This is the most overrated anime of all time

This is the most overrated anime of all time.

Come back when you learn the difference between "of all time" and "past year".

Besides, it ain't that bad.

Overrate is not a valid criticism. so please stop using the word "overrated"

Anime of the spring and summer seasons

How did they do it?

I'm not the one criticising it, user. OP is.

They didn't.

I respect your opinion, however I have to disagree with your statement.

Overrated anime can still be good.

The most recent episode was over glorified torture porn and the credits scene was probably the most tasteless sequence I've seen in a while. Unfitting and a good way to ruin my suspension of disbelief. Honestly the only thing this show has going for it is shock value, melodrama and bad plot devices.

Probably the buzzwordiest post of the day


What buzzwords exactly

but it's true.

>Come back when you learn the difference between decent anime and light novel bullshit.

>Thinking buzzwords are actual criticism

I want reddit/mal/gaia to leave.

There's literally nothing going for this show, one okay episode doesn't justify the 14 abysmal ones before it.

Subaru isn't an interesting character to be invested in.
Rem is a plot device, someone please tell me what this character is like without Subaru or how any of his actions justify Rem willing to die for him

I explained my reasoning in the thread, if you'd actually take the time to read it

Subaru almost paid with his life to save Rem and a village of children. She probably also admires/is jealous of his obsession for Emilia.

Makes sense if you ask me lad.

what about the credit sequence was bad, giant Puck?

The MC is awful and I can't respect any of the girls who like him. Felt is alright

It didn't fit in episode 15, if it was the final episode it would've been fine but here it feels wrong

>this particular scene is just [insert buzzword here]

>I want reddit/mal/gaia to leave

Why are you still here then?

"Buzzword" is just a buzzword that people who refuse to accept criticism use.

Why doesn't he just rape the half-elf?

But he's right, you retard.

From her perspective he's a weakling who does irrational stuff and happened to luck out.

Why would she die for an idiot like him? I understand liking him, but being that fanatical? Did she forget that Emilia had to tell her he's a nice guy so please don't murder him? She's such a convenient character it's stupid

the fact that a trash show like this is the best thing we're going to get out of the whole summer and fall is depressing.

But it's still shit

>the fact that shitposters keep shitposting in shit threads is depressing
ftfy bud

go back to Gaia if you like this show.

There is no real criticism on this thread. If you think a scene is tasteless or cheap shock value then you need to elaborate on that. It's just as bad as saying "It's shit." and calling that constructive criticism.

Please explain to me what was so good about this episode then.

Honestly it reminds me of Steins:Gate. The MC is edgy as fuck and misunderstood because every interaction he has is meaningless since it happens in a closed time loop.

>Muh immersion.

It was rather overblown for what was, when you look at it in perspective, an episode of "he did nothing and everyone died again just like last week, time to reset again". Like when you hit a certain number of consecutive bad ends, they still have morbid fascination and beauty but not every single one feels like a moment of sweeping orchestral tragedy.
Really my main problem was the music and his head goofily falling off. Just showing his frozen corpse get slowly covered in snow with some quiet music (or even fucking silence!) would have been much more disturbing and less mawkish.

>am i fitting in yet?

Kill yourself.

>nooo stop pointing out my shit taste
keep trying kiddo.

Your post itself is a
>am I fitting in yet?

What has that got to do with anything? Stop trying to change the subject and learn how to do constructive criticism.

The music was great, your taste is shit.

Tell me what's your favorite anime then.

My dear, cross-siting little user, you misunderstand. It is not highly rated on Sup Forums. It's just highly entertaining

so if he gives no reason for it being bad, he doesn't give any real criticism.
if he does give reasons, than he is just shouting buzzwords

i suppose the only way to be a good critic is to say this shit is a masterpiece?


this episode was basically episode 7.
Subaru does nothing out of fear
something bad happens to rem and others
subaru gets resolve for the arc

the difference is that episode 7 revealed that Subaru still has a kind heart and was also the first time this was done

this episode reveals jack shit about the new asshole Subaru, had lots of character death and gore just for "oh my god so dark" as this is everyone's first "mature" anime.

the new villain is too over the top for his own good to the point where I am less scared of him then the puppy from arc 2.

the only good thing was the presentation and even then that was just overblowing something of no substance

there was literally nothing special about the episode except more gore and then music and it is considered the best episode by everyone else.

What's that? You couldn't come up with anything that's not exactly the same as "It's shit."?

you have realised what art is

Except Okabe is actually likable who has well defined relationships with the lab mems.

