Why are young women the easiest demographic to influence with propaganda...

Why are young women the easiest demographic to influence with propaganda? It's like they don't even think about why they believe the things they do.

Do you think modern propaganda targets women in particular for this reason?

Yes, it does this specifically. Early advertisements for smoking (EG early propaganda) was targeted specifically to get women smoking.

The basic need for man.

modern commie propaganda does, its all about "emotions" and as you know, women fall prey to demagogy.

Women are conformists by nature. From the perspective of evolutionary psychology it makes sense. Female fertility is more valuable (a woman can have only one baby at a time) so female behavior needs to be less risky, while male fertility is not (one man can have 10 babies with 10 women), so most men can experiment to find survival advantages for their tribes and even if they die in the process it won't effect population growth too much. The problem now is the advertising industry largely defines what "normal" is, and women just conform to it without any self-reflection.

It occurred to me young women are like this back at my first college, a big hippie school. I started to realize that women's sexual tastes are a great deal based on in-group preferences.

I remember all the hippie girls going crazy over this drifter kid who appeared one day -- wasn't a student or anything. He had blond dreads, dressed like a gypsy, wreaked of patchouli (seriously), did a bunch of fire tricks, etc.

My friends thought it was the most ridiculous thing in the world how so many of the girls treated him like he was one of The Beatles. It made me and my friends roll our eyes, not because the girls were attracted to him as such, but because they fell for such an obvious ruse.

I did and still do think it's the dumbest thing in the world. And I would never take on sub/pop-cultural mannerisms and garb just to get pussy.

Now I'm starting to realize how propaganda works much in the same way. Do you think propaganda should always be aimed at this demographic? That seems like it would be the most effective group to target.

I dunno, why did Satan tell Eve to eat forbidden the fruit?

"Why" isn't a feminine word.
Explanations don't matter in the feminine realm of nature. Chaos simply is.
Mathematics is bean-counting atomism. Mother nature is not an insane crackwhore with a bag of magic beans, she doesn't deign to provide explanation for her divinely simplex nature.

> Why are young women the easiest demographic to influence with propaganda?
> Posts from possibly the most insane propaganda machine on the internet which is virtually all-male and continually pumps out fascists


Sup Forums at least makes arguments and provides some semblance of evidence for their claims even if there's a lot of shitposting.

You guys are probably the next easiest demographic, and you're targeted with much more and much more specific propaganda, as well. Anti white women psyops is a focus on the board right now

do you need a tissue? Cause I think you just jerked off all over your post

Sup Forums is at least aware of the tactics of outside groups trying to influence opinions on here.

Those are pretty much my thoughts on it too.

It also explains why women are so much more into following fashion/pop-culture trends than men. Men often seem more settled in their way of looking at the world and defining themselves.

Did you mean to respond to another post?

Kike shill or insecure beta

yes I clicked the wrong post number

how so? Women don't possess the logical or civilization-building capacity of men, this doesn't mean they aren't as important to humanity as men. Testosterone compels men to fight against nature but they can't break free of its constraints for obvious reasons. Women are more a "force of nature" than men as I said in my first post

Men at least tend to believe propaganda for logical, rational reasons. Women just go with whatever the rest of the tribe believes and what makes them feel good.

If I have daughters, I'm going to make them aware of the things discussed in this thread. You would be wise to do the same.

>she doesn't deign to provide explanation for her divinely simplex nature.
I'm not disagreeing, I'm just saying you write like a sperg

>tfw you're a propaganda machine

If they wanted to develop it they would be able to do so, even the most stupid monkey can learn logic, but women prefer to go with muuh feelings gut instinct instead of rational logic.

>Do you think modern propaganda targets women in particular for this reason?

Yes....That's why they gave them the option to vote, that's half of the population more on their side, which is very easily influenced. I have yet to see a woman interested in politics, yet most of them go voting without ever researching or reading any book about the topic.

Women are herd animals. They want to make sure they are part of the herd, and they follow what they think other women are doing.

Women are primarily motivated by fear. Fear of stuff happening to them (ie, that guy across the hall getting drunk one night and raping her) no matter how unreasonable, as well as fear of being the bottom girl in her local herd (so she works to make sure others in her circle are worse off than she is, mostly by talking shit about them to the other girls in her circle), fear of missing out on prime sperm (that's why they chase the same guys other girls have or had--- they gotta get what the others got or they are bottom tier), fear of being kicked out of the herd entirely (made an outcast--- turned into worse than the bottom of all herds).

You can look at American politics through history. Right after women get the vote in 1920, the Democratic party swapped to a fear mongering campaign style, rather than a reason and logic. Why? Cause women are more strongly motivated by fear even when they know LOGICALLY, that the guy across the hall is too weak to break down their front door and get through their door brace no matter how drunk strong he might be. The FEAR that he will is more powerful than the reason that he cannot.

