You're on the right track Sup Forums - DONT GIVE UP shooter was not what he seems and not alone

Vegas shooters brother Eric Paddock talks.
"I used to 'fix' things for a living.. My job was to [smiles laughs nods at interviewer] fix things. My job was to find the answers.."

[laughs] [camera cuts]
while not even answering the question he blurts this out "I was right about, I guess, that he, hopefully more being proved that. [switches subject] Of course Steve did this all by himse..[stutters] This is 100% Steve. Did this by himself... [stares into camera] people can't seem to compreh.. cope with that either.

You're on the right track Sup Forums - DONT GIVE UP shooter was not what he seems and not alone

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Fucking Eric Paddock is everything wrong with everything, and yet he's weirdly fascinating.

Maybe, but what I read into this is that he doesnt want to believe it and wants to believe (conspiracy theory) that he didnt done it alone. But he knows he cant say that to CNN et Al because they would brand him conspiracy theoriest. He doesnt want to, but confirmes the police narrative. Otherwise he would be seen by all of america as somewhat friendly to the shooter and a conspiracy theorist tin foil head.

Why wont he come clean on what he and his brother have been doing for work over the past decade? Seems weird because he's watching what he says and he's jumpy.

It's clearer he's lying and bending truths .Even omitting information.

Eric Paddock knew of his brothers plot and shares the same radical left wing ideology. He knew who was involved and was probably involved himself.
He's on the verge of totally breaking down. He seems very conflicted in his desire to be a helpful witness to this tragedy, & careful because if he confesses, he might get jail time and ruin his family's life.

comped by who? These brothers are doing some serious shit


It's more about what these guys are doing in their jobs than some ideology he has

This shooting was a cia distraction from their war with the Alliance. The navy plane which randomly disappeared in Tennessee was what they were distracting from.

The casino. They want to encourage big gamblers to stay at their resorts and gamble at their tables/machines. As for how he talks, he's clearly distraught, as would anyone who just found out their sibling went on a mass murder.

He seems like an insufferable prick and has a creepy vibe to boot. I find him strangely intriguing as well.

Imagine if we find out he works for Mossad or the CIA

>A distraction by the CIA
Yeah, sure chief.
It's a major fuck up either by Mossad or the CIA
Body language analysis

Read his shirt, it's a arts organization, only social justices leftist love art that much

A theory: Paddock was a gun runner and his brother knew it. The night of the shooting, Paddock was to sell a load of arms to a buyer or buyers. These buyers had no intention of purchasing anything. Their intent was to shoot up the concert using the very weapons Paddock muled up to the room. The shooters get their weapons into place without taking any risk of getting caught while taking them up, kill the seller (Paddock), proceed to shoot up the concert, then leave, making Paddock look like a lone wolf wacko.

The brother seems off because he knows Paddock was into some illegal shit (may even be involved himself) but can't grasp that he shot up the concert; because he didn't.

It's silly I know, but he's into art and shit, Google the organization on his shirt, one of the first things I see is a tranny acting for a drama group

The cover-up indicates it was done/accidented by an intelligence organisation

The girlfriend had links to the CIA beginning in the 80s

Except everything indicates he was sequestered up in this room for 3 days planning everything out meticulously. Also, you think there wouldn't be cctv footage of multiple people visiting his room?

They may have been the "buyers". No need for Paddock to know who they were.

Wrong. Both are tied together. Both brothers live a double life and are involved in some form of trafficking (human, drugs, guns). Their genetic and obvious vulnerable psychotic behavior makes them easy targets for radicalization.
That's why certain people are chosen to be a patsy

Saudi's dude. Ill take you to the top. What group owns floors 35 through 39 at that hotel? And one of the two majority shareholders of that enterprise is???

There probably is CCTV footage. We'll never see it if the FBI has it.

But but but he would never do such a thing.

Give the name and source, faggot.

Then he would be in dire straits

Also, not much planning goes into spraying a crowed with bullets for as long as you can, once you are already have the guns in the room.