This is probably my biggest gripe with ReZero, the chemistry between the cast and MC is just non existent, why does Subaru even care about Emilia? He doesn't even know himself. Everyone treats Subaru as haha what will that fool do again. Compare Mayuri and Rem and it's not even a contest which was more of a complex character but they have similar roles



>i don't like gits
suicide is the only recourse.

Defition of OVERRARED on Sup Forums: It's good but I can't say that because they will think I like it

>you don't like what I like? kill yourself

I understand.

This is literally a poor man's Steins;Gate

first season was shit

>why does Subaru even care about Emilia? He doesn't even know himself
What I got from their argument was that he's attached to her because he has literally nothing else in that world. He fixed a couple of problems and now he's decided their destiny is together because she's his waifu and the reincarnation power seems like power over fate. I think it's actually more random than that.

He wants to be someone special, but he has no skills of his own, so he's instead decided to find someone special and run their life for them.

people who don't like gits are either:
>moe/idolshit eaters
>newfags trying really hard to fit in
so pick one.

or people who genuinely like it. Not everyone likes what you like user.

You're just blinded by nostalgia. If Steins;Gate aired today, It would receive the same treatment as Re:Zero.

But he didn't give any reasons. That's the point. At least this guy made an effort.

Errr I think you replied to the wrong guy, buddy.

he should be fixed then gonna as good as overrate

That's not it at all.

The canon reason is the witches curse ensures Subaru is obsessed with Emelia, so that he continues to act as her pawn. That way the witches reincarnation ie: Emilia will eventually rise to power and be the anti Christ all over again.

never met someone who disliked gits and didn't like garbage.

Does her saving him from 3 thugs that he could have beat up really justify all this heart ache?

That's literally the only reason is that she's cute, sounds totally realistic

Hey there GitS SAC fan, give me some recommendations from the past few years. It's also one of my favourites.

I can't even tell which shows this season are good, because of all the accusations of cancer.

Also kill yourself.

Of course you never met anyone since you never leave your house after all.

Is it that hard to understand that not everyone will like the same thing? The term 'overrated' is pointless. If an anime is very popular it doesn't necessarily mean it's good, but it does mean that it's doing a lot of things that people want to see. And while the whole isekai/time travel/dark souls elements are what might attract most of the viewers, Re:Zero is also doing a great job with its subtle exposition and character punishment.

Considering the current state of anime and how everything literally looks the same, the fact that an anime can stand out from the rest and keep surprising the audience is praiseworthy, no matter how good or bad it is. And for now, it's proving to be more good than bad.

I hope you're trolling, if you cannot objectively compare the two and think which was better writen you must be retarded.

The only complaints about S;G at the time was that it didn't adapt faithfully enough and the first 8 episodes were a drab. You're just closing your eyes to actual criticism to the show

I guess I saw that scene differently, the music started during the torture and ends with him holding Rem's hand after the reset. He seems a lot calmer the second time she dies by the time he's standing outside the cave, stops feeling sorry for himself and starts his walk to puck.

The whole walk back just to to freeze to death was Subaru's catharsis after watching her refusal to give up so the music fit the scene, silence would make it feel empty.

>Re:Zero is also doing a great job with its subtle exposition
That's the one thing it fails miserably at.

S;G's ending is bullshit. Why the fuck would the first time travel make sure the laws of causality are respected and then the second time travel would have Okabe escape from them? It's completely idiotic, just pure convenient writing to force a good ending and it causes time paradoxes as well.

How come? It's all about the "show, don't tell".

Wait, then why are people complaining from lack of information? There's almost zero infodump, which is the biggest source of shitposting.

What is so subtle about it? A lot of things can be inferred but Subaru walks into it and makes a fool of himself anyways such as the racism

So it's good because it can surprise the audience? How is that not just relying on shock value? How many of the plot twists/elements were cleverly written? Would this be an exciting show to rewatch?

who would have thought that a good episode is what triggers shitposters the most


Mob Psycho is already better than this garbage show.

>Shock value
Rem crawling towards Subaru with a credits sequence like a jap film from the 60s
>Bad plot devices
Emilia and Rem

that's not melodrama, that's called good sound direction, you fucking autist

You mean Okabe faking Kurisus death? The laws of causality were respected you can't just say it's convenient and not explain why

Also you're nitpicking when ReZero has big flaws in all areas

You're gonna have to explain the last one. And the term melodrama isn't inherently negative unlike what you seem to think.

But that's MB100

>put two frames in a loop

He's got zero attachments to the new world and she's the first good thing that happened to him.

Following her he's at least learned to read and cast a single spell, and he's got a couple of friends. Left to his own devices he'd probably be a beggar or dead.

