The true red pill was this guy

The true red pill was this guy

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That doesn’t look like a picture of Jesus Christ.

Nihilist faggot

He will never be this guy

he wasn't a nihilist, he said the meaning of life is happiness/absence of dukkha


The 8 fold path and 4 noble truths are fucking nihilistic beta male shit. If not for donations by villagers who needed evil spirits banished your cuck religion would exist.


They're not nihilistic. The four truths say that true peace is possible.

The ultimate end of Buddhism is no desires whatsoever. Literally none. Not "Oh I live a humble and spiritual life; appreciate the simple things etc etc." but literally for not a single desire to arise in the mind. To be at peace with the "reality" of nothingness.

A blissful apathy.

my ancestor, also fuck people who hate Hinduism it's like the 2nd best religion (zen is #1 and woke)

fuck u

That's not true. The point is to not be a cuck to your desires, recognise your desires as what they are and reject the negative ones.

Not just the buddhist ones either, hang the hindu gurus as well. All fucking charlatans

I always wondered where all the poo-in-loos are hiding.

>The four truths say that true peace is possible.
That's nihilism. Peace is a lie as life is always in flux -- this is the dao.

You were tricked by gurus

This fella got it. Cheers m8

underage gtfo

No, achieving and attaining Nibbana is literally about the cessation of all desires and preferences. It is not "modesty" or "blocking out the dark / sinful desires" it is the cessation of every desire. Not my words, but the Apostles of Buddha's.

the funniest thing is that any time somebody comes online to tell us about how buddhism is the path to enlightenment, you can practically guarantee that they've learnt nothing whatsoever

if you were really that enlightened, you'd be less worried about enlightening others

>All fucking charlatans

>negative ones.
determined by who? ..."negativity" is hippie mind control safe-space bullshit

That's not what nibbana is. There are different words for desire in Buddhism. Nibbana is about getting rid of Tanha - which means doesn't translate directly to desire, it's attachment to desire, when you think your desires are you and your desires are the same as happiness. There is also Chanda, which the Buddha says is necessary to practice his path.

For the Buddha negative desires are ones that lead to unnecessary suffering for yourself or others.

>the funniest thing is that any time somebody comes online to tell us about how buddhism is the path to enlightenment, you can practically guarantee that they've learnt nothing whatsoever
Billions of strangers online
> you can practically guarantee
This is how narcissists think. Buddhism leads to narcissism

>if you were really that enlightened, you'd be less worried about enlightening others
Why did the Buddha teach for 45 years after his enlightenment, then?

These posts are the same sort of arrogance you are criticising

>unnecessary suffering
There is nothing unnecessary. All things are reasonable. I like to suffer sometimes for unecessary reasons. You think I need six pack abs or hot bitches driving me crazy? It's fun. Fuck you and your nihilism.

Ego is the reflection of the dao! Be the ego! That's why you were born. Just dont be fooled by it.

That is not what Laozi taught.

Jew shills hate nice things.

your post was totally arrogant.

all your posts are just arguing and filled with negativity. You're a deceiver.

Who gives a shit? He didn't invent the dao. It's an Aryan word.

Hang the gurus!

Nibbana is a state of blissful non-attachment. Desire is the primary factor of attachment.

You're hot, but DESIRE to be cool. You're bored, but DESIRE to be stimulated. You're horny, you DESIRE to reach orgasm.

The goal in Buddhism is for these desires to go away. You're hot, but you're content with being hot. You're bored (well, you wouldn't really "be bored" if enlightened, but still), and you're content with being bored. You wouldn't even get horny (ideally) if enlightened.

If you aren't free from desire and continue to desire and seek out desires, you will continue to be attached to them. You will continue to cling to orgasm, stimulation, comfortable temperature etc. Thus you suffer over and over continually.

That is Buddhism.

because the seekers found him, not the other way around
my point is that if you find the path by yourself or you don't find it at all
attempting to show others the way is an excersise in futility
if you need proof of that, read this thread

yeah but I'm not a buddhist so why would that matter to me?

>filled with negativity.
hippie faggot

You can't live outside of your positivity bubble because your outlook in life is corrupt.

I knew you were a Nietzschean based upon your posts, even before you posted this image.

Funny how things work isn't it?

seriously, an arrogant person is just a person
an arrogant buddhist, however, is a failure

>because the seekers found him, not the other way around. my point is that if you find the path by yourself or you don't find it at all. attempting to show others the way is an excersise in futility. if you need proof of that, read this thread
"I like something and if others don't like it then they're not cool like me because I'm smart and seek the truth"

t. Narcissism

Buddhism leads to narcissism


t. American buddhist

When the Buddha was hungry, he desired good, when he was thirsty, he desired water. It's just that he didn't suffer based on desire, he was able to overcome desire to act with rationality. But I think this is more semantics at this point.