Women are society--- their need to herd and their fear of being ostracized by their herd is the very foundation of human civilization. But it is the dark, corrupt seed always working to destroy it as well.

Dude, the #1 way girls compete is sex. All it takes is two girls in a group to "sorta" like a boy, and the whole group will end up trying to fuck him to death, in their bid to show which girl is top pussy. Seriously. This is a well known trait, and is used by marketing to create interest among women by hiring women to go crazy over some boy band or singer or actor putting in a public appearance. Its why girls want to fuck their own dads--- to prove they are at least as good a woman as mom, if not better. Its why moms try to fuck their daughters boyfriends/husbands--- to prove she's a superior woman to her own daughter.

Guys punch each other. Women fuck each others guys. Welcome to naked primate 101.

Nothing to do with gender and everything to do with prolonged adolescence.

Basically, anyone that hasn't matured into an adult, regardless of gender, will naturally be a follower of the norm as opposed to being a leader and setting the standard to be followed.

These adults stuck in prolonged adolescence have the same mentality as teenagers where they do what is cool and socially acceptable with their in group.

As these people have yet to mature or fully grow up, they are easier to indoctrinate and then become agents of the establishment to push the identity politics narratives further.

They are nothing more than useful immature idiots who the state will dispose of once it's grip on power is firmly cemented.

You only think this is impacting women more because women are more sociable and outspoken on average, whereas a lot of men stuck in prolonged adolescence are in their bedrooms jerking off to anime at 30+ years of age.

Divide, distract and conquer!

go fuck yourself op, you piece of shit

Women tend to be more emotional because they're the one who give birth and handle the kids.

(((they))) are using them as a way to destroy the nation. Also remember that Estrogen makes you more feminine, and more prone to acting with emotions instead of logically. This is why you hear a lot of "MUH FEELINGS" shit from Antifaggots. The second it's comes to acting rationally, they fuck up.


>Sup Forums is one person

good read.i like it.=D

This is exactly what any propagandized person, any person in a particular ideology, etc. says anyway.
Nobody who's brainwashed thinks or knows they're brainwashed because that's bad brainwashing.

Poor Simone was cucked to death, the only cool feminist.

Won't help.

Women know that they are being pandered, manipulated, and made to fear. But that is logic and reason--- and her FEAR makes her follow her little herd anyways, no matter how stupid it is, cause she doesn't want to become and outcast of her herd, and she doesn't want to lose status in her herd.

Men don't understand how powerful women experience fear. Our brains are literally wired different. For us men, it is easy to block out fear because we are mad, for instance. But even when a woman is berserker mad, she still experiences fear. It's all due to the fact that women have twice as many nerve cells in their skin then men, and for her brain to handle all that additional signal input, it has a different composition between white brain cells and grey brain cells. Women have much more white, which is the brain cell that specializes in transmitting information. This means she's got broadband connections between every area of her brain, which allows her to remember 18 things at once, rather than 1 thing at a time. It also allows her to feel every single emotion at once--- love, hate, fear, anger, frustration.

Because men have less sensitive skin, men's brains develop more grey brain cells. Grey brain cells specialize in logic. This means men have a super computer in their head, compared to the PC that women have in their head, but their brain has a dial up connection between all the parts. That's why men are mad when they are mad, and not mad-hurt-sad-frustrated-afraid. Its also why men only remember 1 thing at a time, for instance.

As a social, cooperating species, this specialization between the sexes is a good thing, and allows women to be the masters of remembering what was done before and for contemplating what might go wrong to try to prepare for it, while allowing men to be meatshields protecting the family and to ponder what might be made to improve surviving (family, being a meatshield, etc).

Because they're taught like any other young person that anything presented in an educational type format or from someone famous is true

Of course.

It may sound harsh, but women can´t think critically.

They just copy and repeat what instinctively percieve as an adventaje.

They don´t care about truth, or justice in any way.

Seriously, it is the case. Old civilizations knowed it pretty well.

Women are like children who are given privileges and treated as adults.

Women can do critical thinking. It is just that critical thinking does not help women in their daily social battles with other women.

Also, women are used to manipulating others. The prettier the woman, the easier it is to manipulate others to do things for her, particularly if she is targeting men. So she doesn't really need to do any critical thinking, as she can just offload that, like homework, to the betas that are circling her just to get a whiff of her musk.

Women are built to be followers. Being the submissive sex, they do what they are told and influenced to do by a more dominant authority/presence. Every season there are new color pallets and fashion styles in every magazine for women, and every time women immediately jump on board because it's in even when it's an ugly trend. Society needs fewer nu-males and more alpha chads. Why do you think women like blacks now? They make a show of being manly and alpha. They stink but give of natural scent. They will *tell* a woman to go out or hook up with them rather than ask, etc.
>all male
No it's just anonymous.

I hope you realize how ironic this post is coming from a Drumpfkin.

But what I said is undeniably true. Even if you think Sup Forums is making bad arguments and providing false evidence, it is at least making an effort to do so. This cannot be said of the propaganda in the mainstream media, which has no intention of discussing the opposing side's view.