>The casino kept a Japanese whaling vessel on standby in case my brother came in and wanted fresh bow whale sushi.
>I mean!
>He was successful!

exactly what we're seeing
He knows bigger hands are at work and he clearly thinks he's safe so long as he says what he says.

Saudis , but while public beachfront in Europe for weeks at a time

This guy is the most obvious CIA Nigger I have ever seen.

Russia banned gambling in 2009. The Russian Mafia is said to have moved their criminal operations to Las Vegas and collaborate with the deep State CIA including gun running. Was Pollack one of their gun runners? The most dangerous Russian Mafia leader Razhden Shulaya was arrested by the FBI in July. Formerly the Russian Mafia was protected by Obama so the Russian Mafia ALSO hates Trump. A CIA gun smuggler named Scott Edmisten was just arrested in Tennesee and amongst the many guns in his car was possibly the one Paddock purchased on Sept. 28. Edmisten is a gun expert who may have rigged the guns used in the shooting. The Criminal cabal, Obama Democrats and Israel work hand in hand with the Russian Mafia and the covert CIA Deep State. Links. Links. Links.

>shooter was not what he seems and not alone

I cannot believe that were was a 2nd or 3rd shooter.
We were probably just hearing echos.
Why wouldn't the people of Las Vegas not noticing a 2nd or 3rd shooter but 4channers do with a cheap headphone listening to a potato recording.
Please explain.

The "fact" that he rented spaces next to Lollapalooza and the Lorde concert wrinkle this theory though, no?

BULLSHIT Thats a fake story

Not if he was using the large crowds in hotels during the events to mask his movements.


Fuck me, when I heard about this I immediately thought about Lollapalooza and how it’s surrounded by tall buildings

>Please when you find out where she lives dont.... I mean she has nothing else to say
>She lives in the neighborhood here, but once again please talk to me theres nothing she can tell you shes gonna be... freaked out

Check the begining and the end of this video. He really doesnt want anyone to talk to his mom.

What did he mean by this

Did he have an ear piece? Was someone feeling him answers?

those were other arms deals. Concerts provide:
A. an excuse for being in town
B. Noise and an empty hotel because everyone is at the concert
C. Distracted local law enforcement

New season of Louie looks terrible.

He was ISIS's arms dealer and his supplier was the US government. The Las Vegas shooting was either a deal that went wrong or Paddock knew he was being set up to be the fall guy who "supplied ISIS with weapons" and was going to be sacrificed to keep the trail reaching the US government.

By "the US government" I don't mean Trump, I mean the permanent government that remain in power regardless of who get voted in.

His reservation in Chicago was the next deal.

Literally nothing about these two makes any sense.
They are extremely wealthy yet have no discernible employment or tax records.

Thems is some crazy eyes

>The navy plane which randomly disappeared in Tennessee was what they were distracting from.

Get a grip. Unless you've got proof that thing was loaded with nukes and they were planning a massive attack you've got nothing. Military aircraft crash all the time.

Caesar of course.

If it's true that the shooters wife was a commie mayor then I may start asking questions about whether it was some sort of botched or rushed red October bullshit.


Steven Paddock was an arms dealer. He used the casinos to launder the money. He gave lots of money to his brother and mother. His brother knows if the IRS investigate his income and spending, it will reveal the brother and the mum were benefitting from Stevens clandestine work.

Thats why hes so nervous and evasive

If he was smart he would be getting paid for these interiews.

He could easily get 100k per exclusive.

You goyim really don't like money, do you?

Could've been trying to throw Feds off of his trail because of psychotic paranoia... or maybe an alphabet agency WAS tailing him.


I wonder if he backed out because Malia Obama was there and Secret service was probably monitoring the area and had counter snipers posted up there?

>constantly looking at the ground
>when he does look up he doesn't look anyone in the eyes.

Holy shit he's lying.

I like this theory. I agree the brother knew what was up and is now trying to protect himself from getting wacked by whoever the other party involved was for the gun buy. Hence the "Scott did this alone" repeated multiple times in all the interviews.

Scott sent his wife out of the country so he could focus on the deal without distration.

Here are the flaws I see:

-Why did he scope out other hotels with large audiences nearby? Maybe the deal was on and off again and Scott planned that if the deal went bad, he could easily disappear into the crowd.

