Guns is dangerous n' shit. how can we live with our selves if we let what happened in vegas pass and we dindu nuffin

Guns is dangerous n' shit. how can we live with our selves if we let what happened in vegas pass and we dindu nuffin

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It's illegal for John Lewis's constituency to own guns anyway, mainly due to that "felon in possession" rule. He's got nothing to lose.

whats that turtle doing out of its shell?

50+ die in Chimpcongo consistently and not a word, aint' no one listening to this nigger.

Remember when Democrats tell you not to politicize tragedies?

Is there a single public figure calling for gun restrictions that does NOT have armed personal security?

Thankfully this angry nigger didn't have a gun in his hand during this speech, otherwise he might have shot into the crowd.

>lel ban guns
>Chicago removed the ability to sell guns inside city limits
>It's basically Iraq levels of violence over there
How are these people so uneducated? A bunch of basement dwelling faggots disavow anything the gun grabbers say better then the politicians do.

> Listening to a nigger, ever.
Not even once

Unlikely, and I'm wondering if there's a website that lists every politician/celebrity who advocates gun control and if they have armed security at both their place of employment and home.

For instance I'm pretty sure Piers Morgan has armed security posted outside of his gated houses. I mean Hillary Clinton herself has fucking Secret Service protection.

kek exactly...

450 out of 300 million. I can live with this.

Id rather be killed by a gun...

lets talk about gun control but lets not talk about niggers in Chicago where guns are banned

implying him or any other nigger had the option to own a gun in the first place because they all have records

Pass laws against possession and sale of certain drugs, and suddenly all people stop possessing and selling those drugs.

Pass a law prohibiting the purchase and sale of alcohol, and suddenly all people stop selling and buying alcohol.

What better evidence do you need that guns can be controlled by passing laws?

That a boy!
>A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed
>Though there are no changes per se, Second Amendment scholars in the U.S. have long argued over the significance of the punctuation in this clause. The CSA's version gets rid of a few commas, which makes the language closer to what gun control advocates believe the amendment was supposed to say, namely that the right to keep and bear arms only exists if one belongs to a militia.

>gun laws will stop people from getting guns because getting guns is illegal.

Isnt killing people illegal?


eurofags all took their citizens guns long ago, so the sand niggers/ loonies just use knives trucks and uncle hassams home cooked bombs... I'd prefer to just eat a bullet for christs sake

They're not uneducated. They know exactly what would happen. They want whites unarmed so they can be freely assaulted by nigger thugs and force a police state on them.

They know exactly what they're doing.

But wasnt the shooter a DEMOCRAT that murdered all those people? Its almost liek dems be hypocrites or something...

call me the first day (night) chicago goes without a shooting and we'll talk

Exactly, this nigger is an uncle tom racist

obviously the next step is paying police to thoroughly search random properties (especially those owned by known right-wing 2nd amendment manchildren) without a warrant every day to make sure no one is hiding any guns, duh.

Rminder DC is being asked to swallow a turd sandwich to protect other "May-issue" CCW jurisdictions.

YFW its DC vs Heller 2 Electric Boogaloo

That is the NIGGER that needs to die off.

Forgot link

I kek therefore I bump.

Instead of making gun laws why don't we just make laws against murder? That would make everyone happy

>They don't like to competition.

Listen to Newt, trumpfag. It's common sense

I'm sure those stats will be really comforting when you're bleeding out from an accidental shooting. What a dumb fucking post.

being this much of a faggot

>3 percent accidental

Die nanny statist fag

>when you're bleed out
You mean if?