Fuck you Sup Forums stop giving kids the wrong ideas

>Cousin gets new high paying job at another state
>Decides to hold a family dinner to celebrate
>Bring along my sister and my uncle because why the fuck not
>most of the evening goes uneventful
>until my sister starts talking about Trump
>just small talk, trying to break the silence
>leads to my cousin's younger brother talking about how gay marriage is a stupid idea
>almost gets into a shouting match with my uncle over it
>know for a fact that the guy browses Sup Forums
Now I have to talk to the brother because I was the only "neutral" guy there. How the fuck do I approach a teenage shitposter in real life?

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck you and your degeneracy

suck his dick

I'm not arguing for gay marriage per se. I just want to convince the guy that it's not as bad as people make it out to be

Grow the fuck up and act like a man.
You're not defending Western Civilization.
You're just a loud insufferable dick

Your cousin's younger brother is my nigga. Faggots are just stupid in general marriage excluded.

We tell people to hide their power level too.

Also your uncle is gay.

Also I think your cousin's younger brother may be your cousin too.

>How the fuck do I approach a teenage shitposter in real life?
There is no shitposting in having an opinion. Also, I bet that all the fuss was caused by your faggot uncle.

Let me put it to you this way. The only thing gays deserve is a lobotomy.

Whose money will be spent on the life support of a million labotomized gays?

He's not defending gay marriage. The conversation started to go to shit the second he asked "Why is it such a big deal?" which is a legitimate question imo.

SHHHHIEEEEET. I guess we could take them out to a field after that and you know. We could take them and just set them free into the wilderness.

Which is a valid question, yes.

OP, tell him that it's perfectly fine to have political inclinations. Place emphasis on his age- that will make him feel better and soften what you say next. Tell him that it's best not to be verbal about politics, as it causes arguments among those that would otherwise be friends. Also explain that as he as a teenager, he may act out of line or immaturely because the world is relatively new to him, and he may look back on things with cringe-tinted glasses as a result. He will especially understand this if he is a Sup Forums user.

Introduce R.A.P.E to him. Things NOT to talk about at dinner or with family or friends.


It'll get a laugh out of him. He will understand, though. Act understanding. Explain that what he did was a bit cringeworthy as he is young. Say that he is intelligent, however, for thinking independently and asking such questions at his age. Be on his side. Don't attack his strategies- act as an expert to help him improve his strategies and defences.

Good advice. I'm just worried that I'd have to choose whether or not to justify his beliefs. Not because I feel strongly about one side or another, but because I literally cannot answer my uncle's own question. And given how strongly the guy reacted to it, I'm sure that he'd look at me for the answer (which I honestly can't answer as well)

fuck him in the ass to teach him a lesson he'll never forget about tolerance and respect!

say tht you agree with him, but say that you can't be say that kinda stuff at thee dinner table

It is. This gay shit poisons everything, it poisons even the gays themselves, and they die a painful death after a pointless life.

Gay marriage is a meme, it is just the hole not yet fucked.

>you can't be say that kinda stuff at thee dinner table
Probably the first thing I'll say to him
>say tht you agree with him
I'd rather not lie to the guy. I mean, yeah I know gays are degenerate to an extent but he has a problem with gay marriage, not homos in general. And I'm not as convinced as he is that it's such a big deal.

tell him to wait for the day of the rope

>I just want to convince the guy that it's not as bad as people make it out to be
You're right, it's worse.

Tell him the truth. Tell him that he needs to hide his powerlevel.


I mean, you're not some kinda closet case scared he'll catch "teh gay" if he sucks another man's dick, are you OP?

Tell him exactly that. Tell him you don't know. You're right in that he will look up to you- you're older, and expressing sympathy towards his plight and views guarantees he will look up to you now if he doesn't already.

Tell him exactly that you don't know and have not reached a conclusion. It's humility. He needs to understand that, too. You admitting it will teach him that somewhat. Judging by what happened, he needs to learn that as well- that sometimes, we just don't know, or are wrong. There is nothing wrong with such things though- as long as you sit down, listen to other parties, and make amends. Humility without apt decision-making or amends is unhealthy- if he questions that and accuses you of being a cuck, acknowledge it but explain what I just said.

I am not saying that he is wrong. I state that he must think first before stating his beliefs and seek answers- which, if you are right in him coming to you, is good, and means that he certainly will.

If someone could fill me in on how gay marriage is bad aside from promoting degeneracy then maybe I'll have a talk with my uncle as well so the brother won't be remembered as an evil little bastard.

>Posting under republican meme flag
Why were you neutral? You should be proud of the kid for not being like his degenerate peers.

>Why were you neutral?
By "neutral" I mean "afraid of telling everyone at the table that ((they)) are promoting the downfall of the West." Most of my family are normies but reasonable, yet I doubt "degeneracy" would be enough to convince them.


There will come a day in my lifetime where lesbians and queers will be dragged out of their homes kicking and screaming and hung from their necks.


