Should free speech be unlimited? Should we restrict the speech of those who propagate poisonous ideas?

Should free speech be unlimited? Should we restrict the speech of those who propagate poisonous ideas?

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Sure, but remove elements that try to restrict it
So remove commies

>Should free speech be unlimited?
Yes. Free speech with limits isn't free speech. End of discussion.

It's curious as no current governments (or past ones) allow absolute free speech. So it's all hypothetical at this point.

And (maybe?) fascists, democrats, small G libertarians, etc

I don't remember libertarians trying to restrict free speech

You'd probably run into it with any anything other than a strictly-anarchistic society (which is a whole other kettle of fish)

Even then, you would get mugged and dumped into a ditch

Free speech is something of 'its good if it helps my side', like many other things.

If we limited free speech, Sup Forums's ideas would be the first against the wall.

>If we limited free speech
We do.

Yes. By limiting free speech you're declaring that there are ideas that you should not be allowed to hear. I'm comfortable with encountering all ideas, as are, presumably, most people who come here

If it's not unlimited what kind of free speech is it?

Limited. Such as the kind found under most governments.


What’s a poisonous idea? Any one you don’t agree with?

Fuck that fascists are the good guys I’m just sitting here waiting for the real holocaust to happen so we can kill all the Jews

Any idea that runs in contest with the ideas espoused by the state. I don't make a value judgement on that tactic, although it has been the rule of the day for most political bodies throughout history.

"hate speech" must not be banned. Threats of violence, especially against the president should be investigated.

So we need to give absolute rule to the state to decide whether or not some thoughts are bad, lmao.

I never understood why we ever allowed so called "free speech" to the gentiles. It's not like they have anything intelligent to say anyway?

No, It is much better if we just make sure they get as silenced and oppressed as possible while consuming our media. Shalom.

>Sure, but remove elements that try to restrict it
>So remove commies

I agree. Anyone who tries to limit freedom of speech is a traitor to our constitution and our freedom.

It's not really free though, as there are restrictions. By definition free speech can't be restricted, it's like having cold fire or kicking with your fist.

>I don't make a value judgement on that tactic
translation I don't necessarily endorse that view

Free speech should be unlimited, except calls for violence.

America's free speech laws are in general quite good. The Democrat party had to sink their hooks in the mainstream media, hollywood, and education in order to control the narrative. Most of that control is now fading, and I can say with certainty the American system is good in this regard.

>except calls for violence
Even then, though, it's up for interpretation. the American left has shown themselves adept at conflating speech with violence of late

Oh, you mean ideas like preventing free speech?

Found another little fucker. Damn you are small!

there is a discussion to be had around limiting such ideas, yes

The concepts of freedom and liberty are not universally human concepts and only exist in a limited frame of time. To think that our dedication to freedom means we give people hostile to freedom free reign is suicidal. The only people that would not want you to understand that are people that are using your freedoms against you.

>Should we restrict the speech of those who propagate poisonous ideas?
depends on who (((we))) is.

>there is a discussion to be had around limiting such ideas, yes

There is no serious, intellectual or reasoned discussion germane to such a monstrous concept, no. Such slavish idea-figments all devolve to "who polices the policers", since there is no one possessing all required information at any time. Free inquiry and the melting of brain-chains like religion and hierarchy are the only available options for rational beings. All else leads to nihilism across the event horizon. So no, you are dead wrong.

>poisonous ideas
Define poisonous ideas

depends entirely on the philosophy of the ruling body.

One could easily ascertain that the entire notion of a ruling class or classes as being an inherently poisonous idea. In fact, it is perhaps the most noxious of all poisonous ideas. Res ipsa loquitur.

>tfw no gagged Emma Watson gf

Free speech should be absolutely unlimited but we shouldn’t have democracy. Leftists are able to use their free speech to promote their leftist agenda, which causes people to vote in favour of leftist policies.
They shouldn’t be allowed to do that.
The same way you should be allowed to say someone should go die but you shouldn’t be allowed to kill them.

where do you come down on slander and hate speech?

>poisonous ideas?
There's no such thing.

The only man talking about shit that matters.

>People shouldn't think unlike me otherwise they shouldn't be able to do anything about it.

At what point your parents told you to sleep in your own bed?

My guess it's that it was to late.

no limits on free speech.

>being this cucked
Democracy is what loaded the western world down with rapefugees in the first place, and once they can vote they’ll invariably force Sharia onto us.
Dmocracy is the root of all our problems.

As with any system, it can be harnessed for the common good, or abused.

Slander is and should be a civil tort, if you cause damage with lies then you should be liable for it.

> Hate speech

Harassment is a sufficient legal instrument to legitimately protect people. If you don't like somebody's "hate speech" either defeat it in argument or don't listen to it.

>Should free speech be unlimited

>Should we restrict the speech of those who propagate poisonous ideas

Where do you think you are? Free speech isn't free if it has restrictions. Restrictions of speech was the.beginning of Europe's downfall.

>Europe's downfall
Just so I know, are you referring to the rise of fascism or more recent developments?

also an important issue no doubt

The whole reason we have this stupid progressive movement is because evangelical rightwingers tried to censor music/video games/tv/magazines ect...

Paradigm shifts happen, kids will always rebel against their parents, the more abusive the current cultural status quo is the harder the swing will be

This is why gen z is going to be the edgiest, most conservative motherfuckers we've ever seen, hopefully they treat their new spawn with a little bit of freedom so that the inevitable liberal shift wont be so bad.

The underlying theory is correct, however I don't think its foreordained that Gen Z will be any more politically active (or less narcissistic) than millenials.