-If the other party's intent was to shoot up the concert, How did they get out? The door was barricaded from the inside. (although they say it there was an adjoining room so perhaps there was another exit)

-Who was shooting through the door when the first guard showed up?

-When was Scott killed? Before the shooting or as the other party left?

FWIW these are two assumptions im working off of.

> cia front who rented the place because state dept got tipped off about some fucked up mce about to go down.
> the room rented was a staging area for qrf to be brought in and setup.
> very little time..


> bad guys were going to have a mce and film it and release to public.
> some shit happened
>crisis averted
> cover up because public needs to be kept bluepilled.

Loves to hear himself talk, can't complete a thought, says random shit and gets excited thinking it's clever, sloppy....The guy's on 100mgs of addy or meth

Are you fucking retarded? There are many many accounts of multiple shooters, all over Vegas even.

What stands out the most is when something like this happens they plaster the cctv footage all over tv. Somehow all we end up with is bs filmed on a potato....

Could be. The three burning questions I have right now, in no real order of import:

1) Why was the gun he purchased on his way to Vegas not recovered from his room or car?

2) What is on the note beneath the roll of tape being used as a paperweight?

3) What are the white bags in the suitcase under his nest overlooking the LOS to the crowd?

His body language is so bad it's unreal. The interview with him just confirms in my mind the brother knew something.

Hell his story is contradictory. Going from not talking in a month to saying the shooter made sure his wife was well paid and safe.

Just fucking bizarre. Dude practically admits the lvpd aren't telling him anything because they think he's suspicious(!)

Both of these interviews made me cringe. This guy is total whack job..

HE KNEW HIS BROTHER WAS INVOLVED IN ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES. He's nervous because he knows he might lose all his money, his house, etc. But I don't think he knew in advance about the massacre.

Fuck off shill.

I want to see the cctv footage of him dragging 32 guns to lalapoolza than

Have we determined if it was a crank or m240? It sure as hell wasn't the guns they're saying

nah its some pharma shit. people act so weird on that shit so unnatural by yet human at the same time. Maybe a mix of anti depressents, addy, and a xanax seems to be what this guy is on.

No source is reliable.

The "gunfire" in the lower floors was just one of the millions of lights in Fabulous Vegas.

Sad to witness the downfall of Sup Forums, I've never seen Sup Forums so retarded, simple-minded and weak

If he was a high-paid arms dealer is, what the fuck was he dealing in? You don't pay top-dollar to a government spook for legal off-the-shelf gear you can buy at Fin Feather Fur. The sandpeople have plenty of straw buyers to handle that kind of shit.

I'd imagine the AnonPD that leaked the crime scene photos would have snapped pictures of full autos, the crate of grenades, and the RPGs in the corner instead of a few ARs...

>He was ISIS's arms dealer and his supplier was the US government.

And his Pinoy girlfriend was his contact with the islamists in the Philippines?

by the way do we have any idea who this guy is? I'd like to know his name. He says he's the boyfried of Marilou's sister. He's australian:

Anyone have a guess at 1 or 3?

>Of course Steve did this all by himse..[stutters] This is 100% Steve.
This part doesn't make any sense. FIrst he says this is totally unlike the Steve he knows, then he says Steve did it and he was alone.

If he truly believed this to be unlike his brother, then how would he know he did it and he was alone? Wouldn't he say "There's no way my brother could have done this. He was set up"?

Its a casino. High def, zoom/pan cameras literally everywhere, and no way to get to the rooms without walking the casino floor (this is how modern casinos are designed to draw more income). All of this added together means it's not exactly the best place to run an op, as you'd never be able to wipe all the tape.

