Why don't atheists have a culture?

Why don't atheists have a culture?

Why do christians claim pagan culture as their own?

Lack of a culture is a culture in itself.

>gawdy disney world esque cathedral with rainbows

no divine inspiration

is that a new area of disneyland?


>American in charge of acknowledging culture

>talking about culture

Lack of a cock is a cock in itself

Beautiful white stone

Same reason Europeans claim a Semitic religion as their own.

it looks rather cold

They believe in nothing

Atheists don't believe in creators, so they create nothing.

its nice prefer the Orthodox ones they have a more warm feeling due to the wall being painted

My culture is one of science, high IQs and feeling superior to others.

It doesn't look cold at all. It looks like an entrance to heaven.

the Heart of Yorkshire. Beautiful and Christian.

What about the atheists that created stuff?

In real terms, a large amount of racial and historical diversity because atheism/agnosticism/humanism/other non-religion (up until this most recent generation) is 85-90% converts coming from a wide range of backgrounds.

Combine that with how non-religious people lack large, regular community gatherings (there's no equivilent to a church/temple/mosque for the non-religious) and you have less a community with set ideals and culture and more an amalgam of people who aren't bound together as much as they coincidentally believe (or, more accurately don't believe) the same thing.

tl;dr non-religion is more of an individual activity whereas religion is much more based in community and common cultural and racial roots

it rather odd seeing a church with no paintings just simple stone or marble

Christianity became a religion by Rome and everything happened within the Roman Empire. The new testament is written in Greek and the first Church was in Anatolia. What semitic religion again?