Is fairy tail still ripping off one piece?

Is fairy tail still ripping off one piece?

At least one of those fairy tail characters appeared before their OP counterpart, not that I care about either of the series.

Of course, all those characters are unique concepts and not at all 'ripped off' from some other series in the first place, OP. :^)

Oda's art looks like shit.

This was made many years ago....Franky's pre time skip look was there and dammit it looked better than the monstrosity that he is now.

The only good draw in that shit is Lucci's design.
Oda art is shit.
At least mashima know how to draw hot chicks :')

If oda's art was so shit, why did mashima base every single girl off of Nami? (:

>Oda girls
>microscopic waist


Not a single one, I dare you to name one.

>mashima base every single girl off of Nami?

It's time to stop, son. Oda's inability to draw women is legendary, while Fairy Tale is only read for fapbait.

We're waiting :)

The gorgon sisters are literally based off of a Greek myth.

The idea of an island inhabited solely by warrior women isn't unique either.

He said series

I hope you're enjoying your first two shonen.

Gildartz is cooler than Shanks

>Liking anything from Faggot Tail

>implying ripping off an already shitty manga is a crime

Who gives a shit? Fairy Tail has some of the best fap bait in manga.

Please dear lord Mashima release all of that delicious porn. I know you have it.

>liking anything from fairy tail or one piece

Mashima has long stopped making his girls look like noodles and started making them thick and curvy. Not even the imouto types got left out.

I thought by this point everyone knew that Oda just rips his character designs from movies and celebrities.

One Piece rips off of real life.

whose Lucci and Doflamingo supposed to be modeled after? They look like 80's figures like most characters. I thought Doffy was Billy Idol at first.