded throughout the state of Nevada that would hit every major city and something went awry.

OR maybe he was making a cryptic reference to the Fast and the Furious bill where they were doing gun deals with the cartel in Arizona.


Well, he should have gambled if he was just another larper.

Dirty nuclear bomb? Has been speculated for a few years, materials stolen, rumors from authorities etc...

hello i am john t.

please watch carefully tomorrow, it has already begun

Funny boy.

i can only warn you. i've already said too much

OK, thanks for the bumps.

See you tomorrow when you warn us about Friday!