Left or right?

Left or right?

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Right made a lot of impact in this twisted series so.

Right, she is obviously a more major character

are there any anime where meido wins or is best girl?

Ramming Ram with my ram.




Being happy detracts from a maid's duty. They must be kept at a reasonable level of over worked and tired so that the very sound of your voice praising them fills their soul with temporary hope.

Likewise, the caress of your hand against their cheek would bring them to immediate orgasm.

you fuck


>Pretty smug

I prefer Ram.

>Size queen
>devoted to clown dick

knowing nothing about this cartoon i can say that right is more attractive and definitely smarter

she's more emotional and less smart than left


>making them look older just to satisfy all those lolicon normalfags in denial
Fuck this artist and fuck the fanbase.

what kind of lazy nigger just copies and pastes to make them both instead of redrawing the other character on the other side

Thus says The Lord God: Peoples of the earth, your atrocities have kindled a great fire within Me! I am enraged as I look upon all these murdered innocent! My fury has come up into My face as I look upon all your false gods, O adulterous and perverse generation! Lo, multitudes of idols fill every corner; both the believer and unbeliever bow down together and serve their gods! ALL nations worship the works of their own hands, for they have placed their own creations and the love of their own ideas above their Creator! False deities abound, while science and corrupt religion rule over them; mere theories become truth and doctrine, and lawlessness is widely accepted! And behold, the love of money has become their new taskmaster, and materialism their god!
Sins of every kind imaginable flow through every land! Yea, as a mighty river it flows into every nation, reaching unto new heights in wickedness as the walls are broken down, over-topped by these quickly rising waters! The levees are eroded from beneath, they are undermined continually, widening the breach! Behold, a great flood of sin has ensued, a terrible deluge covers the face of the whole earth, and still the fear of The Lord is all but forgotten! THUS THE CUP OF THE WRATH OF MY FURY IS COME TO THE FULL!


That only makes her better. If you can satisfy her, you're a real man.

>implying you can


Rem Natsuki & Ram Baumann never.

I'm willing to try. And if I fail, there's always oral.


In view of all the mutilation that goes on in these stories, can I have right but with left's tits?



The other gives you a great sleep while other improves your computer

>blue one will go through hell to save you and want you to live on
>pink one will help you end your suffering

pick your poison


Sleep is better

>read spoilers
>Rem says shes cool with a polygamous relationship with him and Emilia


I don't know how Rem could be happy with someone who stinks of the Witch.

Why is Rem literally the best girl ever?

Where does she keep that morningstar when she's not using it, though?