Really he should have aspired to be no more than a beggar and lived in the village where people actually respected him.

I suspected that would be the case, but I can't understand why they'd use him as a pawn instead of someone strong.

I just thought it'd be interesting to get a psychological take on it, especially since he was a goal-less NEET before the fantasy transition.

It's because of observation. He didn't observe that Kurisu was actually dead, just that she looked dead.

This is the weakest bait post of all time.

No my man, I'm talking about the second Okabe (the one that killed Kurisu) being strangely absent from said timeline, which causes a time paradox in which the second Okabe wouldn't have killed Kurisu, preventing him from getting the PTSD and then going back to the time travel spot to travel as the third Okabe of the timeline. It's a HUGE plothole.

See? Re:Zero can't win here. I've seen lots of people complaining that we are not given enough information (eg: why is Subaru in this world? why doesn't he think about his family? why does he behave like this?). I remember all these threads during the Mansion Arc because people didn't get the characters motivation, especially Rem's. Any other series would have had the MC making a recap at the end of the arc thinking "so that's why X happened". Instead of that, the viewers are the ones who were supposed to make the connections with the Shaman, the dog in the village... etc. It's never explicitly stated who exactly killed Subaru in each of the loops in the mansion and, to this point, people are still wondering why Rem even killed him. The series never treats the viewers as stupid people who need to be spoonfed and that's a fact. Subaru's monologuing (which doesn't even happen that often) is an exception. In a series in which the MC is the only one who knows what's really happening, his monologues are the only thing that shouldn't be cut.

Also, I don't see why you see "surpising the audience" as "shock value". Since when is a show being unpredictable a bad thing? It's either "too predictable" or "shock value"?

>a credits sequence like a jap film from the 60s
Honestly the best thing. I love throwbacks like that.

When will this meme end?

Emilia is only there to progress the plot forward. Even Subaru's reason for helping her is unbelievably retarded ("I want to help her because she saved me once!") and is only there because the author didn't want Subaru and Emilia to be in a romantic relationship (saying "I do it because I love you"). Rem is also someone Subaru has to save and gives the author something to write about, instead of SOMEONE to write about. Rem has no character, she's just there to make us hate the villain of the current arc.

The throwback was good, but it didn't need to be where it was. Should've been an ending credits scene for lasting impact.

compared to the weeks of nothing happening it was fresh air

>Rem has no character
What about her backstory? She overcompensates because of her guilt, acts cold to hold off her own feelings and keeps quiet because of her inferiority complex.

She has no presence, but that's not exactly the same.

>This is the weakest bait post of all time.
Evidently not, considering how many people bit.

Because it's shock value that he get's killed/tortured then we spend the next few episodes figuring how and why? Nothing really flows well the author has to keep introducing new elements instead of building on characterization

Perhaps my post is a little confusing so I'm gonna explain my reasoning and why this ending is a problem.

First of all, you cannot undo time travel. If you undo them, it will automatically causes paradoxes and writing will come out as confusing. As a key, there are 3 Okabe all in all in my explanation regarding said place at this precise point in time. Think of it exactly like in Back to the Future where Marty sees his past self from other time travels he already did.

1st Okabe is the one at the beginning of the series, the one that discovers Kurisu's bloody corpse and runs out of the building, sending the D-mail and creating the Beta worldline.

2nd Okabe is the one that executes the first time travel using Suzuha's time machine, gets trapped by the laws of causality, ends up being Kurisu's murderer and goes back to the future to collapse from PTSD before getting slapped by Mayuri and jumping back into the time machine, which in turn creates the

3rd Okabe that steals the Metal Upa, feigns Kurisu's death using his blood, goes back to the future and everyone is happy.

Only here, in the scene as seen through the 3rd Okabe, the second Okabe doesn't appear, doesn't stab Kurisu and doesn't go back to the future. This is a big problem: why wouldn't a past self having time traveled be here? How would the third self exist if the conditions are not met for this third self to exist? Why the hell would he vanish like this? It's a huge contradiction of universal laws. If the second Okabe cannot act and kill Kurisu, then the third Okabe cannot be, which means also that the third Okabe cannot save Kurisu as she is stabbed DIRECTLY by the second Okabe and dies immediately.

There's no way for Okabe to save Kurisu.

That was only in Arc 2, which is like 2% of the story of Re:Zero. It's not always going to be about Subaru getting killed and having to figure out how did it. That's certainly not the case with the current arc either. In Ep 15 Subaru got killed because of everything that's going on with the Witch's Cult, who are part of the main plot that has been building up since the beginning.