Nisekoi 226

Onodera got BTFO.

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you niggers realize this mango is satire, right?
he does every cliche in the book for revenge because of double arts axe
niggers can't be this blind and think this story is anything but a critique

>both will confess but Raku won't choose yet
I'm onto your game, Komi

fuck you and your digits

Sweet, sweet justice

It's not you salty delusional fuck
He wouldn't work on the series for this long if he hated it




See you next week xD


I'm sure you'll be back

Why justice?

Best grill won

Expected, but okay I guess.




>implying he won't get rejected.

gee..i might read one-shot to get full story of this

>implying there is competition

good luck with autistic BF

And it was sad.

Yeah didn't even finish the chapter. Dropped, glad I waited to see if it had a proper ending before buying any manga or bds for this upcoming trash ending.

>trash ending
>best girl won

Hmmm....generic as fuck harem shit has generic as fuck plot...very interesting.
I don't understand all the fuss. This is the way it had to be from day 1. Literally day 1 this is how you had to know it would end.
why are all these jimmies rustled?

You are too deep to drop it now. It's at most 10 chapters left. Just sit down, enjoy the trainwreck and the shitstorm that will be Sup Forums next week.

Any ending to trash story is a trash ending.

Problem isn't Chitoge winning, but the scorched earth of superior faggotism approach to deal with the rest of the girls. Shouldn't have spent so much time on showing how great they all are and how pure their love is only to shit all over them. The ending feels to me like this: Just because you put a cherry on top of a bowl of shit doesn't make that dessert palatable.

Tsugumi will win now

I mean I knew onodere didn't have a chance since she isn't plot girl. She's easily the best girl and chtioge is the worst but none of that matters.

For 200 chapters straight Komi managed to cock block ever single rakuxondere interaction.

He even went so far as to introduce the younger sister who's only reason for existence was to cockblock all their interactions before something happens.

All the while chitoge the forced love interests gets shilled after bad popularity, it was quite honestly terrible to sit through, I'm just glad I only read like 40 ish chapters and skipped through the rest.

Yes, cry me some more

>Spends 200 chapters going MUH ONODERA
>Onodera confesses

Are you sure Sup Forumsnon?

Hatred can be just as inspiring as love

Bitterness can outlast every human life put together

Don't tell me you can't relate

Not crying just telling the truth.

Are you guys reading some kind of spin-off? The main story already ended.

I had the Vita game to see both Marika and Onodera ending, their ending was honestly satisfying, Komi can do what he want with this shit manga.

Everyone of you who created spoiler threads like this are literally niggers and have no place on this board

damn, is ruri just tiny or is maiko actually tall when he's not drawn as the silly :3 guy?

Its not over until those two breed like rabbits

She's a smol girl

We don't care.



I'm not even angry, I'm just disappointed. I knew it was coming, but it still bothers me. I am not anally devastated, but my butt does hurt just a little.

Up until now I genuinely thought Komi was self-aware in how shitty his story was and I thought that he was parodying the harem genre in general. However, this chapter is taking itself very seriously and it seems to me like he is a genuinely shitty story teller that just tells funny jokes.

He should have stuck with the jokes.

>I'm only here for shitposting and delicious tear-drinking

This can't be a serious poll guys

>I'm not even angry but it still bothers me.
>I'm not angry but it bothers me.
>I'm angry.

in what chapter did this happen?

I'm just a little sad as all, nothing too intense

>tfw no Tsugumi win

So, what happens when Chitoge rejects him?

This man, as an Onodera fag it's just suffering to prolong this,I don't even know why I tried to delude myself at the start of it all.
I can't even feel it anymore...all the time I've wasted reading this feels pointless,yet I show up to read the next chapter.
Why I do this? I don't know, at this point it's become like a formality to accepting loss.

>Chitoge wins
Meanwhile the sky is blue, water is wet, and ice is cold.
I don't get why people are trying to turn this into something it's not like Oreimo. We already knew who was going to win from the one shot and even chapter 1. This isn't news.

>implying his hate for the manga reading audience isn't even stronger than his hate for harem manga


You can always read the Yamikoi-Saimin series where Raku is an NTR'd cuck or Nisenisekoi which takes place in a more realistic universe where Raku dicks everyone and Tsugumi wins then pretend those are the canon series.

tsugumi, does win, she is included as part of the chitoge package

I feel you, I mean his story was just so funny and so stupid that I thought that Komi was actually secretly a witty guy and he'd make a satisfying ending, but nope, not only did he not make me angry, but he made me sad. Anger is fun, and a laughably bad ending would have been good, but this is just disappointing.

Best non canon ending.

Is how well a doujin artist can replicate the artstyle of a manga a good measure of how shitty and generic a manga is?