Well, I don't know about all of that, as much as I appreciate evo-psych explanations for behavior -- something I did independently before I saw the alt-right were into it as well. That all sounds a little too neat to me.

You make it sound like women are totally illogical, which is simply not the case. One of my math professors is a woman who thinks as logically as the most logically-inclined men I've met.

There is sexual dimorphism, but I don't believe it's that dichotomous. There's a gradient in the development of brain structures across individuals like any other physical development.

There's some truth to it I'm sure, but I've met incredibly smart and logical women who aren't the stereotype and yet are still victim to the weaknesses of that sex.
I've also met men (gay and straight) who were more emotional than many women I know. That could be learned behavior as opposed to instinct I suppose.

Hormones make our brains develop differently, but I don't think it's facile like he seems to be implying.

>young women

just women

My mother is 63 and believes everything CNN spews out. Really quite insufferable.

>My mother is 63 and believes everything CNN spews out.

This might just be a consequence of her being a Boomer. They were the first generation raised on TV, and I think they were hypnotized with it when they were little and haven't broken the spell since.

Dawkins laughed at the 4-500 dead 'white Christians' from the LV attack in a twitter a few days ago. How's your "god" looking now?

It's extremely well know in science. It is this difference in white brain cells versus grey brain cells composition that make it possible for women to receive a head wound/brain trauma that would turn a man into a vegetable and not cause her anything than a small slow down in speech. Of course, the reverse is also true (men can suffer damage/head trauma in areas that will not significantly affect a man while turning a woman into a vegetable).

It isn't that women are incapable of logic and reason, just as it doesn't make men incapable of emotions. It is merely a difference in how the archtypical male brain is structured and works versus an archtypical female brain is structured and works. It is why women feel pain much more strongly than men. On the flip side, it is also why women tend to have a higher pain tolerance than men, because they experienced more pain overall and therefore have practiced ways to better manage and cope with pain.

This difference in grey-white mix is why women tend to have an average IQ, as the white brain cells can do logic, just not as efficiently, but even in very poor "wiring", they will get the job done in a bad set up almost as quickly as in a good set up. But because men have so much more grey cells, a bad layout of their networks cause them to suffer greatly in logic (ie, low IQ), while a great lay out causes them to have a super efficient logic solver network (ie, high IQ).

Women with high IQ tend to have slightly more grey cells than the average women and having a neural network that is highly suited to logic solving and symbol manipulating in an extremely efficient way.

Check the stats. Men have a wider distribution of IQ versus women, but both half of all men still end up dumber than half of all women. That's a neat thing of the difference in mixtures of grey to white--- it all works out across the species.

Considering the LV killer could have just driven his car into the concert crowd at high speeds then detonated the 40 pounds of legal high explosives he had in his car at the time and killed at least 5000 people and injured another 10,000? Pretty damn good.

Hell, he could have placed that explosive by the airport fuel tanks and literally shot it to explode it, because that's what that explosive is designed to do! Explode when shot. That would have gotten him an incredibly high score of dead and wounded, and likely had caused a few billion dollars of damage to the nearby hotels.

Instead, that dying bastard decided to go out in an FPS blaze of glory, guaranteeing he missed the ultimate high score he could have gotten and became the single biggest mass killer ever in American history, and immortalized forever in public media and the internet.

Some of what you're saying is true such as men having more grey matter in proportion to women and other factoids. But you then draw conclusions from these that aren't established at all like how women experience all these emotions simultaneously when men don't, apparently, or that women experience fear when they're mad but men don't. Stuff like that's a little silly.

Even stuff like the sensitivity of skin being related to how brain cells develop sounds like a correlation at best if it's even true.

Women don't have to experience fear while they experience anger. But they are capable of feeling them both at the same time and much stronger than a man would.

When we get hurt, we get mad. Its a basic self defense response, right? Well, when guys get hurt, they stop feeling the hurt while they are mad. When women get hurt, they still feel and are aware of the hurt when they are mad. That's because their brain can communicate from her memory and emotional centers to their highest conscious levels all of those emotions. A man's brain isn't structured the same and therefore doesn't communicate those emotional statuses at the same time.

Women don't care about how alpha a man is. They only care about financial and emotional comittment. It's men who think in terms of alpha and beta, since we view the world in hierachical terms. Women on the other hand have a egalitarian network based view about the world. They only care about what the man can provide for them. Make no mistake, both the alpha and beta must concede to women, or else she moves on. Women also are very dominant and tyranical in relationships. They only choose dominant men, because they are easier to manipulate.

>Women don't care about how alpha a man is
t. beta

Because they don't read.

They listen to NPR and think they are "informed". Plus, they would like it if POC's accepted them as woke.

Smaller brains.

Yeah, stuff like that I don't buy, is what I'm saying. It sounds like you're just extrapolating from unrelated factoids.