He is not Nietzschean, Nietzsche was against being a slave to desire too.

That's not true. A buddhist is necessarily a flawed person, if you were already truly happy, you wouldn't need buddhism.



>When the Buddha was hungry, he desired good, when he was thirsty, he desired water.
He abandoned his children and wives and kingdom like a fucking faggot because he desired to be a self-hypnotized narcissist.

Buddha is the original stoner drop out loser who shits on society and doesn't pay child support.

> if you were already truly happy, you wouldn't need buddhism.
Hang the gurus!

>if you were already truly happy, you wouldn't need buddhism
but I thought buddhism was about accepting that human suffering comes from our attatchment to desires?
isn't wanting to be truly happy is one of those desires?

This.... is probably the best advice to give anyone going in the public sphere these days

Think of it like a path leading to where you want to go. You have to desire to get to that location to walk along that path. But once you reach the destination, you no longer need that desire.

thanks for the meme faggot

lol that's a great edit

thank you. god bless user.

seems like kind of paradoxical to me now that I think about it
that one must desire to be rid of desire

it's really wrinkling my brain

you placated me with that really peaceful analogy about the path tho so I'm ok with it

How could you rid yourself of desire without using desire? That doesn't make logical sense, if you didn't have desire, you wouldn't need to rid yourself of desire. The idea is that you use your desire as a tool, to reorient it towards the path.

To expand on that. Desire is something natural, I was oversimplifying before. The Buddha would have had simple desires, you can't help feeling hungry, which is a desire for food. It's about not being a cuck to your desires, to make peace with reality and try to do good.

but if suffering is derived from attachment to desire, and one desires to be free of desire, isn't that the very thing that causes them suffering?
the idea that they can be free of desire creates the desire to be free from desire which creates suffering because you're not free from desire, so you desire to be free of desire and it causes suffering because you never will be as long as you desire to be free of desire

it's like a catch 22 situation
as soon as you begin to desire freedom from desire, you suffer because you desire, so you desire because you suffer, so you suffer because you desire, ad infinitum...

fucking paradoxes, man
it's too early in the morning for this shit

I dunno
seems to me like buddhism is just a quasi-masochistic spiritual prison to me, one that traps you in a never-ending loop of "want to not want to want" that takes more energy to maintain than it does to ignore

The Buddha said that following his path is still suffering, just a more subtle form of suffering, because you're attached to the path. The final stage of the path is to abandon the path.

The idea of giving up things that you enjoy to find happiness is counterintuitive, but Buddhism is about finding a happiness that isn't based on anything external to yourself. If you think about it, things external to you aren't what cause you to suffer. It's your brain that causes you to suffer. It's chemical reactions. So from that it follows that you are the only thing that can make you happy, external things can't

When a wise man, established well in Virtue,

Develops Consciousness and Understanding,

Then as a bhikkhu ardent and sagacious,

He succeeds in disentangling this tangle

What a wonderful opportunity.
Ultimate existence comment.
The inner journey begins when the outer journey is complete.
You will know when the outer journey is complete.
If it's not complete, don't stress - you'll just be playing with yourself.

That's because you can't even conceive of being able to control yourself rather than being enslaved by or doing battle with your emotions. Buddhism is very pragmatic, all the shit about reincarnation and nirvana is to placate you until you are ready for the (non) truth which is inexpressible - but if you apply the ideas practically, you will find you become a calmer and more intentional person, and can act with clarity rather than emotion.

Ooooh, a Kiwi. Have you met Ajahn Chandako?

Why is religion always cucky apologetic bullshit?

Where is my HFY religion?

I am he. But must go now.

conversations like this are, if you pardon the pun, enlightening but I still think that it's silly to attempt to bring this kind of conversation to people over a forum like Sup Forums because most people aren't looking for it, and those that are will be able to find it themselves
you seem pretty reasonable, I've been shooting the shit with you for ten or fifteen minutes now and you're agreeable enough, but lots of buddhist posters aren't, and they basically go about their business by shoving their enlightenment in everybody else's stupid faces, and it's these guys I have the biggest problems with
why would you need to show off how enlightened you were if you were really that enlightened?
it seems like that's the opposite of what you're supposed to be aiming for as a buddhist and it's why I have such a problem with people attempting to show others the way online
for far too many people it really is just a chance to toot their own horn and an opportunity to excercise narcissism, as user rightly put it there

they are buddhists and there are people that claim to be buddhists, you know?
my experiences talking buddhists on Sup Forums isn't usually so pleasant

Buddhism is a religion based around happiness instead of divinity.