I fucking wish user
at least she got best doujin

To be fair Komi's character design's aren't as complex as a lot of other manga, he uses few lines.
I mean he can make some complex looking outfits,but the characters themselves could be easily replicated by a child.
This is probably part of the reason the series has been able to go on so long,then again there are artist who use way more detail and release weekly chapters.

Damn right it's the best, It's okay we won and Tsugumi is our's for the taking because a faggot doesn't want her

i think this was 3-4 chapters ago...

oh whoops meant to reply to

Someone better be taking a screenshot by now. The day Kosaki got wrecked should be remembered like chihiro and kirinos victory.

>implying this deserves any "BTFO'S" or fanfare when this was a foregone conclusion by a dude with a lust for revenge against the haremshit audience

Is like true tears again,Noel is kosaki

Honestly, the MCs choosing Kirino/Chihiro came out of left field for most and the truth is we ALL saw this coming don't lie to yourselves onofags.

Go to this videos and listen Tsugumi exhale as if she were moaning, skip to 8:00

Eh, it's different. Pretty sure all us Marikafags, Tsugumifags, Onoderafags and Yuifags, assuming there were some, were expecting this ending. It's no like Oreimo where we had legitimate reasons to believe the author wouldn't have the balls, or TWGOK where people could argue the ending was a copout. Here we fucking knew this was happening and nobody but the most delusional faggots were expecting otherwise.

That said, I thought Marika had it bad but Onodera was a low blow Komi. What the fuck? Anyways, we're free now.

If Onodera won then there would be pictures because it would different and shocking. Chitoge winning is nothing new. Just another harem lead winning a series like they have been for the last 2 decades.

>Komi had the chance to make NIsekoi memorable and different from the thousands of other harems
>Could have gone down in history and talked about for years to come
>Pissed it all away by having the most cliche ending to the most cliche series
Guess it's only fitting.

Can you give me a FINISHED harem series where a girl from left-field wins?

Fuck all of you. My hope won't die until the last page is turned.

>Komi had the chance to make a series he loved and would put all this heart and work into
>Could have gone down in history and talked about for years to come
>Got pissed on by his audience and publisher
It's fitting and is his final revenge
It needs to have an Evangelion mind-fuck ending

TWGOK, Color Wars.

Huh ?
What could he have done to make it memorable ?
Onodera winning would have been strange considering the direction of the story, but nothing extraordinary.

And in the LN territory:

Haganai, Baka to Test and soon Oregairu

Who won Color Wars?

I read TWGOK and while I was pretty miffed, in retrospect I guess it kinda made sense.
That ending felt rushed as fuck though. I'll check out Color Wars.
>implying he's ending up with anyone

Where are all you faggots? Come on, I know you wanna fucking say it. I know you wanna come out and say Onodera is still somehow gonna win like you always do.

Come on. Fucking say it.


NTR finds a way

TWGOK was obvious though



It was obvious that the protag was 3DPD loving scum.

Will we ever get 7.5?

oh lordy

I knew it was coming, but I'm still angry. Komi is such a fucking hack.

Ichigo 100% was the last time best girl won.

>It needs to have an Evangelion mind-fuck ending
>Final chapter epilogue
>fade to black
>Next page shows Shota Raku saying "and that's why it's better that I choose who I like on my own when I grow up instead of going with this stupid locket plan" to the other girls back when they were kids
>they all agree with him and leave
>final page shows Raku riding home in a car while thinking to himself
>"good thing we didn't do that,otherwise it would've just been false love"
>Komi announces full anime adaption and a new sequel manga

The only way for this to end is to get rid of the lock and key sets.

Too much suffering.

I seriously don't know why he gave a shit about the lock and key so much. It's fucking stupid as hell and the way how the story is going he's not going to follow it anyway.



I'm happy for Onodera,she deserved much more that a prince faggot.

All routes lead to Chitoge

Mario Maker confirmed that

For those who refuse to believe chitoge will win, there is still hope that you can believe that she rejects him and raku is left with no one.

Please. This will be the only thing that would make me feel like this is worth it.

This always happens when a harem series end, butthurt shiperfags going on about how much better it would be if their ship had own.

Pathetic Frenchman ...

He cucks her in that doujin. He litterally fucks everyone and gets them pregnant; how deluded do you have to be to defend that? Holy shit.

Baka test? Really? I thought pink haired girl was going to win. She didn't?

Double arts is shit, you don't get it?
The whole premise and world building are all wasted due to poor writing and slow as fuck development. He deserved that.

Won't happen. Chitoge was fucking destroyed when she realised she wasn't the object of Raku's affections over a decade ago. She really loves him, prepare for best ending.