>tfw someone with HIV taking treatment unironically has a higher life expectancy than someone without hiv
>tfw the sin of gluttony through diabetes and obesity is exponentially more deadly and cuts your life by an average of 30 years
>tfw there are people who /sip/ ITT as we speak

ask him hwen the narwhal bacons if he says midnight ur in xD

The only queer here I see is your fat ass.
They'll have to invent larger furnaces with stronger blast walls as your disgusting morbidly obese NEET body is twice as explosive as tnt due to the buildup of /sip/ induced gases

le based republican talkin' about muh lgbt

Do you have a "the left are the real nazis" t-shirt? Or just a platinum r/The_Donald subscription?

This is why it's a big deal, it's one of the heads in the giant hydra poisoning the west and leading it to its demise. Don't think for a second niggers or sandmiggers would be tolerant of fagottry, they are us a tool for globalist interests. You should however teach him to hide his power levels, or it could get him into trouble and a "thought criminal" aka, thinking for yourself and questioning the narrative.

Faggots can marry each other and fuck each other in the ass for all I care as long as they don't force that gay propaganda unto us.
If they want to be threatened as "normal" people then they shall shut the fuck up about their faggotness in first place and don't pretend to be special snowflakes.
I mean people with down syndrome don't try to force upon you that being downie is something better, right?

What kind of meds are you on, and/or which ones should you be on?

>> 144116892

Point me one inconsistency with the graph.

Only marriage that procudes children makes sense. Everything else is a surrogate.

tell him hes a big boy

for you

slightly off topic, but has anyone get sources on the link between gays and pedophilia

Your uncle like putting pine cones and corn cobbs up his ass, I guess.

The only thing I disagree with on Sup Forums fully is anti-gay sentiment

correct him and make sure he understands that as much as he dispises homosexuality that he should not:

>cull them
>assult them
>NOT help them reach a healthy state of mind, without force or brutal tactics
>NOT talk to them and learn about their personal struggles and goals
>NOT enforce his own ideals while not forcing them on others
>accapt their ideas because of a call for "tolerance."(he has already tolerated them by not killing them)

Why is he talking about gay marriage in a discussion about Trump? Gay marriage is an AusPol discussion topic at the moment. Trump is pro-Gay for all intents and purposes.

Are you an Aussie OP?

If so. You should ask the youngbruce about how you can stop being such a fucking poofter.

Homofags always have been and always will be simply a tool for subversion. The left does not care about them. The left does not want to help them. they are simply a means to an end.

Gay marriage does a few things
>shifts the overton window
The overton window is the area of policy which will be accepted by the public. You know that whole telling your parents you wanted to do something horrible so they'd be okay with something less horrible? The overton window is pretty much the same deal.
>a direct attack on the family unit
Be redefining what constitutes the basis for the family unit you're setting precedent for other attacks. The starting point for this was no-fault divorce. If you want to see how it will directly affect families down the road then take a look at Canada where refusing tranny treatment for your children is grounds for having them seized by social services
>direct attack on the chuch
Another of the main pillars of western civilisation. As you can see by pic related the subversion process factors in the church. From memory, Denmark has legally forced churches to marry gay couples. Aside from the obvious destruction of religious freedom is also makes a parody of the church, forcing them to commit heresy.

>weaponisation of legislation
Again, have a look at Canada. If you dare speak out about degeneracy you can be gaoled. Statistics are racist (see: white south african couple refused refugee status recently).

Want me to continue?

This should have been the first reply.

Agree with him. You know he's right. Fags are gay, and gay marriage is destructive of civilization.

Really? You sure you have the correct falg? Nazbols (and even regular tankies) are all very anti-gay.

>weaponisation of legislation
Has there been actual examples where legalization of same-sex marriage directly led to this?

>I just want to convince the guy that it's not as bad as people make it out to be
That's only because straight people have already ruined it, so why not let the fags have its remains?


I fail to see how gay marriage could've have helped in this case

Spread your boi pussy




Homosexuality is just masturbation

Tell me how to maintain a society using masturbation

The gays have too much free time and money for us to scare them away from the Republican Party. These guys are going to be activists for somebody. They literally have nothing else to do. Let's give them a reason to work for the side that isn't actively trying to end civilization.

Also, if if makes you happy, the left will hate gays once the gays become Republican.

Perse is a vulgar word for "ass" / "butt" in finnish languange.
The more you know

He will outgrow the Sup Forumstard retardation and become a reasonable tolerant person eventually, don't worry.

Whats the point of gay marriage? Just go fuck somewhere, call it marriage of you want

nigger logic
>im not for gay marriage but i can't let you be against it

just off your self you worthless cunt

gays are mentally ill being a faggot is a choice and just like tranny scum you shouldn't enforce theire destructive behaviour

>worthless cunt
Says the German. But given that you're probably an expert, can you tell me how same sex marriage has ruined your country? Aside from simple inaction, I mean

>Gay defending AIDS


>How the fuck do I approach a teenage shitposter in real life?
With memes


>Allowing gays to be represented in media is Jewish propoganda
>I'm okay with Jewish propoganda promoting the idea that straight makes are either Chad's who fuck Stacy's nightly or morbidly obese creepers
The mudpost

they're diseased, deranged, promiscuous child molesting lunatics
kill fags and fag enablers