I highly doubt Ajahn uses Sup Forums lol

Try Esoteric Hitlerism.


I don't even know if I would call myself a buddhist. Things like rebirth rub me the wrong way. I just think there's real value in its teachings, but I'm not willing to give up my skepticism for it. Anyone who claims enlightenment probably isn't enlightened. None of the modern teachers I respect do, even though some of them have been monks for 40-50 years and are the happiest people I know. because there's no point in waving your dick around, and you can't verify it.

>Everything is falling apart
>Rather than fixing it I will sit under a tree and meditate on my internalized poo

>there's no point in waving your dick around, and you can't verify it.
that's exactly the kind of attitude I'm talking about
maybe I just had the bad luck to consistently run into trolls using bad buddhism to troll people

anyway, I accidentally stayed awake all night so I'm gonna go lay down
may have had kind of crossed wires to begin with but tbf it was nice chatting with you

good luck getting wherever you're going I guess

>woah man, you can't suffer if you stop enjoying things!!!
so deep

Also, if anyone wants to learn more about Buddhism. Two western teacher I recommend are Thanissaro Bhikkhu and Ajahn Brahm. Thanissaro Bhikkhu is very pragmatic and presents Buddhism in a very rational way but doesn't compromise on traditional teachings. Ajahn Brahm is a really cheery fat monk with a stupid sense of humour that always makes me laugh cause his jokes are so dumb. Really good guys and easy to listen to.

How can you fix the world if you can't fix yourself?

You underestimate how pleasurable meditation can be. I'm a former morphine addict and the body warmth I get from meditation sometimes rivals the one I got from morphine

What if I don't want to be happy? I want to know the truth, what is real, even if it makes me suffer.

Well, you don't have to be a Buddhist. Buddhism isn't like Christianity where we have to convert people to save the world, it's an individual thing. But I think you can be a Buddhist and look for truth.

>, it's an individual thing.
not really true for Mahayana, the most widespread form of Buddhism, by far

I suppose you're right. Though, from my understanding, Mahayana still depends on developing the paramis to be able to save others. I don't really consider Mahayana specific teachings to be Buddhavacana, they can't be traced back to the time of the Buddha. And it starts getting a bit more metaphysical and less pragmatic.

It's true but he is not the only red pill. He, like Jesus, could control his Fa very well. However I'd recommend becoming a christian or learning Falun Dafa, Buddhism today isn't now what it was intended to be.

I don't think I'm capable of becoming a Christian.

You do realise that Zen Buddhism derives much of its metaphysical assumptions from Daoism?

>What is ataraxia?

> paramis
you mean paramitas?

> I don't really consider Mahayana specific teachings to be Buddhavacana, they can't be traced back to the time of the Buddha.

The Tharavada canon was written down hundreds of years after Buddha's death

>And it starts getting a bit more metaphysical and less pragmatic.

The hell realms, rebirth, heavens, gods, Buddha talking to a god, etc.

all of that is present in your, Theravada, canon

Every one is. However try Falun Dafa man. It's actually closer to Buddhism, than modern Buddhism today. Which doesn't mean that Buddhism is bad nowadays, it just lost some important aspects due to wrongly explaining what Sakyamuni wanted over the years.


Attachment is the key to suffering.
Attachment to this world and things in this world.
But if you don't have an attachment to God, wouldn't you just end up away from God by your own choice? I can't imagine that to be pleasant.

I'll give a couple links to anyone interested.

Those are the most useful resources that I could find to really understand what it really is about, without memes, along with Allan Watts' speeches that are all over Youtube.
If any of you get or are into meditation would do well to look up the second link and Allan Watts for good advice. The first one is good for learning about theravada buddhism.

Its about eliminating your human attachments and returning to the truth. Or becoming a true man.
By eliminating the seven emotions and six desires you cultivate compassion for all sentient beings and are no longer human but a devine being who can now leave this human dimension of misery and delusion and ascend to a heavenly plane.
But it is extremely difficult and painful to do this.

Thats called cultivation.
Its what the Buddha did.
He gave up his royalty, wealth and family to seek the truth.
He suffered for about 7 years and became enlightened.
A bit like how some athletes can pass the pain barrier and end up experiencing a euphoric feeling without pain.
Maybe when a human decides to fully comit to giving up all emotion and desires and attachments the same thing happens.
Its the law of the universe i suppose.

How long have you been in to dafa?

Is that Michael jackson?

tfw to attached too escape samsara

Yet another great idea that the leftist hippie faggots and (((Hollywood))) have corrupted.

the pleasures of meditation are here to make you switch

Buddhism is a double edged sword.
>everything is nothing
>nothing is everything
Pick one

I appreciate that a motherfucking buddhist Pepe exists

