How can burgers ignore the fact that the USA a police state?

How can burgers ignore the fact that the USA a police state?

>no knock raids
>bag searches
>gun control
>domestic spying
>child snatching
>police brutality
>property seizure
>cop militarization
>victimless crimes
>overflowing prisons

Also see the diffrence between american and german police, in the land of the free you could get shot just for speeding



Other urls found in this thread:

calm your clam, germanistan

t. Angela merkel

>t. cops

well, this isn't wrong... but OP was talking about the united states

You described Germany

You currently have an 87 yr old women in prison for a thought crime

and you have some for meming

Cops here kill dangerous niggers.
They're not so bad. But if they become Deep State we're gunna have probs.

in germany people dont get 8 warning shots in the back.

Yeah u can get shot just for speeding and refusing to stop or pulling a gun on the cop. Don't believe all the retarded left lies that you eat from your TV, you don't even live here and u want to claim that cops kill blacks for no reason. Get ur head out of ur ass. I am a Mexican American and even I know that this is bull shit. As fir everything else yes, our rights are being eroded, this is what happens when the left take control of ur government and u have a nigger president fir 8 yrs. Learn from our mistakes and don't let this happen in ur country.

they also kill and beat white people, they dont even hold back at women, vid related


>police state against niggers
>I'm white

Seems pretty nice to me

Ah, a catholic! Bless you popes personal bootlicker.

Are you allowed to write this on the Internet?

>be American
>go to jail for six years for making a joke on runescape

do you watched my vids? this people hadnt guns and cops aimed their gun straight at their face and punched them to the ground.

> you don't even live here and u want to claim that cops kill blacks for no reason
i claim cops kill all kind of people for no reason not only blacks and I dont need to live in your police state to see videos of and news about your police problem.

>inb4 fakenews

>gun control

O an i laffin

Are you sure you're not describing Germanland?

yes im sure brainwashed cop killer lover

you don't actually know what a police state is if you think this is bad
how about being dragged off in a van in the middle of the night to be sent to a labor camp for the rest of your very short life?
then everyone you knew burns pictures of you and pretends you never existed
the one that seems to be on that route is Germany for locking you up for having a swastika.jpg on your computer and speaking out against the influx of hordes of migrants

Those Yankee pigs with their drawn guns, so brave.

I'm not an underaged libernigger, so I don't see a problem with a police state.

also to add to it in the first video the cop had regular clothes and a regular car, so if you saw someone get out in the middle of their car in the middle of the road after you pissed them off walking towards you in a country with guns, the gun is needed.
also for the second one a fucking police state does not punish the police for excessive use of force and rewards the victim with 180k you fucking idiot

The government of Germany rejects secret curts to lock goverment opposition up or people like snowden who tells the the undeniable truth about your police state. It works for the people, and only the people.

>Germany for locking you up for having a swastika.jpg on your computer
its a meme you cant get locked up for that

>cops always have a good reason for killing people
>rights are being eroded
>it's the left's fault
>i'm mexican-american

You'd better hope there's no race war. No matter who wins, you'll be first against the wall.

Yup infringement on freedoms in UK is becoming worse and worse

We haven't got to the point of locking up OAPs for thought crimes yet thou

All this alternative historical fiction about "What would the world look like if the Nazis had won WW2?", and the answer is actually -

The USA.

Except it's communist not natsoc

>not hating cops, niggers, jews all equally

>can grow marijuana on in your backyard
>can own guns
>can buy ANY type of car or build one
>can do shopping with crypto
>your free speech is in a constitution
>police state

nice one germany,first have rights before bragging about freedom of movement

>illegally invading

I do not see any guns drawn. Please point them out for me.

>have to pay 150 euros to get tele watching license
>half off if blind
>66% off for black and white
>If suspected of not buying tele license a tele officer will come to your house

Im a burgie and i realise we are a police state. And its the fucking republicans making it that way all while saying they are for limited government

I never said UK was a utopia just bringing up Ursula

because unless you live in NYC specifically, life still doesn't feel like a police state.

When I was stationed in WEST Germany, you didn't fuck with the polizei.


What happened?

where do you live?

You don't live here so shut the fuck up Jamal


fuck cops

>The department's Fiscal Affairs Committee has agreed to pay Ortiz $200,000 through a settlement. Scavone was fired from the department. He now faces one year in prison along with a $100,000 fine. His sentencing is scheduled for January 2018. The former officer was initially charged with violating the woman's civil rights and falsifying his report of the encounter to obstruct an FBI investigation,.
One of many isolated incidents. Corruption has no preference for race