HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY, PORTUGAL (and Republic Day to the Portuguese Republicans)!

HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY, PORTUGAL (and Republic Day to the Portuguese Republicans)!

Lret's discuss Portuguese politics, such as what happens to PSD now

(If you want to discuss in this thread, please either do it in English or, if you choose to do it in Portuguese, don't use foreign internet terms such as cringe, redpilled, based, shill... in english)

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Fuck poortugal


Fuck Portugal, Fuck Spain, Fuck the Templar/Zionist Kingdoms


Happy Independence Day oldest ally xxx

Ty mate

it's not the independence day....................

>5th October 1143
>we get independent from the Kingdom of Leon-Castille in the Treaty of Zamora

Sounds like independence day to me

I'm disappointed that Passos Coelho won't run again. We need young, fresh people in politics who worry about our debt and who instills good financial/economy education on the population.
I hope that André Ventura (the guy who said gipsies are leeches) wins PSD elections and runs for PM in the future. We need someone like him running things. I'm assuming his profile is very similar to that of Passos Coelho, otherwise I'll vote blank.
I don't trust these old dinossaurs to run things.

THIS, André Ventura for Prime minister!

>I hope that André Ventura (the guy who said gipsies are leeches) wins PSD elections and runs for PM in the future
>wins PSD elections

One can only hope. Boomers aren't dying fast enough.

Happy Independence Day oldest ally


why do you guys hate boomers so much?

It is not independence day, it is the day we changed from a monarchy to a republic.

They all vote for leftists parties

happy birthday friendo

I can only speak for myself. I don't necessarily hate them (nor do I wish for them to die just because I want them to). I just want them gone. And it's not just Boomers but the previous generation as well.
I dislike Boomers because they were given a lot privileges and they weren't able to manage them properly. They ended up ruining everything for the coming generations.

We're in such a deep financial, cultural, moral and educational debt that we might as well just sell everything to Spain or whomever wants to take this worthless shithole.

But still, I'm hopeful. Maybe a fool's hope, but still hopeful.

Also this .

parabéns pai

Passos Coelhos should've resigned a long time ago. He pretty much killed the party. The fact he still hasn't resigned shows you how much of a cuck boi he is.

because of what user said and because all over the world this generation gap in humankind timeline is responsible for so many shit that happen and because many of them at this right moment are retired having pensions and retirement money of such absurd amount that if you really know it you would see there is no sense in the society we have life has no true meaning like this , enjoy your slavery jew i dunno your age but how can you even ask what the problem is..


Have a good one, my oldest and closest ally.

Viva Portugal!



Half Portuguese American checking in. Happy whatever. Now be good Portos and kick the shit out of the Catalonians

Source: Público (1)
PPD/PSD: Montenegro decides on Thursday if progress is made. Rangel waiting

Translated to English and archived: archive.is/cuvnu
Archived (PT): archive.is/9Wc01
Original link: publico.pt/2017/10/05/politica/noticia/montenegro-decide-hoje-se-avanca-rangel-a-espera-1787776?page=/&pos=1&b=stories_cover__regular


top kek

viva a República!


delete this

postem pepes


Royalists armed by Spaniards...

Second coming of António de Oliveira Salazar when?

Redpill me on PSD overall and it´s current status


happy independence day west spain


Portugal first has to collapse economically, financially socially and etc. like in 1920s with plus that nowadays that are supranationational institutions like IMF and EU reducing the probability of this.

Well at least I was able to leave the Barracks for today and enjoy the weather , oh and thank god I had enough money to buy something good for lunch , I am tired of fucking beans.

desu portugal did nothing wrong. in my book you are based.


My parents still refer to black characters as pretos instead of their actual character names. It always puts a smile on my face.

Portuguese govt will probably have to intervene in banking system (again for the fifth time in 15 years) to save a Portuguese bank owned by Spanish/Catalan bank with HQ in Barcelona, Caixabank due to this constitutional crisis.

Source: Público
Translated from Portuguese to English Archived link: archive.is/dFzEk
Original link: publico.pt/2017/09/29/economia/noticia/bpi-na-rota-do-furacao-da-independencia-da-catalunha-1787045
Source: ECO
Translated from Portuguese to English Archived link: archive.is/3Gapn
Original link: eco.pt/2017/09/29/caixabank-em-silencio-sobre-plano-de-contingencia-para-referendo-na-catalunha/
It has impact in the economy of my country in short and long term, banking system, finances of the govt (debt juros increase) a

> It always puts a smile on my face.

| Here is the redpill about Montenegro

well i was somewhat expecting that, thanks for letting me know

everybody does that

Yknow socrates, right? He fucked us up hard in economics and was a absolute moron, socialist too, so PSD inevitably won the elctions.

Now, we got troika ready to shove their foot up our ass so hard we are going to taste shoe polish for a long, long ass time because of mister philosopher fuckup here not being able to basic fucking math. Here comes Passos and company and to fix the absolute economic idiocy they decide to do a oposite but effective way of idiocy, to go almost full salazar and make people scrimp and save due to cutting almost everything in a move of indiscriminate austerity, so much so the EU even said it went overboard.

So, people starved, some actually died from starvation, lost of people couldnt even buy meds right, which made his public image shit with a lot of lower and middle class people, he didn't find a middleground, he just went full salazar savings and didnt make people happy, BUT we did get troika off our asses.

So, then we get the new governament, the gizmo, a psd president, the nerd Marcelo, a indian to be his right wing man, and a coalition but that shit just angered Passos, and I mean he went full on fucking triggered ever since the begining of the governament.

Cue a neverending PR nightmare, Passos doing nothing but complaining and insulting the ruling parties all day long, slowly chipping away at the PSDs PR and well, its effective power and presence.