This was a crazy old man looking for a high score. Dude probably found out he's got stage 4 ass cancer or something and got all "Fuck the world", then killed himself because he doesn't want to spend his last days/weeks/months in jail.

they would see these people on the cameras, retard

He bought extra guns because he was meticulous in planning and he knew extended mags have a higher incidence of feed problems, plus heat dissipation is not ideal on ARs (they're not designed for long periods of sustained high rate of fire). He didn't buy automatic weapons for the same reason he didn't spend lots of time walking the strip; he didn't want his high score to be impacted by factors outside his control (owning an NFA item means potentially increased attention from law enforcement officials; if anyone happens to catch him with his rifles they're legal in NV so little risk of confiscation or real legal trouble), and he knew the rate of fire want ther most important aspect of his op; he'd need as much time in situ as possible, and anything endangering that was a non-starter; he chose a high floor room so no one would be able to hear the glass shatter from the street, he bought the room in his wife's name so no one would recognize him and bother him with attention or try to comp him, he chose easily available weapons that are highly modifiable to ensure redundancy and ease of use, he chose to use multiples of a single magazine to cut down on Amy unknowns impacting his ability to put rounds down range, he set up cameras to warn him of potential aggression, and even his choice for suicide was relatively fool proof with a compact, high caliber revolver.

This guy was smart, educated, and planned this shit out to a tee; the only thing he didn't do was get gud at shooting before he did it.

It says rapé.

>2) What is on the note beneath the roll of tape being used as a paperweight?

News a saying it was a "goodbye letter" no more details so far..

Except nothing indicates that. Everything indicates he was camping out showing his wares to customers.

Ask Eric holder that, cartels in the Obama days where buying up 50 cal target rifles and modifying them to kill up close and personal so they could penetrate VIP bullet proof wibdowz

Remember how coms in the pacific all went down the night of the shooting?

>"my brother was an armadillo."

The proof is right there. An armadillo is a man who makes a fortune traveling around the country and illegally selling legal weapons. This is the best theory and it makes the most sense. I don't know why you stupid faggots won't just accept that this was an illegal, legal arms deal gone wrong


But what is in the suitcase???

) Why was the gun he purchased on his way to Vegas not recovered from his room or car?

It will be found at the brothers house when the cops show up for a wellness check and discover brother and mom dead by gunshot wound.

>> 2) What is on the note beneath the roll of tape being used as a paperweight?

Inventory and prices for the sale.

No idea on number 3. Maybe clothing and disguise.

I think he's just a narcissist who gets off on the media attention in a powerful way and can't resist it.

To be honest, it kind of looks powdery and white...

I am talking about witness accounts that aren't the Mandalay bay. Ie eye witness of other shooters

Who is Scott?

He wasnt scoping out the hotels. He was just doing deals, you gotta keep selling selling selling all year to make good money. He probably got bored as fuck waiting for potential clients to show up and wanted something interesting to watch from the window. Imagine just assembling firearms for hours while watching the sparkling lights and concert below.

he has no work record or tax history but can clear a background check for weapons ??

maybe he was allowed to remove money tax-free under the (guise of winnings) and launder it through weapon sales

Why not link original interview...not some gay couple with gay music that could be edited

Op is a Milo tier fagot

Id agree with only one shooter but when normies are making the claim on Facebook, with their identity, one must consider it. The thing about this is it's not just pol being pol saying somethings definitely up. Even the most bluest of pilled people can smell a cover up here.

I think he's a nice enough guy, his brother was also a nice enough guy before he got a brain tumor and killed a bunch of people. Eric is an interesting guy though, I wouldn't mind sitting down and having a conversation with him when he isn't in such a state.

The nonlethal legal illegal hotel weapons dealer who taught Stephen, his protege, everything he knew. Scott was integral to this whole operation. Caspere knew this.

DESU senpai it will be a huge let down if he just did this as revenge for his poor apeshit daddy.

here you can see that the light in the 4th floor was already flashing during the concert (min 2:10)

50000 out of towners in for a one-time event or concert with no connection to the city otherwise is perfect cover for anything up to and including a coup or revolution. 1000's of vehicles, trucks, cars vans, planes, $1M's of transactions etc. etc..

>he has no work record or tax history but can clear a background check for weapons ??
They're screening for criminal history. Taxes have nothing to do with it.

>An armadillo is a man who makes a fortune traveling around the country and illegally selling legal weapons

How is gun control not a red herring though? There is not a chance in hell the 2nd amendment would be repealed.