PSD has competent people inside of it, not all of em, but it does have them, shame its now almost dead or in the way of dying because their leader fucked them up hard, be it with his unscrupulous measures, his lack of social awareness, endless bitching or just him not apearing human.

So yeah, its on life support or heading there, if you believe in them without a passos leadership its fine to vote on em, not like you are voting fpr communists or anything

So anons, quick question, do you think the gizmo is sustainable long term or do you think the next presidentials itl be rendered fully impossible?

yay. The tourist resort must be so proud.

>meanwhile we are on the verge of a water shortage due to unusual prolonged high temperatures
>nobody gives a shit...

Eu nunca ouvi ninguém dizer fufa na vida real, exceto a minha mãe. Tipo, constantemente. Eu acho que ela acha que a Catarina Martins é fufa

Oh look its the niggers of Europe

alentejano feels

Look it's the guy hiding behind a meme flag
Show us your flag faggot

Get used to it brother, going to be a thing till december if the meteorologists are correct, we might need to use the same shit californians used with the black balls.
Oh look, its the misinformed 10th grader that wants to be free of governament but cant go inawoods.

>one shot at life
>born in al-gharb

just end me

>gizmo is sustainable
Gizmo is sustainable to the end of legislatives.
With local elections results, "Socialist" Party having one of the best results, if they make "moção de censura contra o governo" / censorship motion and gets approved. Costa wins with absolute majority fucking every party, specially leaderless PSD

Same :(

How are algarvias?

Translated and archived: archive.is/xdC5p
Arquivado: web.archive.org/web/20171005145112/https://www.dn.pt/sociedade/interior/seca-destapa-ponte-escondida-ha-19-anos-8801172.html
Original link: dn.pt/sociedade/interior/seca-destapa-ponte-escondida-ha-19-anos-8801172.html

the only good thing about the 1st Republic is that if it hadn't existed, Salazar wouldn't have made it to power

Portugal is doing so well right now. PS is great. The left is great. We're so blessed to live where we live, bros. It looks like the rest of the world is going to shit.

como todas a outras

Economic growth is slowing down despite initial spike in first trimester

>We're slowing down in how great we're doing
Not the end of the world. We're still doing well.

Got any insight on economic growth user? Singers like mah dona coming here, us getting away from the economic trash rating, apreciation on the wine and tourism sort od deals, it all somewhat points to a increase of revenue, what are we missing?

Pequeno lembrete que os pretos são raçamestre e os brancos do norte serão enforcados no dia da corda.

Happy 250 Billion euro debt my fellow portuguese. Enjoy that 40M euro debt per day!
I sure love my country and their gimmiedats.



Regra 1, não enganas ou tentas enganar o teu irmão do pais oh cromo do corno.
226 "billions" actually but well make it through as always.

Como queiras, branquela. Portugal pertence ao humilde povo magrebino.

every one still does it and funny because this years lately people seem to be more open about it, and everybody call each other nigger , even the blacks use it all the time, they call each other preto.
Our problem is not the Africans its the parasites that drained this nation till we have no real identity...
The masses are getting more dumbed down and poor educated just like niggers, Basically white trash, starbucks , restaurant, call center workers for the top jew

fucking niggers all of them


Stop lying faggot.

Its been increasing at a rate of 40 Million euros a day. Of course things look "better", they keep asking money they dont have to pay of for "better" shit.

Both of your countries were the last ones to have colonies in Asia. I just found that interesting.

A Catarina não é mas a outra...

This is hell. Costa grabbed the country during the growth part of an overall unsustainable economic cycle, and the left is stronger than ever because people don't give a damn about anything other that here and now. Tourism had major influence in the growth, as other destinations such as Turkey and African Mediterranean became too unstable.

Passos Coelho killed the PSD. He couldn't accept defeat and held the party back ever since. His opposition is completely desperate and further unites the left. CDS gained some of the bleeding voters but PSD as a whole is very weak.
I hope André Ventura wins the election, as his rhetoric is the only one that distances itself from globalist neo-liberal bullcrap. We could a people's party back again. Otherwise, my vote goes with PNR only

>Rule 1, do not deceive or try to deceive your brother from the country
>226 "billions"

I'm thinking that government shills are the ones that try to divert to pepe posting from actually discussing the state of the country. Like Opinion Forums TSF

fuck your shitty country.

My bad, I tend to look at national debt clocks before checking news outlets, slipped my mind. Guess I broke rule 1 too huh.
I just like posting portuguese memes, sue me mate. Besides, not like the governament can afford shill payments :^(

more is impossible

just waiting the final beheading after decades of terrorism against the "nation"

PNR is a meme party. Not only they lack political capital to be taken as serious contenders, but their leader is fucking weak. I still vote, on occasion, for them but taking them seriously is a whole fucking deal.
We have no real right wing parties here. PSD fading out is good, since it opens the doors to other right wing parties. He'll, maybe CDS toughens up...

t. javier in madrid


are you a conspiracy freak? because no one is paid to post frogs and aestetics pictures of camões with sun glasses, mean i wish i was but i do it for free


Fuck the Portuguese republic.
Bring back the Portuguese monarchy.


The people of Hong Kong want to go back to British rule.
They hate mainland chinese. They refer to them as a swarm of locusts.



Voted for PNR in the autárquicas but PSD won here. Better than PS, I guess.

PNR currently can't mobilise people around it or even take advantage of national tragedy or something to win support and portuguese people have concern about their point of views.
They have to change and not be the same monolyth and caricature.

There were PS supporters in alst /pp/ thread only showing their point of view as hidden propaganda.
Btw militants and Youth militants do it for free.

Happy independence day greatest ally!